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Бајковите куће у Кармелу поред мора: пешачка тура

Да ли тражите начин да видите Цармелове познате викендице Цомстоцк без придруживања туристичкој групи? Истражите сопственим темпом уз ову приступачну аудио турнеју. <бр><бр>• Погледајте 11 викендица из бајке и сазнајте нешто о архитекти Хјуу Комстоку, који се овде оженио произвођачем лутака 1920-их<бр>• Чујте продуценткињу Лин Момбоис која је коаутор књиге о Кармеловим историјским домовима<бр> • Урадите све за 40 минута или се задржавајте на стајалиштима уз потпуну контролу када почнете и завршите<бр>• Добијте неограничено коришћење пре датума резервације и после њега<бр>• Користите опцију виртуелног обиласка код куће<бр><бр>Када резервишете, добићете карту са упутствима и јединственим кодом наведеним у одељку „Пре него што одете“. Затим једноставно инсталирајте апликацију ВоицеМап и унесите свој код. <бр><бр>Апликација приказује упутства до почетне тачке, а када сте на правом месту, само убаците слушалице и додирните Старт. ВоицеМап има аутоматску ГПС репродукцију, са упутствима скретање по скретање. Такође ради и ван мреже. <бр><бр>Имајте на уму да је ово брдовита шетња.
Цити: Монтереј и Кармел
Sat 21 Sep
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $7.99
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $7.99
Шта је укључено
Доживотни приступ обиласку Куће бајки Кармела поред мора
Апликација ВоицеМап
Офлајн приступ звуку, мапама и геоподацима
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Бебе су обавезне да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Све аудио туре ВоицеМап-а се самостално воде и корисници морају да понесу свој паметни телефон и слушалице да би кренули у обилазак. Апелујемо на све наше кориснике да носе маске за лице и са собом носе средства за дезинфекцију руку како би се осигурала њихова сопствена и заштита других.
Шта да очекујете
Бајне викендице Хјуа Комстока
Обилазак истражује бајковите викендице Хјуа Комстока.
Оцеан Авенуе
Обилазак пролази поред дела Кармелове Океанске авеније
Цармел Плаза
Смештен у срцу центра Цармел-би-тхе-Сеа, Цармел Плаза је дом јединствених модних налаза и специјалних националних брендова, препознатљивих ресторана, гурманских продавница, соба за дегустацију вина, салона и још много тога у опуштеном, а опет софистицирано подешавање.
Девендорф Парк
Обилазак се завршава у близини парка Девендорф.
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Коментара (48)
Jul 2021
Sorry to say that I was looking forward to this experience but it wasn’t as we didn’t know where to go, and directions were not clear at all. I wish it was more clear directed as all other tours we have experienced at Monterey and Carmel where they guide you to a starting point and lead you after.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Hi Chadia, We're sorry the directions weren't clear. Did you download the tour before reaching the starting point? The screen you see after you do that has: 1. Detailed directions to the starting point 2. The option to get directions to the starting point in Google Maps, Apple Maps or Waze 3. A photo of the starting point, and the option to open this up in Google Street View The detailed directions are as follows: "The starting point is The Getaway hotel sign at the northeast corner of Junipero and Ocean Avenue. If you arrived by bus at the Carmel Plaza you will be near the southwest corner of Junipero and Ocean Avenue directly across from Devendorf Park. Carefully cross Ocean Avenue to Devendorf Park and then turn right and cross Junipero Street. You will be in front of the blue and white 'The Getaway' hotel sign where you will start your tour." Once you've started the tour, there is turn-by-turn navigation telling you where to go next, but you need to give the app access to your location. If you disable this, the directions don't work. We make this as clear as possible when you install the app. There are also text directions as a back up included with every location. Plus there's the on-screen map. We'd really love the opportunity to understand why this didn't make sense to you, and we'll gladly give you a free tour in exchange for your feedback. Could you please send me an email at [email protected]?
Jul 2021
This informative walk had two major flaws / one is not warning that most of the streets had no sidewalks which made it very unnerving with three young children as cars drove by.. there was a section where we had to cross a busy street with no cross walk. So we opted to skip that section because it was too dangerous. Unfortunately that caused a second flaw on that there was no control to skip and get back on track. I got off track and could never get back to the correct house. I also found it took a little work to have to download the app and signup to Viator after buying the ticket and it not working the first time. Patience is the key . This is not something that quick and easy to set-up when kids are waiting for you to get going!
Jul 2021
Your instructions need work, the interface is klugy, the experience was comical. Kept hearing about houses we were not near. Never again
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Hi Carol, We're sorry you had a disappointing experience! It looks like you started the tour in the wrong place. We've tried to make this as clear as possible, with a dedicated screen that has clear directions to the starting point – at The Getaway hotel sign at the northeast corner of Junipero and Ocean Avenue – along with a photo of the location, and options to get directions to it in Google Maps and view it in Google Streetview. It even tells you how far you are from the starting point. Can you let us know why you didn't know to start the tour there please, and how we could make this more clear? It also looks like after starting at location 15 you turned and went the wrong way, towards the beginning of the tour. This would definitely make it seem like things were playing in the wrong place, because when the app says "look over to your right" and you are going in the opposite direction, it's now on the other side of you, over to your left. But there's a map on the screen and text directions to help you go from one location to the next, as well as an audio alert to let you know you're off track. Can you tell us more about how this went so wrong for you? You can reach email me at [email protected]. We'd appreciate the feedback. Our tours have an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 from almost 10,000 ratings because we take feedback like yours seriously. Thanks, Iain

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