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Опијање за доручак: Француска четврт у Њу Орлеансу

Уживајте у двочасовном бранч пузању кроз Француску четврт.<бр><бр>Започните свој дан тачно са ураганом у руци. Не можете да пијете цео дан ако не почнете ујутру.<бр>Смањите апетит креолским и цајунским узорцима за доручак<бр>Могућности на Инстаграму: балкон у француској четврти, ресторан са храном, река Мисисипи, трг Џексон, и Културни музеј.<бр>Почетна локација обиласка: Бон'с Стреет Фоод која се налази на адреси 620 Децатур Ст Унит 1Б, Њу Орлеанс, ЛА. Сачекајте 15 минута за чекирање.<бр>Обилазак почиње у 11:00.<бр>Обилазак траје отприлике 2 сата.
Цити: Њу Орлеанс
Fri 31 Jan
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Са почетком у $85.00
Fri 31 Jan
Са почетком у $85.00
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивои физичке спремности
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
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Коментара (26)
Dec 2022
"BOOZY BRUNCH CRAWL" gives me the impression that we will visit 3 or 4 venues and sample food and drink at various places. That is what I expected and I was terribly disappointed. This is not what I would consider a "crawl" since we kept ending up at Bon's Street Food for all the food and drinks except for the praline and the mudslide. Drinks: 1 med hurricane, 1 small mimosa, 1 mudslide drink that was the "base" recipe BUT........we were welcome to pay for our own shot to go in it (what???) Food: 1 small cup of gumbo, 1 praline, 1 frog leg, 1 boudin ball, 3 gator bites (yep that's it). We ate the gumbo in a park area but the guide took it with us from Bon's. We ate the frog leg, boudin, and gator bites back at Bon's in a solid white room with no windows. The tour guide seemed ok at first and had lots of info and restaurant recommendations, but we ended up just getting tired of listening to him bash the places he didn't like. I've done several food/drink/dessert tours in New Orleans and I'd recommend skipping this one.
Dec 2022
We ate a variety of food but all from the same restaurant. I thought we would be stopping at more than one. place for food. We had a praline at one spot but the rest of the food was from the one spot. It was plenty of food and it all was good but not quite the experience we thought.
Dec 2022
DJ was a great host. Sharp sense of humor. We enjoyed him to the point we schedule an evening pub crawl as well. A little disappointed all the food came from the same location, but that way they have control I guess

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