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Улаз и обилазак плантаже Бооне Халл са превозом из Чарлстона

Вратите се у прошлост са 4,5-сатном посетом једној од најстаријих америчких радних, живих плантажа. Превезите се до овог историјског места са искусним возачем у удобном, климатизованом мини аутобусу. Плантажа Бооне Халл је препозната као плантажа број 1 у области Чарлстона, према УСА ТОДАИ. Обилазак укључује повратни превоз из Центра за посетиоце у Чарлстону, све улазнице, обилазак куће са водичем, позориште Гула (у сезони), обилазак баште и терена са сопственим водичем и обилазак трамвајем (зависно од расположивости). Обилазак малих група је ограничен на максимално 25 људи.
Цити: Цхарлестон
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $67.76
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $67.76
Шта је укључено
Самостални обилазак врта, историјске колибе за робове,
Преузимање и одлазак са одређене тачке састанка
Све накнаде за улаз
Климатизовани аутобуси
Презентација Гула театра костимираног извођача
Обилазак трамвајем (у зависности од расположивости)
Обилазак Плантатион Хоусе са водичем у историјској одећи
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Путници треба да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Пице/грицкалице се могу купити у Плантатиону<ли>Није приступачно за инвалидска колица, али су особе са ограниченом покретљивошћу добродошле ако им може помоћи пратилац<ли> ли><ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>У овом тренутку се захтевају маске за лице.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (212)
Jan 2019
We drove ourselves to the Plantation. It was an easy drive from Charleston. The Plantation has a beautiful entrance lined with Oaks. The guides are very informative. There was one who spoke about the slave quarters, another road in the tram with us and showed us the property and all of the current crops being grown and talked about the history of the land use. Also gave information about current events at the Plantation. Another guide greets you at the Mansion and talks about the history of the home, the previous owners and the evolution of the Plantation throughout the years. By far the best part of the day was the Gullah/Geechee presentation by Jackie, the “Gullah/Geechee Girl”. She brought the history of the slaves to life. Beautiful storyteller. Overall, well worth the admission fee. My entire family enjoyed it (15 yr old teens and 10 yr old).
Nov 2018
This is an excellent tour for all ages. The history told about Gullah and Boon plantation were fascinating. Enjoyed seeing the slave quarters, cotton gin and walking through the mansion.
Nov 2018
The guided tour of the mansion was fascinating. The tour guide mainly discussed about the history of the property and its various homeowners. She also talked about the interior designs/architecture, furniture, and antiques. Our tour group was quite large (approximately 30 people) and we could barely fit in the rooms, which was quite disappointing because people obstructed the view of certain items, like furniture, pictures, and other areas of interest. The tour lasted about 30 mins. and felt a little rushed and scripted. The tour was just of the main floor (2 main rooms). Nevertheless, the tour guide was enthusiastic and played the part (she was dressed in a traditional, era-appropriate gown). The tour was informative, but I enjoyed exploring the grounds on my own way more. The slave houses were very eye-opening and humbling. It was such a surreal experience walking in the slave houses. Each house had different exhibits about the history of slavery and beyond. The houses are definitely a must-see! Take your time browsing each house! My favorite part of Boone Hall was the Gullah presentation. What a beautiful performance! The woman told stories of her ancestors and sang deeply emotional, spiritual songs. There was even a segment where volunteers from the crowd participated in, and it was hilarious! I believe there are only a couple showtimes for the Gullah presentation, so make sure to set aside time to watch it! A must-see! Overall, the plantation is absolutely striking! The drive up to the mansion is breathtaking! The rows of live oak tees on either side of the road arch over as if to form a tunnel. What a gorgeous site! Definitely one of the best plantations to visit in the Charleston area, especially regarding the history of slavery!

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