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Бурбон и дерби: Макерс Марк ИЛИ друга дестилерија + Черчил Даун

Доживите јединствени обилазак традиционалних дестилерија бурбона (у Кентакију постоји више од 20 дестилерија које можете изабрати) и Цхурцхилл Довн и ослободите се стреса ако не идете сами тако што ћете резервисати посебан обилазак. Уживајте у обиласку и не брините ни о чему.<бр>Ваш водич вас води до легендарних дестилерија где можете научити о процесу производње бурбона и пробати неки посебан бурбон (+21 година) и можете посетити Черчила доле.<бр><бр>Коначно, имате опцију да додате треће туристичко место - трошак додатно<бр><бр>Напомена: Ако желите да додате треће туристичко место, пошаљите е-маил туристичком оператеру након што извршите резервацију.<бр><бр>Додатне информације:<бр>- Потребне су најмање две особе по обиласку.<бр>- Можете да прилагодите обилазак с обзиром на почетни обим<бр>- Зависимо од доступности дестилерије, Черчил доле - Почетак обиласка време може да варира у зависности од дестилерије.
Цити: Лоуисвилле
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $239.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $239.00
Шта је укључено
Флаширана вода
добићете план пута путем е-поште са временом почетка (зависи од доступности дестилерије)
Покупимо све путнике у њиховим хотелима (Довнтовн Лоуисвилле)
Улазнице - 01 дестилерија и Черчил доле
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Од беба се тражи да седе у крилу одрасле особе.<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције.<ли>Маске за лице су неопходне за путнике у јавним просторима<ли> ли><ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче у јавним просторима<ли>Маске за лице обезбеђене за путнике<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Социјално дистанцирање се примењује током целог дана искуство<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руке<ли>Редовне провере температуре за особље<ли>Провере температуре за путнике по доласку<ли>Плаћена политика боравка код куће за особље са симптомима<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака<ли>Посвећеност ЦОВИД-19 у вези са препорукама ЦДЦ-а и локалним прописима. 1.- Ако мислите да имате ЦОВИД-19 или имате симптоме, останите код куће 2.- Обавезно је ношење маске током обиласка 3.- Стално перите руке. 4.- Отворите прозор када је то могуће
Шта да очекујете
Цхурцхилл Довнс
Историјски пешачки обилазак тркалишта Черчил Даунс • „Највећа трка“ и медијско искуство од 360° које ће вам убрзати срце и узбуђење. Такође имате два спрата интерактивних изложби погодних за породицу, упознајте чистокрвне коње и фантастичног понија. На крају имате приступ продавници поклона. (90 минута) Напомена: Подложни смо распореду и доступности тура у зависности од потражње и управљања Черчиловим падовима.
Дестилерија Воодфорд Ресерве
ОПЦИОНАЛНО: ВоодФорд дестилерија у којој ћемо знати и видети о производном процесу и историји Бурбона. Коначно ћете пробати најбоље производе дестилерије
Ознака произвођача
Опционо: Одлична дестилерија, тако да ћемо посетити Макерс Марк и обавити обилазак или дегустацију
Дестилерија Буффало Траце
Бурбонска турнеја - Франкорт
Show 1 више заустављања
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Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (23)
May 2021
My wife and I planned a trip to Louisville to visit the city before heading to the Indy 500. The tour had seemingly received positive reviews and covered a lot of what we wanted to see in a short time. I purchased the tour because it stated it would take us to 2 distilleries and churchill downs. After purchasing the tour, a week later the description changed stating we only would visit one distillery and churchill downs, and that we could pay extra the visit another distillery. I spoke to Jorie and paid an additional $100, $50 per my wife and I to visit the Bulliet distillery (this was all planned and paid for one month before our visit). 2 days before we were supposed to leave, Marjorie from the tour called and stated that we couldn't visit Bulliet (that we paid extra for) or churchill downs because the driver had a family emergency. I stated that we decided on this tour because it took us to Churchill downs. Marjorie said we could visit churchill downs but wouldn't be able to visit the Bulliet distillery due to logistical reasons. i.e. the distillery was too far away. This seemed odd because we were given the option to purchase this add on. In exchange, she stated she would refund the $100 for the bulliet tour and that we would visit Four Roses and Barton for free instead. That's fine I said, as long as we went to Churchill downs. On the day of the tour, we discovered we were paired with another couple from our hotel, our driver was Juan, Marjorie's husband he stated. Four Roses and Barton tasting were great, however, the issue began when we got to lunch after. Juan stated that we would eat at the old Talbott Inn. However, after we placed our orders, 20 mins later Juan stated we had to go or we would be late for our Buffalo Trace distillery tour and tasting. At this point, my wife and I exchanged itineraries with the other couple. We discovered that the other couple had the same itinerary as us but without churchill downs, but said they had paid more than us! I communicated with Juan in Spanish that we were suppose to eat at the old Talbott Inn for lunch. Either way, getting our food to go and rushing to eat in the car was an inconvenience. We barely made our your to Buffalo trace distillery, seemingly 5 minutes late. The tour was great, but at this point the unorganized condition of our tour providers was dampening our experience. After, the other couple was dropped off at the hotel and my wife and I were taken to churchill downs, where once again we were a few minutes late to the tour. The experience was still great, we saw horses and a race and were able to explore the beautiful venue. I told Juan that the refund his wife had promised hadn't shown up on my account yet and he said he would take care of it. At the time of this review, I still haven't received my refund for the extra distillery tour I paid for. It appears that this tour was cancelled because it clashed with the other married couple's itinerary. If that is the case, the tour operators shouldn't allow for customization options for each person's tour if it can't be logistically achieved. Suffice to say, the tours, tastings, etc were phenomenal. However, the inexperience of the tour providers unfortunately impacted ours and the other married couple's overall experience.
Одговор домаћина
May 2021
Dear Devin according to your comment: 1.- The tour you booked is not private 2.- You booked a Tour for 2 tourist places: Buffalo Trace and Churchill Down - Additional Stitzel Weller 3.- We will contact you because we need to cancel the tour due to a driver emergency. But you requested to go on the other tour and chose: Four Roses, 1792 Barton, Buffalo Trace and Churchill down 4.- An additional invoice was sent to you for Four Roses and 1792 Barton, you have not paid yet (That is the price difference between you and the other couple) 5.- Please check your invoice, because the payment you made for Stitzel Weller is being discounted. There is a pending payment 6.- You have changed the initial itinerary affecting the whole group (Restaurant, lunch time, one more hour in Buffalo Trace) 7.- You stayed an hour longer than planned at Buffalo Trace. Due to changes in the itinerary, we change your Churchill down tour one hour later. 8.- To clarify and not generate problems for our work team and families. Mrs. Marjorie and Mr. Juan are co-workers. Dear Devin, you cannot confirm relationships between employees without knowledge because it can cause problems for their respective families. Finally, thanks for your feedback. We are glad that your experience at the distilleries was great.
Apr 2021
Let me start by saying our driver Juan was AMAZING! And Marjorie that booked everything and setup our itinerary was also excellent. However the tours title said Buffalo Trace and Churchill Downs. All the pictures of Churchill Downs showed horses and kids petting them. They texted me to let me know that they didn’t have enough tickets for BT distillery. I was okay with that especially with Covid going on. During this text exchange setting up our itinerary they sent me a picture of 1792 Full Proof award winning bourbon and part of the itinerary said 1792 tasting. When we got to Barton’s for the tasting it wasn’t Full Proof. It was very cheap Old Barton’s, and 1792 Small Batch. During the Churchill Down tour we never saw a horse anywhere. Overall we made the most of our tour but it was nothing like advertised.
Apr 2021
Churchill Downs was great, the tour guy was very informative and interesting to listen to. We were Picked up our hotel and the driver was very helpful.

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