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Крстарење луком за разгледање историје у Бостону са погледом на УСС Цонститутион изблиза

Види знаменитости. Доживите историју. Унутрашње и спољашње луке Бостона преплављене су легендама и предањем, да не спомињемо лепоту. На овом потпуно испричаном 60-минутном историјском обиласку Бостонске луке, забавићемо вас причама о херојима из рата за независност, локалним легендама о мору и причама о ликовима из прошлости и садашњости. Сазнаћете како је лука претворена у једну од најчистијих у земљи. Остале знаменитости укључују најстарији светионик у земљи са сталном посадом, подручје Националног парка Харбор Исландс, радну луку у Бостону и примере екстравагантног живота на обали. Погледајте задивљујући панорамски поглед на Бостонски хоризонт док пловите поред бостонске обале. Гарантујте своје место на овом популарном крстарењу тако што ћете резервисати унапред већ данас!
Цити: Бостон
Fri 27 Dec
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Са почетком у $44.79
Fri 27 Dec
Са почетком у $44.79
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60-минутно историјско крстарење Бостонском луком
Пловите кроз подручје Националног парка Харбор Исландс и радну луку Бостона
Погледајте најстарији светионик у Америци са сталном посадом
Погледајте задивљујући панорамски поглед на обрисе Бостона и приобалне области током вашег крстарења
Обилазак са приповедањем са причама о рату за независност, легендама мора и историјским личностима Бостона
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Чамац је приступачан за инвалидска колица, али тоалети нису приступачни за инвалидска колица
Шта да очекујете
Државни парк Бостон Харбор Исландс
Тхомпсон Исланд
Бумпкин Исланд
Крстарења луком у Бостону
Педдоцкс Исланд
Ловелл'с Исланд
Галопско острво
Спецтацле Исланд
Крстарења луком у Бостону
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (558)
Jul 2018
Long Wharf is the home of Boston Harbour Cruises. We opted for the historic harbour tour and we weren’t disappointed. Nate, our tour guide, on the Martha Washington was very informative and it was good to get the advice on where to sit for the best views. The boat was great and had comfortable seats. We really enjoyed the experience! We didn’t find the kiosk staff before the cruise so helpful. We had prebooked tickets and weren’t told these had to be converted to boarding tickets until we got in queue.
Judi H
Jul 2018
This was a fun, informative and easy to access harbor cruise. The guide told great stories of the islands former and current use, the tour was 90 minutes so lots of time to relax out on the water. And the dock/boat staff were very nice and helpful. Food and restroom facilities on board, a bar on the dock also made waiting easier!!
Car Keys
Jul 2018
Most of historic and new Boston is easily accessible by foot, car or trolley, but a better perspective is gained on a boat out in the harbor. Whether you are new to Boston or a life-long resident, you really should invest 90 minutes of your time and just under $30 to take in the breath taking beauty of the City's skyline and an entertaining and often humorous narration aboard one of the Boston Harbor Historic cruises. On a recent picture perfect summer's day, my partner and I treated an Australian friend to the historic cruise, departing from centrally located (next to the NE Aquarium) Long Wharf. From the moment the boat pulled away from the dock, our history lesson began. Kevin, our very knowledgeable and animated narrator, immediately started pointing out places of historical importance along Boston's waterfront juxtaposed with the City's newest (less than six years old) skyscrapers in the bustling Seaport District. Our cruise next brought us alongside South Boston and historic Castle Island as we made our way to The Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area, a series of 34 small islands most notable of which are the popular Georges Island with its civil war era Fort Warren and controversial Long Island, which has played home to British sheep, cattle and swine during Revolutionary times, a Massachusetts Civil War Regiment and some of Boston's homeless people in more recent years. Kevin was at his story-telling best when he spun yarns about the Confederate Lady in Black ghost on Georges Island and the Tory Scarlet Lady ghost of Long Island. Passing within view of Boston Light at the head of Boston's outer harbor, the next leg of the cruise took us by the multi billon dollar Dear Island Wastewater Treatment Plant, which Kevin actually made to sound quite interesting; Logan Airport; the old ship building yards of East Boston; and Charlestown Navy Shipyard with views of Old Ironsides, the US Navy's oldest commissioned warship. With so much to see and so much history to absorb, the 90 minutes flew by and we were back at Long Wharf far too soon, but to mitigate the disappointment that our little trip had ended, Kevin graciously stood at the dock as we disembarked and invited questions from us and our shipmates. A happy ending to a delightful trip.

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