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Бок Цанион АТВ Тоур у Фиренци, Аризона

Обилазак кањона Пхоеник Туцсон Бок се одвија у Фиренци, Аризона, отприлике на пола пута између Тусона  и Феникса на државном путу 79. Време вожње од оба града је приближно 1,5 сат у зависности од ваше локације. <бр><бр>Наша стаза је дуга око 34 миље и траје око 3,25 сата. Повећање надморске висине и спуштање је преко 1500 вертикалних стопа док се пењемо горе и преко предњег опсега планине Пинал. <бр>У току обиласка ваш водич ће указати на индијске петроглифе преостале од древних Индијанаца. Још једна занимљивост је стара зграда од ћерпича која је служила као успутна станица за компанију Буттерфиелд Оверланд Стаге Цоацх током експреса из 1860-их на ономе што је било познато као „Батерфилд“ Прави врхунац обиласка је Кањон Бокс. <бр>Средње 3 миље је кањон са слотовима са зидовима који су са обе стране високи око 1500 стопа и на неким местима удаљени само око 15-20 стопа. Пејзаж је невероватан!
Цити: Пхоеник
Mon 24 Feb
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Mon 24 Feb
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Погодно за све Нивои физичке кондиције<ли>Минимални узраст за употребу АТВ-а је 15 1/2 година уз дозволу ученика<ли>Молимо вас да носите дугачке панталоне и ципеле са затвореним прстима<ли>Депозит од 500 УСД је ОБАВЕЗНО по возилу пре обиласка. <ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све путнике<ли>Гости морају да возе да би се састали са нашим водичем на стази директно на почетку обиласка – не постоји физичка адреса, већ најближи физички адреса је: Ривер Боттом Грилл 2501 Н ХВИ 79, Фиренца, АЗ 85132. Затим је место састанка на Прице Стантон Рд који је у близини и када скрену на Прице, то је око 3/4 миље са десне стране пута. <ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Водичи потребни за редовно прање руку<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
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Коментара (97)
Aug 2016

What an absolutely beautiful and fun experience! We arrived at the staging area to find we were the only ones on the morning's tour. Summer is kind of slow due to the heat, but we left around 8:15, and the sun wasn't bad at all. We rode for miles and miles through the Tortilla mountains and then when we entered Box Canyon, it was unbelievably beautiful. Riding through the narrow passes was so much fun. My 23-year old son had never driven an ATV before but got the hang of it in 2 minutes. The ride was very sturdy, and a bit challenging when we had to go over some pretty big boulders, but not scary at all. Ray was our guide, and he was fantastic. He took us to an old miners' building used for materials and a post office, built in the mid 1800 that was still standing. It just makes you think about what life was like back then. We did not see another person during the entire 3 hour trip! We did see two dead cows, and the ranchers leave them there for the wildlife to take care of. Ray did tell us that if there were a heavy rain, we'd have to get out of the canyon quickly, as it can become a flash flood with a wall of water in minutes. Once we were out of the canyon, we ran full throttle back to the staging area at the end, on flat terrain, and it was so much fun. Do it. You won't regret it!

Jul 2016
During our 18-day Road Trip in 2015 for his 18th birthday, my son and I had booked a 3-hour private ATV/Quad drive through Box Canyon, departing from Florence, Arizona. Coming over from Europe it was important to have all the details before leaving and we had some difficulty getting a clear booking confirmation from the organiser, as well as clear directions on where to meet. However, it did all work out in the end. We were staying a few nights in Tucson, and it takes about 90 minutes to get to Florence. The pick-up point was a rather dingy gravel area in the middle-of-nowhere with a group of enthusiasts doing assault rifle target practice on a garbage mound just 30 yards away. However, our guide Ray soon arrived and after a quick reminder on ATV driving we were off. We can highly recommend this tour and our guide Ray. The additional cost for taking a private tour is very small. So rather than having to drive along at lowest common speed in the dust of a line of people, we now had the track all to ourselves and could decide our own pace. And Ray wasn't interested in going slowly :-) The drive starts out on country roads, then works its way through a cactus forrest to end up in a slot canyon. Ray brought drinks and interesting anecdotes. It was good to take a couple of quick breaks but most time is spent driving. Ray wasn't looking to cut this short and we spent more than the 3 hours we booked. By the end we had dust in places we didn't know existed but it was definitely worth it. Taking photos is tough (the dust will kill your camera) but taking a well protected GoPro is a good idea. We highly recommend this activity and our guide Ray.
Mar 2016
My friend and I (age 64) took the 3-hour Box Canyon ride out of Florence. Yeehaw!! Riders meet at a staging area - no buildings, no restroom. Plan to visit the nearby McDonald's or Taco Bell, or take your chances crouched behind a bush. We were in a group of 12 ATVs with one guide leading and another at the back. The guides were friendly guys who kept a close eye on the riders, offered water and candy, and shared insight about cacti, Native American petroglyphs, and early travelers at the three stops. Prepare to get very dusty. Grab a kerchief to cover your nose and mouth when you pick up the goggles and helmet. My oversized sunglasses fit under the goggles. Wear shoes you can throw away, because they will be filthy. And wear a supportive bra!! I had never ridden - let alone driven - an ATV, so I was apprehensive, but the operation is simple. Just stay alert, watch the trail for the smoothest routes, and hold on tight. We took a quick circle of the area around the parking lot, including a small steep hill, but not including the rockiness we would encounter throughout the trip. For the first 20 minutes, we rode on a loose gravel road, with a few lumpy areas as well as railroad crossings and cattle guards. Then the route becomes more challenging, with lots of rocky ups and downs. Stay well back from the rider ahead so you aren't blinded by the dust. Did I mention the bouncing? My FitBit credited me with 78 flights of stairs climbed that day! You'll want to learn the lyrics of "A Horse with No Name" to sing to yourself as you ride through Box Canyon.

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