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Улазница за Бусцх Гарденс Тампа Баи

Бусцх Гарденс Африца у Тампи је врхунски породични авантуристички парк, који садржи неупоредиву комбинацију сусрета са животињама, забаве уживо и узбудљивих вожњи светске класе.
Цити: Тампа
Fri 04 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $111.59
Fri 04 Oct
Са почетком у $111.59
Шта је укључено
Рута и мапа
Меетинг поинт
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Тампа<бр>10165 Н МцКинлеи Др,
Пре ваше посете:
Корак 1: Прегледајте Услове коришћења услуге
Корак 2: Представите еТицкет заједно са личним документом са фотографијом представнику парка на окретницама, које се налазе на главном улазу.

Услови коришћења:
еТицкет се не сме копирати, преносити или препродавати. Карта важи само за особу која је наведена на карти. Улазница се не враћа. Неважећи ако се промени. Не може се искористити за готовину. Фотокопије неће бити прихваћене. Потребан је био-скенирање и лична карта са фотографијом. Неће се заменити ако је изгубљен или украден. Остаје у власништву СеаВорлд Паркс & Ентертаинмент. Биће конфискован или опозван без реституције због злоупотребе. Важи током нормалног радног времена. Примењују се датуми затамњења. Карта истиче годину дана од датума куповине.

** Имајте на уму ** Ако сте купили карту за више паркова, обавезно проверите радни календар за сваки парк јер имају различите дане отварања и могу бити отворени само сезонски **

Услуге које пружа Виатор.цом
Крајња тачка
Ова активност се завршава на месту састанка.
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне<ли>Све површине и површине су приступачне за инвалидска колица <ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Бебе млађе од 3 године (2 године и 11 месеци) није потребан пријем. Можда ће бити потребан доказ о старости, као што је извод из матичне књиге рођених.<ли>Инвалидска колица су доступна за изнајмљивање по принципу ко први дође први услужен.<ли>Имајте на уму: датум изабран у тренутку резервације. је за планирани датум путовања. Ова карта је само за становнике САД, доказ о пребивалишту се можда проверава на улазу.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додатака
Шта да очекујете
Бусцх Гарденс
Бусцх Гарденс, један од најбољих зоолошких вртова у Северној Америци, доводи вас лицем у лице са више егзотичних и угрожених животиња од било које дестинације ван Африке. Припремите се за узбудљиво узбуђење уз СхеиКра - први амерички подметач за роњење. Откријте живописно село смештено међу високим дрвећем, истражите земљиште за игру на 3 спрата са мрежама за пењање и тунелима за истраживање, вините се изнад крошња дрвећа у авантури зип-лајна или покрените у небо из водопада од 35 стопа (10 метара). Затим, дођите лицем у лице са орангутанима и тестирајте своју снагу у потезању конопца са бенгалским тигром, све у Јунгали - јединој џунгли на свету која се игра са вама. За додатну забаву, бирајте између опција комбинованих улазница за СеаВорлд Орландо, Адвентуре исланд Тампа и Акуатица Орландо! Доступни су и целодневни паркинг и неограничени паркинг пакети.
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (656)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Mar 2022
The park staff and security go out of their way to mislead guests about their lost items that were secured as direct by park staff. I was skeptical about supporting a park that is affiliated with SeaWorld to begin with. This was our first time visiting the Tampa Bay area, and after being told by all of the wonderful local guides and waitstaff about how awesome this park was, we decided to give it a shot while celebrating my birthday. The park is as expensive as Disney, but it's an entire racket. You're not allowed to bring personal items on rides, instead they require you to rent lockers. If the queue for the ride lasts past close, you are NOT ALLOWED to retrieve your stuff. You are not allowed to look for your stuff, the security will not look for your stuff. You will be told by an older gentleman with coke-bottle glasses that the lockers have all been sweeped and cleared. He will refuse to tell you his name when he directs you to lost and found. His coworkers will tell you that you did not speak to anyone. He will deny that he said the words that he spoke to you when directing you to L&F if you deign to petition him, tell you that it DID NOT happen. You will be directed to the lost and found again back to a young adult, probably Caitlin. Red hair and glasses. She will tell you that you spoke to a woman about your items and that they are on the way up. While it seems to be common practice to give other people who have interacted with park staff and also directly followed explicit instructions given by Busch Gardens Employees to receive paperwork documenting your duress - you will not receive this. You will be berated by an assortment of their staff for your behavior, as they all clock out and refrain from passing along your request for assistance. You will be yelled at by an off-duty TBPD officer who keeps one hand on his weapon and the other above your eye-line. He will explain your situation to you, if you question his interpretation of your experience that he was not present for, his hand will shift from your face to his cuffs. He will direct you back to the semi-circle of seating that is occupied by crying children and their parents trying to get access to their glasses, keys, and wallets so they can put their children to bed. All of the employees involved will go home while Raina from security explains that she was not involved and did not say the words that left her mouth propelled by the vibration of air passing her vocal cords. If you thought Anhauser-Busch treated their animals poorly, wait until you watch teenagers holding the identification that matches the name written on the bags behind the glass partition that staff actively offer to other guests. Do they care about the experience of their guests less than the lives of their animals? The world may never know. But judging by the crying children and group of mostly minorities asking for their eye-glasses, inhalers, car keys, wallets, and other essential items that they were not allowed to carry. You better not ask. As Tampa's finest and the staff DO NOT like a lippy woman and will imply legal action and further detainment if you ask them to identify themselves or do the behaviors they told you were happening when they refused to let you to the locker bay two and a half hours earlier. 10 staff members will gather and laugh at your duress. What should have been a quick wait turned into a hellacious nightmare. This visit was as satisfying as a hot, flat Budweiser on a summer day watching cetaceans beat their head against cement until they go belly up. 0/10
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
We regret to read about this experience, and we certainly apologize for any frustration that occurred while attempting to claim your items at Lost & Found. For further assistance, please contact our guest services at [email protected]. -AN
Claire M
Mar 2022
The day started off pretty well and my family was able to ride the brand new coaster fairly quickly (we arrived an hour before the park opened) and some other coasters with reasonable waits. In the afternoon, the trip went downhill quickly. The wait times are ridiculous only because the employees have poor queue management skills. As an example, the Cheetah Hunt ride says the capacity is over 1300 riders per hour with trains of 16 passengers. That means a train should load and launch more than one per minute. As we watched, it took an average of 2 minutes to unload and load a train. The pay-per-ride service was doing a good business but those people were waiting a very long time too. In the standby line, guests were sitting down for lengthy periods between even moving a few feet in the queue. The whole setup is just inefficient. They need more filler activities to keep people occupied between riding the big rides. The coasters are great and the food was good, however overpriced, which we expected. It’s been 8 years since we’ve been to Busch Gardens; I’m sure it will be awhile before we return.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
We regret to read about this disappointment, Claire. We would like to assure you that we have forwarded your comments regarding our queues to the appropriate leadership team for their review and further internal action. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. -AN
Mar 2022
$800 for 8 people. Parking at $30 for 2 cars. Exorbitant price for sub par food. Busch Gardens used to be a paradise of gorgeous plants and flowers. Birds and animals were everywhere. Also, due to Anneheiser Busch beer, beer was free. It is now $14.00 and a pretzel is $9.00. Landscaping is below average. Place is unkept, uninteresting and just so sad. I was particularly disappointed in the lack of landscaping. Waited for an hour and half for a 2 minutes water ride. I will never go back and feeling ripped off for spending so much for so little.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
We regret to read about any disappointment you felt toward the value of your purchase. The beautification of our park is among our top priorities, and we would like to apologize that this was not evident on the date of your visit. We have forwarded your comments to our leadership team for their consideration and further action. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. If you need further assistance, please email our guest services at [email protected]. -AN

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