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Улазница за Бусцх Гарденс Тампа Баи

Бусцх Гарденс Африца у Тампи је врхунски породични авантуристички парк, који садржи неупоредиву комбинацију сусрета са животињама, забаве уживо и узбудљивих вожњи светске класе.
Цити: Тампа
Sat 05 Oct
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Са почетком у $111.59
Sat 05 Oct
Са почетком у $111.59
Шта је укључено
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Тампа<бр>10165 Н МцКинлеи Др,
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Услови коришћења:
еТицкет се не сме копирати, преносити или препродавати. Карта важи само за особу која је наведена на карти. Улазница се не враћа. Неважећи ако се промени. Не може се искористити за готовину. Фотокопије неће бити прихваћене. Потребан је био-скенирање и лична карта са фотографијом. Неће се заменити ако је изгубљен или украден. Остаје у власништву СеаВорлд Паркс & Ентертаинмент. Биће конфискован или опозван без реституције због злоупотребе. Важи током нормалног радног времена. Примењују се датуми затамњења. Карта истиче годину дана од датума куповине.

** Имајте на уму ** Ако сте купили карту за више паркова, обавезно проверите радни календар за сваки парк јер имају различите дане отварања и могу бити отворени само сезонски **

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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Бебе млађе од 3 године (2 године и 11 месеци) није потребан пријем. Можда ће бити потребан доказ о старости, као што је извод из матичне књиге рођених.<ли>Инвалидска колица су доступна за изнајмљивање по принципу ко први дође први услужен.<ли>Имајте на уму: датум изабран у тренутку резервације. је за планирани датум путовања. Ова карта је само за становнике САД, доказ о пребивалишту се можда проверава на улазу.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Бусцх Гарденс
Бусцх Гарденс, један од најбољих зоолошких вртова у Северној Америци, доводи вас лицем у лице са више егзотичних и угрожених животиња од било које дестинације ван Африке. Припремите се за узбудљиво узбуђење уз СхеиКра - први амерички подметач за роњење. Откријте живописно село смештено међу високим дрвећем, истражите земљиште за игру на 3 спрата са мрежама за пењање и тунелима за истраживање, вините се изнад крошња дрвећа у авантури зип-лајна или покрените у небо из водопада од 35 стопа (10 метара). Затим, дођите лицем у лице са орангутанима и тестирајте своју снагу у потезању конопца са бенгалским тигром, све у Јунгали - јединој џунгли на свету која се игра са вама. За додатну забаву, бирајте између опција комбинованих улазница за СеаВорлд Орландо, Адвентуре исланд Тампа и Акуатица Орландо! Доступни су и целодневни паркинг и неограничени паркинг пакети.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (656)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Apr 2022
I recently got back from a week long spring break trip in Orlando and on one day, I drove to Tampa and took my cousin to Busch Gardens. We really enjoyed this park together in 2018 even though we don't do the coasters anymore. We then especially enjoyed feeding the birds and going to the shows. Food didn't seem that out of line then in 2018 either -- theme park prices, but not that outrageous. Fast forward to last week. With the bird flu all the aviaries which were our favorite were closed. Also, although the sister park SeaWorld has three big shows going, there were no shows at the Busch Gardens at all on the day we visited. And then the one meal we had there (A soft drink, a bottled water, a salad with chicken, a bacon cheeseburger combo, and a salad (cousin intended it to be a side salad) were what we ordered) and our total cost was $54. At least the salads had nice fresh ingredients and tasted good. But OMG - this was my highest priced meal per person on my entire trip. The park does have some nice animal exhibits, but my cousin was not really that interested in seeing the larger animals and if you exclude the birds, small animal exhibits (kangaroos - nice little exhibit -- penguins (not much of an exhibit and dirty windows making it hard to see) are about it. We did the safari train, the bumper car ride, and visited the smaller animal exhibits mentioned. Next time I visit my cousin, we'll check out the Florida aquarium one day and the Lowery Park zoo another day. We made the best of our day (park mostly a backdrop for visiting), but for the price of admission, parking, and food I was super disappointed. I will say that I did not do advanced research, and I blame myself for that. I assumed that since shows were open at SeaWorld they would be open here too. And the bird flu is not something Busch Gardens has control over. Just saying that if you aren't going for the thrill rides, my personal recommendation would be to give Busch Gardens a skip at this time unless things change. I doubt we'll go back to this park again. The park just had a run down feel too after visiting SeaWorld and Epcot in Orlando.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
Thank you for sharing this feedback from your recent experience! While thrill attractions are a major part of our park, we sincerely apologize that you did not find great value in the remaining exhibits throughout our park. We appreciate your feedback as it is an incredibly valuable tool for our continued improvement! If you would like any additional assistance, please reach out to our Guest Correspondence team [email protected] - LJ
Mar 2022
All of the shows were closed. Not even one was open. We don't do rides but like the animals and shows. Lots of other things were also closed. Food plan wasn't bad but all of the shops now just sell attraction items only. Not a good day for $300.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2022
We are so disappointed to see you were unable to enjoy any of our entertainment and animal exhibits during your visit! We strive for thrilling and memorable experiences for all of our guests, and we apologize we missed the mark here! If you would like any additional assistance, please reach out to our Guest Correspondence team directly at [email protected] - LJ
Mar 2022
Our favourite park 3yrs ago because of great rides the animals etc this time sadly not. In fact we left way earlier and went to clearwater which was amazing. Busch Gardens-where to start. 35usd standard parking.... not enough staff throughout park at all. Over half the rides were closed on 25th Mar. One got stuck for over an hour people rescued from height. .... on iron gwazi. Lorakeets interactive closed, river ride closed. So many closed glad didn't purchase a fast pass tbh. Would been really annoyed then.. the refillable drinks - the stalls to refill mostly all closed so u had to go line up in food queues for 25 plus mins just to refill your drink. Hardly any small stalls open with ice creams etc. Must be losing some big money there alone. Overall v disappointed compared to last visit. I'm sure they will say some covid related cuts but place definitely looked like management was lacking badly this time. We weren't the only ones saying the same thing either by a long way!! Many on the transport back to parking also saying same.. sad times sorry.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
We regret to read about this disappointment. Unfortunately, despite annual maintenance and daily operating inspections, our rides can experience technical difficulties, just as any other mechanical device. We employ our own onsite maintenance team, and in most cases are able to open the attraction again quickly. That was our hope on the date you visited; however, we were unable to take care of the problem as quickly as we had anticipated. Please also be advised, our bird aviaries are currently closed out of an abundance of caution in light of the recent avian flu outbreak in Florida. We apologize for any disappointment caused by this closure. If you need further assistance, please send us an email at [email protected]. -AN

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