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Централ Парк са 5 звездица вођена бициклистичка тура

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Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (101)
Jun 2021
I signed up for a guided bike ride. It was canceled at the last minute due to an alleged emergency. I was rescheduled to do a pedicab tour of the same value but half the time. I’m not sure why the pedicab driver couldn’t have conducted a regular bike tour but I’m fairly sure it’s just due to lack of people signing up. Unfortunately my experience was at that expense. The guide was friendly but was impossible for me to understand so I have no idea really what he showed. The tour was also about a45 minutes including 2 stops to get off. I would not suggest doing business with this company because if they don’t have a full tour they will make you the one who suffers for it. No one wants to plan a backup tour at the last minute.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Thank you for the feedback. However, the tour was canceled due to our guide having a family emergency, unfortunately he informed us only 2hrs before start time. This is the first time we had to cancel the tour at such short notice in our 5 years experience. We apologize for the inconvenience. Usually we always have a back up tour guide, but that day he was also unavailable. We have offered you a full refund or alternative tour e.g. Private Pedicab Tour. Pedicab driver/guides are independent contractors who only prefer doing the pedicab tours and we can’t force them to do a bike tour. When we offered you options of full refund or 1hr Private Pedicab Tour, which is the same value, you chose the second option and that’s why we provided that. We apologize that the tour didn’t meet your expectations. Our goal is to make sure our guests get the best experience!
Jun 2021
Let's start with the booking, I had booked another tour, the 911 Museum, so I got a coupon for 10% off another tour so when I booked this I put in the promo code. It wouldn't accept the code. After an hour on the computer "chatting" with someone and them booking my tour w/o the discount, Clare (the "chat" person) messaged me and said "there's a system issue so the promo code was not applied, you can use the promo code for future use." So I would have to book a THIRD tour to use a code I should have been able to use on my second tour. So the day of the tour ... we get to the bike shop and the guy there seems to have no idea that a tour was booked. He has to make a phone call and tells us that the tour guide is delayed but on his way. The tour guide shows up, very nice person, with his new wife who hasn't been here before. We leave for our tour about 1/2 hour late. We enjoyed the ride but the guide spent more time at the various stopping points chatting and kissing his wife than telling us much about the park. He really told us very little about the history of the park or the various landmarks in the mark. What he did tell us about was interesting and enjoyable to listen to. Along the way he would pass by several landmarks and we would only stop if we told him we wanted to look at it. The bikes were ok other than the gear shifters often did not work and the chain would jump several cogs even if you shifted one at a time. Overall a pretty disorganized and unsatisfactory tour. You'd be better off reading all about the park first then renting (from another bike rental shop) a bike just to ride around on your own. I also still want my discount refunded to my card but I'm not going to hold my breath that I am going to see that. The discount issue is clearly a Viator poor customer service issue, the tour is about who Viator chooses to work with for these tours.
May 2021
The ride was pleasant as it was early evening and great weather, and the guide very polite, however his “facts” were just wrong, eg, said CP is second in size only to Golden Gate Park - but Chicago’s Lincoln Park is larger than both. Also said Chapman, who shot John Lennon was from Chicago - but he was Texas born and raised in Georgia. It felt like the New York centric version of Fox News. He twice asked if we’d been there before and I said I had many times but a first for my daughter - we did the ride as we’d already walked Soho to Battery Park that day and were tired, but were more for relaxing and taking in the sights than a lot of (incorrect) data - that I was perfectly comfortable letting him know what spots I’d like to pause at (I used to spend about 25% of my time in Manhattan so I knew what would interest my daughter) and he didn’t seem to hear me say so - or chose to just do his rote monologue. He started by showing us the former homeless housing that was shut down decades ago, and ended the tour talking about how the park gates will be closed and park patrolled at night to keep out the homeless. He didn’t see the irony and when we asked will the homeless will go, he said they are building housing projects in lower Manhattan to relocate them - odd since most other urban areas have recognized the failure of projects. We then saw very tired carriage horses and commented how we chose bike trolley because the laborer has a choice. He went on about how well horses are treated - only allowed to work 9 hours/day. Wow. He made our point for us. In the end, the relaxing close to the day we planned left us rather upset about what is happening in NYC - if even true since so many other bits he shared were just untrue. The choice of who with below doesn’t include adult offspring so I’m choosing “friends”.

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