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Искуство бутик винарије у држави Фредерицксбург Текас Хилл

Наш ексклузивни обилазак са водичем осмишљен је да нашим гостима пружи одлично искуство вина. Сазнајте више о тексашким винима и зашто су изузетна и другачија. Сазнајте о сортама вина које се производе уз упознавање са винима винара који су страствени за своја вина. Посетите прелепе, приватне винарије за дегустацију резервисану само за наше госте. Одлично за почетнике у вину као и за искусне. Ваш обилазак укључује посету три бутик винарије и/или дегустационе објекте у живописној држави Тексас Хилл Цоунтри, укусни ручак у кутији који је припремио кувар или унапред договорено заустављање у локалном ресторану. Ова тура је јединствен начин да доживите винску земљу Тексаса и пожелећете да то урадите поново! Свака тура је прилагођена и свака тура је другачија - не посећујемо исте винарије на сваком путовању јер планирамо наше туре за највећа искуства која су доступна нашим гостима. <бр>**ОВО МОЖЕ БИТИ И ПРИВАТНА ТУРНЕЈА за 6+ сваког дана у недељи. Молимо питајте**<бр>
Цити: Фредерицксбург
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $229.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $229.00
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Коментара (119)
Laurie R
Jun 2022
Rebecca was our driver/guide and was the absolute best! She’s so very friendly, knowledgeable and made our excursion so much more enjoyable. This boutique wineries tour is a great way to learn about the wine making process and to see a behind the scenes view, which we did thanks to Rebecca. Our group highly recommends this tour company and this tour. We had a grand day!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Thank you so much! We hope to see you again.
May 2022
Let me start with what was good... Rebecca, our tour guide, was knowledgeable and conversational. She picked us up on time and it was nice to not have to drive. The actual tour itself was an absolute bust and if I could get a refund of even 50% I would be really happy. We spent almost $500 on a tour that took us to 3 wineries.... Kuhlman Cellars, Untamed and Lost Draw.... and 2 of the 3 "wineries" weren't even kind of a winery. I asked specifically before our tour if this would be a tour of wineries that had actual vineyards (1 did) and if it would be actual TEXAS grapes/wines versus a wine making room with California imported grapes. I was told that it would indeed be Texas wines and that was not the case with 2 of the 3 stops. I also asked if we would be taking tours of the barrel rooms. We went in to two rooms that we were told were barrel rooms. They weren't. So disappointed. Kuhlman Cellars was amazing. They have a small vineyard. The gentleman that spoke to us that day was really entertaining and knew his wine! They did a food bite and wine pairing and made the entire experience very special. The stories that went with the wine and thought that went into the food bite paired with the wine was much appreciated. we had 5 tastings there (1 white and 4 reds). Untamed was awful. I wish I could say a few nice things but all I can come up with is that the pizza that was provided for lunch wasn't awful. There was nothing at all at this "winery" that gave the impression it was a winery. There was nothing that made our group feel special and nothing/ no one that explained the wine, the wine making process or the thought behind their vision. It was a large, loud cafeteria style room, over-crowded with people, a lack-luster lunch that was late arriving at our table forcing us to eat quickly. They only gave us 3 tastings (white, rose, red) all of which were pretty lackluster and never once came back to the table to check on our party. It was one of the worst "winery" tour experiences I have had in the very many years I've been attending wine tours. I'm not even sure what Lost Draw was. It most certainly was not a winery. We had 5 tastings and each one was worst than the last. We didn't have a sommelier or a wine maker but just a very nice kid pouring our wine for us. The fact that this venue was on a $500 boutique wine tour was actually pretty insulting because it was definitely just a bar with an extended wine list. If I have to find something something nice to say I can say that I enjoyed the live music. All in all, this was a pretty bad experience. We had 10 people on the tour; each celebrating a birthday or anniversary and there was nothing to make any of us feel celebrated by the company or the wineries. There are other wine tours and wine shuttles that you can take for WAAAAAAAY less money. Please do one of those. There is nothing special about this tour, the experience or the wineries. I'm all for paying up to have a quality experience but this was just a waste of money and a waste of a day. I'm really disappointed by the whole thing.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Hello Kelly, we never wish for any of our guests to be disappointed. We regret that this tour did not meet your expectations and we think it may have been because of the type of winery tour that you ultimately chose. Your opinion is important to us, and I appreciate the opportunity to explain the differences for those who are on the fence about choosing the right tour. This tour visited Boutique Wineries. Wineries are defined as “a location are where wine is made.” And Boutique wineries make less than 10,000 cases of wine per year - small, intimate and interesting places that are not large production facilities. Your visit included 3 award-winning Boutique Wineries. Every Boutique Winery tour is custom scheduled at different wineries that best represent the tastes of the group attending. The first stop was a Food and Wine Pairing at a winery/vineyard of all Texas wines and grapes, and into the vineyard for a short lecture on the grapes growing. Texas grows grapes in 8 different AVAs, and some winemakers also purchase grapes from other regions to make particular types of wine from grapes that do not grow well here due to our Texas heat. Our visit at Untamed Winery included a production tour where all of the wine is made for their winery and they also make wine for other local facilities who do not have a production facility. Your tour included an opportunity to view their laboratory where they test wines for over 100 different wineries around the United States. The winemaker included a visit into their Barrel room where you received your fourth serving into the glasses given to you upon entering the production facility. Our Host at Untamed was the actual Wine Maker and he did explain his wines during the time that you were visiting with other guests at the table. As you mentioned, it was very crowded on that Saturday as it is a very popular winery and the busiest time is on weekends. The food service was slow as you described, as they were overwhelmed at the time with a very large earlier reservation. I took that opportunity to share information about wine and answered questions about the wines, tasting, and storing. The winery owner came to our table to apologize for the delay and the servers did check on our group during our wait for lunch. Our last stop for the day was Lost Draw Cellars. Their facility is another Boutique Winery that makes less than 10,000 cases of wine. The property owner at Lost Draw Cellars came to our table to visit with all of our guests. This facility is also all Texas Grapes and all Texas Wines. Lost Draw Cellars has several of the most critically acclaimed vineyards and winemakers in the Texas High Plains and in our Hill Country AVA. We cannot guarantee that at every winery the winemaker or sommelier will be your personal server and we do not advertise such but we do our best to take our tours to another level of service, and your server here was very knowlegable about their wines and the production. While our Vineyards and Wine tasting areas are not as expansive as California (where you previously visited) Texas wineries are known for award winning wines - and this specific tour focuses on Boutique Wineries rather than the larger wineries in our AVA. While you referred to others as not enjoying their day, two other parties on your same tour have left 5 star reviews on two websites. Had we realized that you would be unhappy with a Boutique winery tour, we would have directed you to other wine tours that attend different types of facilities that may more closely have resembled your conceptions. Our Wine Trolley visits larger wineries, as well as our Wine Tasting tour. We always want to provide a quality experience to our guests. Your last two winery stops included extra tastings not on the menus and even a "take with you" version of the latest wine release as a gesture towards our celebrating guests. I'm uncertain why you claimed they did not. We know that we cannot please everyone and truly regret that for you we did not. We wish you all the best!
May 2022
Fantastic tour! My wife and I had a wonderful time! Great atmosphere at every stop and our guide was very knowledgeable.
Одговор домаћина
May 2022
We are so happy that you enjoyed your anniversary day! Thank you for sharing your experience.

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