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Улазница за Бусцх Гарденс Тампа Баи

Бусцх Гарденс Африца у Тампи је врхунски породични авантуристички парк, који садржи неупоредиву комбинацију сусрета са животињама, забаве уживо и узбудљивих вожњи светске класе.
Цити: Тампа
Sat 05 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $111.59
Sat 05 Oct
Са почетком у $111.59
Шта је укључено
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Тампа<бр>10165 Н МцКинлеи Др,
Пре ваше посете:
Корак 1: Прегледајте Услове коришћења услуге
Корак 2: Представите еТицкет заједно са личним документом са фотографијом представнику парка на окретницама, које се налазе на главном улазу.

Услови коришћења:
еТицкет се не сме копирати, преносити или препродавати. Карта важи само за особу која је наведена на карти. Улазница се не враћа. Неважећи ако се промени. Не може се искористити за готовину. Фотокопије неће бити прихваћене. Потребан је био-скенирање и лична карта са фотографијом. Неће се заменити ако је изгубљен или украден. Остаје у власништву СеаВорлд Паркс & Ентертаинмент. Биће конфискован или опозван без реституције због злоупотребе. Важи током нормалног радног времена. Примењују се датуми затамњења. Карта истиче годину дана од датума куповине.

** Имајте на уму ** Ако сте купили карту за више паркова, обавезно проверите радни календар за сваки парк јер имају различите дане отварања и могу бити отворени само сезонски **

Услуге које пружа Виатор.цом
Крајња тачка
Ова активност се завршава на месту састанка.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Бебе млађе од 3 године (2 године и 11 месеци) није потребан пријем. Можда ће бити потребан доказ о старости, као што је извод из матичне књиге рођених.<ли>Инвалидска колица су доступна за изнајмљивање по принципу ко први дође први услужен.<ли>Имајте на уму: датум изабран у тренутку резервације. је за планирани датум путовања. Ова карта је само за становнике САД, доказ о пребивалишту се можда проверава на улазу.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Бусцх Гарденс
Бусцх Гарденс, један од најбољих зоолошких вртова у Северној Америци, доводи вас лицем у лице са више егзотичних и угрожених животиња од било које дестинације ван Африке. Припремите се за узбудљиво узбуђење уз СхеиКра - први амерички подметач за роњење. Откријте живописно село смештено међу високим дрвећем, истражите земљиште за игру на 3 спрата са мрежама за пењање и тунелима за истраживање, вините се изнад крошња дрвећа у авантури зип-лајна или покрените у небо из водопада од 35 стопа (10 метара). Затим, дођите лицем у лице са орангутанима и тестирајте своју снагу у потезању конопца са бенгалским тигром, све у Јунгали - јединој џунгли на свету која се игра са вама. За додатну забаву, бирајте између опција комбинованих улазница за СеаВорлд Орландо, Адвентуре исланд Тампа и Акуатица Орландо! Доступни су и целодневни паркинг и неограничени паркинг пакети.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (656)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Apr 2022
Our hearts sank when we saw how busy the parking lot was but it was spring break after all and so we really couldn’t be surprised it was busy. And yes it was busy but honestly compared to the experiences we were having at Disney World it actually turned out to be quite an awesome day. They have some pretty awesome roller coasters here (probably the best in Florida) and we managed to do most of them. Iron Gwazi was mega! Unbelievably intense but fantastic. We made good use of their app which helped us manage expectations around queue times. Sadly the only coaster we didn’t manage to get on was Cheetah - there just wasn’t enough time in the day and the queue was too long. They have a Chic-Fil-A on site and there was even a queue over an hour for that (the all day dining option seemed popular and included Chic-Fil-A hence why it was busy) but as you can imagine at all food places at theme parks prices are inflated. I think we paid $80 for 4 chicken meals 🫣 Aside from some inconsiderate groups of youths (thinking it’s acceptable to be over rowdy and bump into you in the queue) we had a great day. Getting our ticket with the Discovery Cove package definitely works out at better value as we also got parking included.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
Thank you for sharing these details regarding your recent visit! We're thrilled to read that you enjoyed your visit, and we hope to see you again soon. -AN
Apr 2022
Having lived in this area my entire life and going to Busch Gardens many times and this was a huge disappointment. It is quite evident that their staffing levels are well below what is required. Many food and beverage kiosks we're not manned, and many rides were closed or had very long lines. From 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM our kids only could get on two rides. Also, the prices are outrageous for food. A hamburger fries and drink were $24 for very low quality. The cleanliness of the park is terrible. It used to be pristine. after almost 20 visits over the years, I am very reluctant to take my family back there anytime soon. I know in this economy it is hard to get employees and I will wait before I consider going to Busch Gardens again until they are fully staffed.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
Thank you for sharing your comments regarding your recent trip to Busch Gardens. Feedback from guests like you is instrumental in helping us deliver a better experience for all our guests. We are committed to providing an enjoyable experience that entertains and enriches all our guests. The beautification of our park is among our top priorities, and we would like to apologize that this was not evident on the date of your visit. We have forwarded your comments regarding closures and cleanliness to our leadership team for their consideration and further internal action. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. If you need further assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected]. -AN
Apr 2022
I have been a four park silver annual pass holder for several years. On 4/9/22 I went to Busch Gardens for the Food & Wine Festival Concert. At the entrance the girl said my pass had expired the week before. My friend said he would take my pass for me and renew it at Customer Service. I waited for him just inside the park. Another employee came up to me and said I could not wait there and that the pass could not be renewed inside and I had to go to the ticket window at the entrance. I knew that information was not correct and said I would wait and see. She called a large security guard over and he said he would escort me to the exit. I waited at the exit arch and when my friend came back with the new pass he showed it to the girl and told her they validated starting today. However, the girl refused to let me stay in the park and said I had to leave and go through security again and the entrance lines. I had to waste another 20 minutes going through the lines again. I am a senior and have been going to the Seaworld parks for decades. The present park bears no resemblance to the one built by the Busch Family. It has zero customer service and appreciation and the employees are unknowledgable, unpleasant and disrespectful.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
We sincerely apologize for any disappointment you experienced because of the behavior of one of our team members at the turnstiles. The hospitality that we show our guests has always been the hallmark of our park. There is never a reason for an employee to be rude or discourteous to any of our guests. We would like to assure you that this was in no way representative of our park or other team members. We have forwarded these comments to their leadership team for their review and internal action. If you need further assistance, please reach out to us at [email protected]. -AN

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