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Цаптаин Зиплине Аериал Адвентуре Парк

Обилазак Лост Цанион Зиплине је права еко авантура у Колораду. Не само да ћете доживети узбуђење које вам лупа срце и дрхте ноге док се вините кроз древне кањоне, већ ћете научити о историји, флори и фауни овог прелепог, фасцинантног подручја.<бр><бр> ЈЕДАН ОД 6 НАЈБОЉЕ ЗИП ЛИНЕ ТУРЕ У САД – Оутсиде Магазине<бр> ТОП 10 ЗИПЛИНЕ АТРАКЦИЈА У АМЕРИЦИ! – УСА Тодаи<бр> 10 НАЈБОЉИХ ЗИП ЛИНИЈА НА СВЕТУ – Блог Натионал Геограпхиц Травеллер-а<бр> 20 НАЈБОЉИХ АВАНТУРИСТИЧКИХ ДЕСТИНАЦИЈА ЗА ОДМОР НА КОНТИНЕНТУ – Мен'с Фитнесс Магазине<бр><бр>Зато дођите и дођите на зиплине са нашим пријатељским водичима и доживите Авантура Колорадо на Стеновитим планинама за коју се надамо да ће учинити врхунац вашег одмора! Зип подстава је заиста „без адреналина за зној“. Иако зип подстава изгледа екстремно, заправо је релативно лако направити.
Цити: Буена Виста
Thu 09 Jan
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Thu 09 Jan
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Коментара (466)
Mar 2014
I first visited Captain Zipline in 2007 and was impressed with the quality and character of their Zipline Tour. Captain Zipline's new additions make it one of the largest and most exciting tours in the country. As an adventure park builder, operator, and enthusiast who has visited more than 300 adventure parks worldwide, I can confidently say that Captain Zipline is one of my favorite courses in the country. There are many great courses which are being built, but few offer the quality of experience and unique terrain that Captain Zipline offers. Captain Zipline was a pioneer in the U.S. Zip Line business in 2005. The addition of the Aerial Trekking Course and Via Ferrata sets a new benchmark in the industry and in adventure.
Mar 2014
My husband and I travelled to Salida with four international students from China. In looking for activities, we happened upon Captain Zipline and thought we would give it a go--we were glad that we did! Our guides, Randy and Pat, were very professional but made our tour very fun with their jokes and light-hearted spirit. I have been on several ziplines in my travels, but have never been taken through a "beginner line." Their careful attention to safety was very appreciated with our students. With them being from China, a lot of the verbal instruction is lost in translation. With the practice line, they were able to actually "try" all of the motions of zipping before actually getting on the course. We all enjoyed our tour and would do it again! My husband was pretty disappointed that our short trip did not allow for us to do the challenge course. We will have to try that on our next trip!
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2014
Wow, what a thrill to entertain an international audience--and, we are sure glad that we put them at ease and they felt safe, that way they were destined to enjoy the tour. Thanks for visiting with us and try to get back here in the future to do the Canyon Aerial Course!
Debi L
Jan 2014
Both the zipline and the aerial park at Captain Zipline are amazing. Either stands on it's own as a destination. I can't wait to return to try more challenges on the aerial course followed by a zipline over the canyon. It is a rush! The guides are all fun, pleasant, and safety conscious too.

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