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Улазница за Бусцх Гарденс Тампа Баи

Бусцх Гарденс Африца у Тампи је врхунски породични авантуристички парк, који садржи неупоредиву комбинацију сусрета са животињама, забаве уживо и узбудљивих вожњи светске класе.
Цити: Тампа
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $111.59
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $111.59
Шта је укључено
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Тампа<бр>10165 Н МцКинлеи Др,
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Услови коришћења:
еТицкет се не сме копирати, преносити или препродавати. Карта важи само за особу која је наведена на карти. Улазница се не враћа. Неважећи ако се промени. Не може се искористити за готовину. Фотокопије неће бити прихваћене. Потребан је био-скенирање и лична карта са фотографијом. Неће се заменити ако је изгубљен или украден. Остаје у власништву СеаВорлд Паркс & Ентертаинмент. Биће конфискован или опозван без реституције због злоупотребе. Важи током нормалног радног времена. Примењују се датуми затамњења. Карта истиче годину дана од датума куповине.

** Имајте на уму ** Ако сте купили карту за више паркова, обавезно проверите радни календар за сваки парк јер имају различите дане отварања и могу бити отворени само сезонски **

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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Бебе млађе од 3 године (2 године и 11 месеци) није потребан пријем. Можда ће бити потребан доказ о старости, као што је извод из матичне књиге рођених.<ли>Инвалидска колица су доступна за изнајмљивање по принципу ко први дође први услужен.<ли>Имајте на уму: датум изабран у тренутку резервације. је за планирани датум путовања. Ова карта је само за становнике САД, доказ о пребивалишту се можда проверава на улазу.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Бусцх Гарденс
Бусцх Гарденс, један од најбољих зоолошких вртова у Северној Америци, доводи вас лицем у лице са више егзотичних и угрожених животиња од било које дестинације ван Африке. Припремите се за узбудљиво узбуђење уз СхеиКра - први амерички подметач за роњење. Откријте живописно село смештено међу високим дрвећем, истражите земљиште за игру на 3 спрата са мрежама за пењање и тунелима за истраживање, вините се изнад крошња дрвећа у авантури зип-лајна или покрените у небо из водопада од 35 стопа (10 метара). Затим, дођите лицем у лице са орангутанима и тестирајте своју снагу у потезању конопца са бенгалским тигром, све у Јунгали - јединој џунгли на свету која се игра са вама. За додатну забаву, бирајте између опција комбинованих улазница за СеаВорлд Орландо, Адвентуре исланд Тампа и Акуатица Орландо! Доступни су и целодневни паркинг и неограничени паркинг пакети.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (656)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Sep 2022
my wife and I bought the fun card. definitely stay at the Hampton Inn and Suites next door. allday dining plan is a great deal Visit the Zambia smokehouse the Brisket is so good. chick fil a is aslo a must eat. best ride the all new Iron Gwazi. rode it twice what a fun ride, dont miss the Tigris crazy fun. SheiKra is an awesome ride as well and dont miss the classic Scorpion. wanna get wet then the Congo River Rapids is the ride to go on. the best thing I did was go to Lory Landing and buy a cup of Nectar and see the Lorikeets. they land on you and eat the nectar from the cup so much fun. Lorikeets are brightly colored birds in the Parrot family lots of great animal to see here elephants, tigers, kangaroos, flamingos, rhinos to name a few. ride the Serengeti Express Train and ride around the entire park.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
We are thrilled to read you had a great experience during your recent visit to Busch Gardens! We hope you visit again soon! -MK
Sep 2022
We did the ultimate VIP tour on opening weekend. With this you get a customized 7 hour VIP tour, You get preferred parking ($35-50 variable value) Front of the line access to all houses, front of the line access to all rides, a one-time front of the line pass to Iron Gawzi since it's still new. If you want to do the same house over and over or the same rides over and over that's your choice the guides will do that since it's customizable. You also get a free interactive Skull lanyard that lights up and does fog ($35 value) and a free yard cup that you can put alcoholic beverages in that is allowed to go in haunted houses that you can wear around your neck. ($17 value) these are included with your ultimate VIP tour ticket. You also get unlimited drinks at select areas and at the fiends show, such as water, soda, beer seltzer alcohol, and signature drinks. Complimentary spicy popcorn bags and sun chips. I was very pleased with our experience. Our guides, Michael and Jessica were awesome. They were very knowledgeable about all aspects of the park! We started the night at the lounge for small snacks and drinks. At 7, we went to Dragonfire Grill for dinner and the Rolling Bones. They did covers of classic songs like Ghostbusters and The Devil Went Down to Georgia. The show was pretty good. We could choose between chicken tenders, burgers or Chinese. The burgers were really good. Afterwards, we started walking through the houses and exploring the park. The houses were amazing. They were very immersive and very well put together. There was a stand still in one of the houses but Michael tried to get the issue fixed. Unfortunately, the other times we tried to go back, there was still a stand still. It didn't put a damper on our night. I really liked the 50/50 show. It was really fun. The Fiends was ok. The jokes were pretty adult in nature. I really enjoyed the scare-actors. I liked how they were able to interact with you. It's not like that in some other haunts. When it says that nowhere is safe, they mean it. As we were walking out, we passed a guy who was yelling for his wife to hurry up - it turned out he was a chainsaw guy and made my wife jump. The actors were even in the shop messing with people while they shop. We definitely had a better experience here than Halloween Horror Nights. We were able to take our time and enjoy the night, whereas at HHN, we were rushed and pushed through the houses. Our tour guides Michael and Jessica went above and beyond to make sure our night was amazing and always made sure that we were happy and that we were doing what we wanted to do. We will definitely be back.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
We are so thrilled to read about this wonderful experience with our Howl-O-Scream VIP tour! We are happy to read Michael and Jessica were able to take this experience above and beyond and have forwarded your comments to their leadership team. We look forward to seeing you again soon! -CL
Sep 2022
September is not a good time to visit. Many places were closed because they were preparing for Hallo-Scream. We didn't see many animals and the rides were closed down 3 times due to weather. THE $30 FOR PARKING IS UNREASONABLE! The trams were not running due to weather (yet the tram operators were at the parking lot cleaning their trams). The guy on the train was very entertaining (his name began with a K I believe). Enjoyed the Ice Skating show!
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
We certainly regret to red about this disappointing visit. If lightning is within 5 miles all outdoor attractions, including children’s rides and the tram, close for the safety of our guest and team members. We apologize for any impact inclement weather had on this visit, we are happy to offer rain check tickets at our Guest Relations should inclement weather cut the day short. We are happy to read you enjoyed Turn It Up! and we hope to see you back soon! -CL

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