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Пешачка дегустација Бостона са Сецрет Фоод Тоурс

Проведите три сата у пешачкој тури са водичем испуњеном кулинарским ужицима. Ви и мала група (до 12 људи) ћете пробати најсвежију морску храну и неку од најбољих италијанских намирница у земљи у кварту Нортх Енд Бостона. Док истражујете разнобојну сцену хране, ваш водич ће поделити историју тог подручја.
Цити: Бостон
Tue 07 Jan
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $98.00
Tue 07 Jan
Са почетком у $98.00
Шта је укључено
Тортелини од бундеве
Обилазак хране у малим групама
Наше укусно тајно јело
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Минимална старост за пиће је 21 годину<ли>Препоручују се удобне ципеле за ходање<ли>*Имајте на уму: план пута и мени су подложни променама на основу доступности локација, временских прилика и других околности.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике на јавним местима<ли> Маске за лице потребне су водичима у јавним просторима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током целог искуства
Шта да очекујете
Бостонско јавно тржиште
Затим ћете открити тајне Бостонске јавне пијаце, градске сале за храну и пијаце на којој локално становништво купује. А кад смо већ код тајни, ваш водич ће вам показати како да заобиђете дуге редове да бисте добили најбољу ролницу са јастогом у граду!
Фреедом Траил
Не заборавите да кажете "здраво!" до Пола Ревера и других америчких легенди као водича који вас води кроз делове стазе слободе.
Нортх Енд
И, коначно, време је да оставите канолије и узмете тирамису у најстаријем италијанском кафићу у Бостону.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (279)
Coleman A
Jan 2019
I planned the North End Boston Secret Food Tour for my wife’s birthday. Taylor was our guide and was super good about communicating the details of our tour. She was great to speak with and quite knowledgeable of Boston and the great places we stopped at along our route! I would definitely recommend her and the tour for a fun day out on the town! Thank you!
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
Thank you very much for joining our tour and for your kind words. We're truly honoured to have you in our food tour and we're extremely delighted that you had a wonderful time with Taylor! Please come and visit again our other Secret Food Tours - now in over 30 cities world-wide. Till next time! :)
Jan 2019
Taylor began by calling my cell a couple minutes before the tour time and talking us in to the meeting point. This made the start of the tour very comfortable because we would have been wandering around to find the meeting spot. The tour kept a good pace and had just the right amount of walk, rest, walk for a mixed group. Food was excellent. Taylor was pleasant and knowledgeable.
Одговор домаћина
Jan 2019
Thank you very much for joining our tour and for your kind words. We're truly honoured to have you in our food tour and we're extremely delighted that you had a wonderful time with Taylor. Please come and visit again our other tours on Secret Food Tours - now in over 30 cities world-wide. Till next time! :)
Dec 2018
We planned our short vacation around this tour, but unfortunately I can't say how it would have been because they cancelled it only 17 minutes before the tour! Given how they make a big deal about how they don't take latecomers, we were already there and waiting, and when no one showed up I called, and that's how I found out. They said the one guide couldn't make it at the last minute, and another guide would have been late, so they cancelled. They should have honored their obligation even if the tour would have started late. They did offer us another date and a 20% discount off another tour, but we weren't going to be in town at that point. Bottom line: If you don't want to be stood up, go with another tour company!
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2018
We're very sorry that we had an unforeseen issue with the guide and had to cancel your tour at the last minute. As I mentioned on the phone, our guide wasn’t able to attend the tour due to the guide being locked out of her apartment with her sweet dog inside, and she was understandably worried about her dog, and we couldn’t find another guide quickly enough to operate your tour. We did reach out earlier in the morning, leaving a voicemail and sending an email in an attempt to contact you as soon as possible to let you know the tour had been cancelled, and we've issued you a full refund for your tickets plus a 20% discount on any of our tours to apologize for your experience. I understand that you were upset that we were unable to reschedule your tour for later in the day. If we could have done this to accommodate your group, we certainly would have. Since we use very small shops and restaurants, and on a busy Friday like that one, we were unable to push our reservations with these restaurants until later in the day to accommodate your group. Again we are very sorry for the experience you had, but we sincerely hope you experience any one of our tours worldwide.

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