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Бостон Цодзилла Хигх-Спеед Тхрилл Боат Риде

Кодзила је стигла. А Бостонска лука никада неће бити иста. Сада има више узбуђења, више смеха и веће брзине него што сте икада замишљали док прелазите преко океана брзином до 40 миља на сат. Ви ћете урлати за још након вожње Цодзиле. Ставили смо педалу на метал и јачину звука на 11 док снимамо оригиналну музику и емисију по сценарију холивудских сценариста. Седите и опустите се? Не на овом крстарењу.
Цити: Бостон
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $45.94
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $45.94
Шта је укључено
Слушајте оригиналну музику и емисију коју су написали холивудски сценаристи
Водоотпорне торбе
Бесплатан пончо на броду
45-минутна вожња великом брзином Цодзилла Тхрилл Боат
Приповедана узбудљива вожња која препричава легендарну причу о томе како је Цодзилла дошао у Бостон
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седите одраслој у крило<ли>Опције превоза су доступне инвалидским колицима<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Кодзила није обична вожња чамцем. Цодзилла је узбудљива вожња са брзинама до 40 МПХ, са ударцима, заокретима, окретима и окретима од 360 степени.<ли>Због брзих, интензивних маневара и екстремних сила Цодзилла Тхрилл Риде-а, на ово пловило треба да се укрцате само ако сте доброг здравља и немате висок крвни притисак, проблеме са срцем, леђима или вратом, мучнину кретања или друга стања која би могла да се погоршају овом вожњом.<ли>Чамац је. приступ инвалидским колицима, али тоалети нису приступачни за инвалидска колица.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (237)
Aug 2018
While on a short family vacation in Boston my family and I decided to ride Codzilla. It's something we've done about 3 years ago and enjoyed very much. Once again we weren't disappointed! It was as much fun the second time as the first. We originally had bought tickets online for 8/11/18 but we were rained out. I didn't have any problem rescheduling our experience for 8/16/18. Boston Harbor Cruises were very helpful in handling our ticket reschedule. They changed them without a problem. We also had our family picture taken by BHC photographer just before getting on Codzilla. However, with our excitement from the ride, we forgot about the picture and we hadn't gotten a ticket for the picture so we had no way of getting the picture. The picture meant a lot to me because it's the only family picture I had during vacation and my son, who is in the military, was heading back to base. When we got home I emailed BHC and they replied the next day with the info I would need to track down the picture. I was able to locate the pic and order it. Boston Harbor Cruises were great from rescheduling our tickets, the Codzilla ride, to locating our picture.
Bob M
Aug 2018
Grandparents with an 11y/o grandson. We all had a great time and all enjoyed the ride. Do not turn down the plastic cover they offer.
Aug 2018
So I did the Codzilla ride with my family yesterday. My kids, ages 11 and 15, loved it. My wife, not exactly a thrill seeker, had her concerns but I think had fun. I have been on boats my whole life and it was pretty fun – but it could’ve been better. We Made reservations for Sunday on Saturday morning. Most rides were still available. We went in to the city, parked and wandered around a bit before heading to the boat. We got there about 15 minutes early and we could just walk on. Nope! They kindly pointed to the line of maybe 80 or 100 people. We were a bit concerned that we would not get to sit together, but it turns out we got an entire road to ourselves, Albeit toward the back of the boat. When you head out into the harbor, you have to go fairly slow as there is a no wake zone until maybe a half a mile out. Then they go on it and the fun begins. Unless you are in the front you really cannot see anything ahead of you, but the views to either side we’re fine. Boston Harbor is quite busy with all sorts of boat including some large tankers so there was always something to look at. I was a little surprised and or disappointed that there best way of getting people wet seems to be slowing down into either waves or just slowing down the front of the boat comes down pretty fast and water shooting everywhere. I got fairly soaked two or three times and I was in the middle back of the boat. Some people on the outside edges were drenched. The boat ride lasts about 40 minutes, I’ll be at maybe 15 of those minutes are spent with the guy upfront talking. But you do blast around for about 20 minutes.

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