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Бостон Цодзилла Хигх-Спеед Тхрилл Боат Риде

Кодзила је стигла. А Бостонска лука никада неће бити иста. Сада има више узбуђења, више смеха и веће брзине него што сте икада замишљали док прелазите преко океана брзином до 40 миља на сат. Ви ћете урлати за још након вожње Цодзиле. Ставили смо педалу на метал и јачину звука на 11 док снимамо оригиналну музику и емисију по сценарију холивудских сценариста. Седите и опустите се? Не на овом крстарењу.
Цити: Бостон
Thu 14 Nov
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Са почетком у $45.94
Thu 14 Nov
Са почетком у $45.94
Шта је укључено
Слушајте оригиналну музику и емисију коју су написали холивудски сценаристи
Водоотпорне торбе
Бесплатан пончо на броду
45-минутна вожња великом брзином Цодзилла Тхрилл Боат
Приповедана узбудљива вожња која препричава легендарну причу о томе како је Цодзилла дошао у Бостон
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седите одраслој у крило<ли>Опције превоза су доступне инвалидским колицима<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Кодзила није обична вожња чамцем. Цодзилла је узбудљива вожња са брзинама до 40 МПХ, са ударцима, заокретима, окретима и окретима од 360 степени.<ли>Због брзих, интензивних маневара и екстремних сила Цодзилла Тхрилл Риде-а, на ово пловило треба да се укрцате само ако сте доброг здравља и немате висок крвни притисак, проблеме са срцем, леђима или вратом, мучнину кретања или друга стања која би могла да се погоршају овом вожњом.<ли>Чамац је. приступ инвалидским колицима, али тоалети нису приступачни за инвалидска колица.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (237)
Jul 2022
The narrator Anya…she belted out a tune on the ride back it was amazing! Loved the way the boat could turn on a dime! Impressive
Anita T
Jul 2022
I was overjoyed with this unexpected adventure!! I was in Boston for a work weekend & was able to get one day to go play in Boston. My friend originally had planned for us to go to the Aquarium, but, it was sold out. I was due to arrive at the airport at 5pm, so we were on a strict time schedule. Since we were at the Harbor, my friend treated me to this amazing experience. In NO WAY was I prepared for this outing!! Lol For those of you who plan on going, bring a towel and a change of clothes with you. Leave personal belongings in the trunk of your car & do not wear anything that will get ruined by water. So…while waiting in line, a staff member handed me a free plastic poncho and stated gleefully, it was & does what it is worth. I found this hilarious & if it were not for me having to jump on a plane, I would have just NOT worn the poncho for the full experience!! They do inform, that the closer you sit to the front, the drier you will stay. We were in the middle of the line, so we ended up in the middle of the boat. Before walking down the ramp, a photographer is there to snap a quick photo of you. Classic rock was jamming on the speakers as we made our way to our seats (the staff member handed me an extra poncho to wrap my purse & gifts in to). When everyone was seated, the very cheerful tour guide introduced herself (I am so sorry I cannot remember her name) & very quickly went over the legal disclaimer. I found her to be quite delightful and very funny!! Capt. Pat then fired up the engines, allowed a tour boat to pull in, then we were off & waving at everyone who wished they were on the boat with us!! The 1st leg is at idle, & the tour guide gave a history of the harbor & the story of the Cod. Once we were past the green buoy…the real adventure and fun begins. The power of the motor pitches the front up, and we were off cutting through the waves seamlessly. A few turns here & there, then when Cpt. Pat’s sees a wake, he B lines towards it pitching the boat in to a turn, and then the waterworks!!! We were drenched!! A large spray of water covered us. So much for staying dry for my flight. I should have known I was going to be drenched when I saw the Capt at the dock was soaked (and he sits high above in the boat). Sometime in the middle, the Cpt spins us in to a “stall” and the tour guide gives more info before setting off for more fun. Overall, fantastic experience & worth every minute. I was dropped off at the airport telling anyone who would listen of my adventure.
Jul 2022
Jinx the guide was great!! The ride was perfect way to see the harbor. We loved the tunes cranking especiallyJourneys, Don’t Stop Believing on the way back in to dock!

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