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Централ Парк изнајмљивање бицикала

Возите се кроз најпознатији урбани парк на свету и доживите Њујорк на потпуно јединствен и узбудљив начин. Наши бицикли ће вам помоћи да видите Централ Парк као што никада нисте могли пешке. Погледајте све, од невероватних водопада дизајнираних у Олмстеду, базена и језера до чувеног Метрополитен музеја уметности. Савршен спој филмских сцена, класичне архитектуре, историјских атракција, виђења славних и још много тога! Олакшавамо вам да набавите бицикл и извучете максимум из времена у парку.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Wed 20 Nov
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Са почетком у $17.00
Wed 20 Nov
Са почетком у $17.00
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Мапа и кацига.
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<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су животиње услужне.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Специјализована седишта за бебе су доступни<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (268)
Jun 2018
Being from BC, we were really looking fwd to renting bikes to explore the park. Our bikes seemed well maintained and good value for money.
Jun 2018
My daughter (22) and I set off for Central Park in search of bikes to rent to ride in the park. We had been warned not to rent from vendors on the street (which there were many!) because their bikes can be at a distant site and we had no extra time to walk somewhere else to pick up and drop off bikes. It took some searching, but we finally found the "Bike Rent NYC" place on the (close to 5th & 59th) operated by the park. *see picture attached They took our ID and $15 an hour each and off we went. We didn't pay the $1 extra for a basket but the employee felt sorry for us with our back pack and just put one on for free. They also gave us an extra 15 minutes on our hour rental (probably because we looked so lost and clueless!) Nice freebies though! With some vague instructions we set off to ride the perimeter of the park. We had decided since we had limited time, we would just ride around the park instead of go in and explore. We finally figured out that bikes ride on what appears to be a regular street (we thought it would be a bike path through the park). Bikes ride in the middle, vehicles on the right and pedestrians on the left. It's basically just a wide street. There are parts that feel very "park-ish" and other parts and feel like you are riding on a regular road.. We rode at a pretty good pace and it took us the entire 75 minutes to get back to the drop off site. Beware if you are out of shape or it is very hot. A lot of the perimeter is uphill and not always a leisurely ride. (thank goodness these bikes had gears!) We got lost once despite the fact that we really thought we stayed on the perimeter, so check your map when you think you are getting close to the end. We absolutely loved doing this and would definitely do it again if we were lucky enough to get another beautiful day like we had! Such a fun and economical activity in NYC! Happy riding!
Jun 2018
Booked online and wished had researched it more thoroughly before booking. Bikes were poorly maintained, and no attempt was made to ensure a comfortable fit. We had to leave a driving licence as deposit, and the security around that was appalling. They tried to give us someone else's driving licence when we returned, and when we pointed it out, they were not the least bit apologetic. This was a total tourist rip off. Also, we saw cheaper places nearer the park, including what looked like the same company. The ride around Central Park was lovely, and we really enjoyed it, despite the bikes. Tip - go to another company to get your bikes!

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