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Централ Парк Њујорк - Ексклузивна пешачка тура са водичем

Probably the only urban park that needs no introduction, Central Park is as important to movies and TV shows as it is to real New Yorkers. On this 2.5 hour exclusive tour, you’ll discover the iconic features of this vast swatch of green surrounded by multi-million dollar residences and landmarks.
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Sat 29 Mar
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Са почетком у $51.94
Sat 29 Mar
Са почетком у $51.94
Шта је укључено
Приватна пешачка тура
Тоур Вилл Рун, Раин Ор Схине
Професионални водич искључиво за вас
Трајање 2,5 сата
Private Walking Tour
Tour Will Run, Rain Or Shine
Professional Tour Guide Exclusively For You
Додатне информације
  • Wheelchair accessible
  • Infants and small children can ride in a pram or stroller
  • Public transportation options are available nearby
  • All areas and surfaces are wheelchair accessible
  • Travelers should have at least a moderate level of physical fitness
  • Maximum of 8 people per tour allowed
  • Operates in all weather conditions, please dress appropriately
  • Notes: The tour route may be affected by national celebrations. When this occurs, we will provide guests with an alternative route still being able to see all the highlights on the tour. In these cases we are unable to provide refunds or discounts. No large bags or suitcases are allowed during this tour. We recommend comfortable shoes, a bottle of water, umbrella in case of rain and hat during summer. Due to increased security measures at many attractions some can’t be visited from the inside.
Шта да очекујете
Централни парк
.Истражите овај пројекат из 19. века који је становницима града омогућио бекство од урбаног живота. Сазнајте више о статуама истакнутих личности као што су Боливар и Марти или погледајте статуе разигранијих фигура као што су пас саоница Балто и ликови из Алисе у земљи чуда. Пређите шармантни – и познати – мост Гапстоу на свом путу до зоолошког врта Централ Парк. Прошетајте Тржним центром оивиченим дрвећем и разговарајте о књижевним личностима на његовој стази, завршавајући на тренутно препознатљивој Бетхесда тераси и фонтани. Цросс Бов Бридге на путу до Стравберри Фиелдс и Дакоте да бисте сазнали о последњем дану Џона Ленона на његовом споменику. Прођите поред таверне на зеленом да резервишете вечеру касније увече или се придружите локалним становницима у Схееп Меадов, где Њујорчани свих сфера живота могу да се опусте и опусте.
432 Парк Авенуе
Након сусрета са својим водичем код коњичких статуа историје Латинске Америке на углу 6 Аве & 59 Ст, ући ћете у парк. Једна од првих ствари које ћете видети је сачувана АСПЦА чесма за пиће за коње која се налази 1912. Иако смо већ одавно у свету аутомобила, ово представља једино место у граду где се може довести коња да пије воду ако се догоде имати један. Затим ћете ићи на запад да бисте добили задивљујући поглед на нове СуперСцраперс. 432 Парк Авенуе је стамбени небодер који гледа на Централ Парк. Небодер је друга највиша зграда у Њујорку иза Оне Ворлд Траде Центре, што га чини одличном локацијом за живот.
Тајм Ворнер центар
Затим ћете видети Тајм Ворнер центар, комплекс зграда мешовите намене који се састоји од две куле близнакиње премошћене вишеспратним атријумом. Комплекс садржи луксузне малопродајне продавнице, као и неке пословне и стамбене станове. Још један импресиван небодер за фотографисање!
Бов Бридге
Након тога ћете посетити Бов Бридге, највећи мост у парку. То је мост од ливеног гвожђа, украшен класичном грчком префињеношћу током 19. века. Док су други мостови у парку неупадљиви, Бов Бридге је направљен да се истиче из околине, украшен преплетеним кружним оградама и сложеним елементима испод распона лука.
Гапстов Бридге
Још један мост на који ћете наићи током обиласка је прелепи мост Гапстов од шкриљаца који је првобитно изграђен 1874. Мост нуди један од најбољих погледа на хоризонт Њујорка и моћи ћете да добијете неке сјајне снимке града.
Туртле Понд
Затим ћете се упутити до Великог травњака, места од 55 хектара које се сматра једним од најпознатијих травњака на свету. Травњак је одлично место за пикник у пролећно поподне или за хватање зрака лети. У близини ћете видети рибњак за корњаче, где живи већина корњача у парку.
Након овога видећете Дакоту, можда најпознатију зграду задруге у граду. Изграђена 1884. године, и даље је задржала велики део свог првобитног карактера. Био је то дом Џона Ленона, бившег члана Битлса од 1973. до његовог убиства у своду зграде 1980. године.
Стравберри Фиелдс, Меморијал Џона Ленона
Након тога, посетићете Стравберри фиелдс, област од 2,5 хектара у Централ парку која одаје почаст покојном Битлсу, Џону Ленону. Одређено мирно подручје у парку, Стравберри филес је обрубљено брестовима, жбуњем, цвећем и камењем, што га чини мирним, сликовитим местом.
Бетхесда Фоунтаин
Током шетње наићи ћете на оно што је познато као Анђео из Бетхесде на врху фонтане Бетхесда. Смештен у центру Бетхесда Терраце, анђео је постао прво веће јавно уметничко дело Њујорка које је наручила жена.
Централ Парк Зоо
Коначно, завршићемо нашу турнеју у зоолошком врту Централ Парк, у југоисточном углу Централ Парка у Њујорку. Овде можете или остати и уживати у задивљујућим пејзажима парка, или ће вас водич пратити до најближе подземне железнице.
Central Park
.Explore this 19th century project that gave city dwellers an escape from urban life. Learn about the statues of prominent figures like Bolivar and Marti, or check out statues of more playful figures like sled-dog Balto and characters from Alice in Wonderland. Cross the charming – and famous – Gapstow Bridge on your way to the Central Park Zoo. Stroll the tree-lined Mall and discuss the literary figures along its path, ending at the instantly-recognizable Bethesda Terrace and Fountain. Cross Bow Bridge on your way to Strawberry Fields and the Dakota to learn about John Lennon’s final day at his memorial. Pass by Tavern on the Green to book dinner later in the evening or join the locals in Sheep Meadow, where New Yorkers of all walks of life can kick back and relax.
432 Park Avenue
After meeting your guide at the Latin America History equestrian statues on the corner of 6 Ave & 59 St, you will enter the park. One of the first things you will see is the surviving ASPCA horse drinking fountain sited in 1912. Although we are well into the world of the automobile, this represents the only place in the city where one can bring a horse to drink water if they happen to have one. You will then walk west to get a stunning view of the new SuperScrapers. 432 Park Avenue is a residential skyscraper that overlooks Central Park. The skyscraper is the second tallest building in New York behind One World Trade Centre, making it a prime location to live at.
Time Warner Center
Next you will see the Time Warner Center, a mixed-use building complex that consists of two twin towers bridged by a multi-story atrium. The complex contains upscale retail shops as well as some office and residential flats. Yet another impressive skyscraper for you to photograph!
Bow Bridge
Afterwards, you will visit Bow Bridge, the largest bridge in the park. It is a cast iron bridge, decorated designed with Classical Greek refinement during the 19th century. While other bridges in the park are inconspicuous, Bow Bridge is made to stand out from its surroundings, decorated with an interlocking circles banister and intricate elements underneath the arch span.
Gapstow Bridge
Another bridge you will come across during your tour is the beautiful schist Gapstow Bridge that ws initially built in 1874. The bridge offers one of the best views of the New York City skyline and you will be able to get some great shots of the city.
Turtle Pond
Then, you will make your way to the Great Lawn, a site of 55-acres that is considered one of the most famous lawns in the world. The Lawn is a great place to have a picnic on a spring afternoon or catch some rays in summer. Close by you will see the Turtle Pond, where most of the park’s turtles live.
The Dakota
After this you will see the Dakota, perhaps the most famous cooperative building in the city. Constructed in 1884, it still maintains much of its original character. It was the home of John Lennon, former Beatles member from 1973 until his murder in the archway of the building in 1980.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Following, you will visit Strawberry fields, a 2.5-acre area in Central Park that pays tribute to the late Beatle, John Lennon. A designated quiet area in the park, Strawberry files is lined with elm trees, shrubs, flowers and rocks, making it a tranquil, picturesque site.
Bethesda Fountain
During your walk you will come across what is known as the Angel of Bethesda atop of Bethesda Fountain. Located in the centre of Bethesda Terrace, the angel became New York City’s first major piece of public art commissioned from a woman.
Central Park Zoo
Finally, we will end our tour at the Central Park Zoo, at the southeast corner of Central Park in New York City. Here, you can either stay and enjoy the stunning landscapes of the park, or your guide will accompany you to the nearest subway.
Central Park
.Explore this 19th century project that gave city dwellers an escape from urban life. Learn about the statues of prominent figures like Bolivar and Marti, or check out statues of more playful figures like sled-dog Balto and characters from Alice in Wonderland. Cross the charming – and famous – Gapstow Bridge on your way to the Central Park Zoo. Stroll the tree-lined Mall and discuss the literary figures along its path, ending at the instantly-recognizable Bethesda Terrace and Fountain. Cross Bow Bridge on your way to Strawberry Fields and the Dakota to learn about John Lennon’s final day at his memorial. Pass by Tavern on the Green to book dinner later in the evening or join the locals in Sheep Meadow, where New Yorkers of all walks of life can kick back and relax.
432 Park Avenue
After meeting your guide at the Latin America History equestrian statues on the corner of 6 Ave & 59 St, you will enter the park. One of the first things you will see is the surviving ASPCA horse drinking fountain sited in 1912. Although we are well into the world of the automobile, this represents the only place in the city where one can bring a horse to drink water if they happen to have one. You will then walk west to get a stunning view of the new SuperScrapers. 432 Park Avenue is a residential skyscraper that overlooks Central Park. The skyscraper is the second tallest building in New York behind One World Trade Centre, making it a prime location to live at.
Time Warner Center
Next you will see the Time Warner Center, a mixed-use building complex that consists of two twin towers bridged by a multi-story atrium. The complex contains upscale retail shops as well as some office and residential flats. Yet another impressive skyscraper for you to photograph!
Bow Bridge
Afterwards, you will visit Bow Bridge, the largest bridge in the park. It is a cast iron bridge, decorated designed with Classical Greek refinement during the 19th century. While other bridges in the park are inconspicuous, Bow Bridge is made to stand out from its surroundings, decorated with an interlocking circles banister and intricate elements underneath the arch span.
Gapstow Bridge
Another bridge you will come across during your tour is the beautiful schist Gapstow Bridge that ws initially built in 1874. The bridge offers one of the best views of the New York City skyline and you will be able to get some great shots of the city.
Turtle Pond
Then, you will make your way to the Great Lawn, a site of 55-acres that is considered one of the most famous lawns in the world. The Lawn is a great place to have a picnic on a spring afternoon or catch some rays in summer. Close by you will see the Turtle Pond, where most of the park’s turtles live.
The Dakota
After this you will see the Dakota, perhaps the most famous cooperative building in the city. Constructed in 1884, it still maintains much of its original character. It was the home of John Lennon, former Beatles member from 1973 until his murder in the archway of the building in 1980.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Following, you will visit Strawberry fields, a 2.5-acre area in Central Park that pays tribute to the late Beatle, John Lennon. A designated quiet area in the park, Strawberry files is lined with elm trees, shrubs, flowers and rocks, making it a tranquil, picturesque site.
Bethesda Fountain
During your walk you will come across what is known as the Angel of Bethesda atop of Bethesda Fountain. Located in the centre of Bethesda Terrace, the angel became New York City’s first major piece of public art commissioned from a woman.
Central Park Zoo
Finally, we will end our tour at the Central Park Zoo, at the southeast corner of Central Park in New York City. Here, you can either stay and enjoy the stunning landscapes of the park, or your guide will accompany you to the nearest subway.
Central Park
.Explore this 19th century project that gave city dwellers an escape from urban life. Learn about the statues of prominent figures like Bolivar and Marti, or check out statues of more playful figures like sled-dog Balto and characters from Alice in Wonderland. Cross the charming – and famous – Gapstow Bridge on your way to the Central Park Zoo. Stroll the tree-lined Mall and discuss the literary figures along its path, ending at the instantly-recognizable Bethesda Terrace and Fountain. Cross Bow Bridge on your way to Strawberry Fields and the Dakota to learn about John Lennon’s final day at his memorial. Pass by Tavern on the Green to book dinner later in the evening or join the locals in Sheep Meadow, where New Yorkers of all walks of life can kick back and relax.
432 Park Avenue
After meeting your guide at the Latin America History equestrian statues on the corner of 6 Ave & 59 St, you will enter the park. One of the first things you will see is the surviving ASPCA horse drinking fountain sited in 1912. Although we are well into the world of the automobile, this represents the only place in the city where one can bring a horse to drink water if they happen to have one. You will then walk west to get a stunning view of the new SuperScrapers. 432 Park Avenue is a residential skyscraper that overlooks Central Park. The skyscraper is the second tallest building in New York behind One World Trade Centre, making it a prime location to live at.
Time Warner Center
Next you will see the Time Warner Center, a mixed-use building complex that consists of two twin towers bridged by a multi-story atrium. The complex contains upscale retail shops as well as some office and residential flats. Yet another impressive skyscraper for you to photograph!
Bow Bridge
Afterwards, you will visit Bow Bridge, the largest bridge in the park. It is a cast iron bridge, decorated designed with Classical Greek refinement during the 19th century. While other bridges in the park are inconspicuous, Bow Bridge is made to stand out from its surroundings, decorated with an interlocking circles banister and intricate elements underneath the arch span.
Gapstow Bridge
Another bridge you will come across during your tour is the beautiful schist Gapstow Bridge that ws initially built in 1874. The bridge offers one of the best views of the New York City skyline and you will be able to get some great shots of the city.
Turtle Pond
Then, you will make your way to the Great Lawn, a site of 55-acres that is considered one of the most famous lawns in the world. The Lawn is a great place to have a picnic on a spring afternoon or catch some rays in summer. Close by you will see the Turtle Pond, where most of the park’s turtles live.
The Dakota
After this you will see the Dakota, perhaps the most famous cooperative building in the city. Constructed in 1884, it still maintains much of its original character. It was the home of John Lennon, former Beatles member from 1973 until his murder in the archway of the building in 1980.
Strawberry Fields, John Lennon Memorial
Following, you will visit Strawberry fields, a 2.5-acre area in Central Park that pays tribute to the late Beatle, John Lennon. A designated quiet area in the park, Strawberry files is lined with elm trees, shrubs, flowers and rocks, making it a tranquil, picturesque site.
Bethesda Fountain
During your walk you will come across what is known as the Angel of Bethesda atop of Bethesda Fountain. Located in the centre of Bethesda Terrace, the angel became New York City’s first major piece of public art commissioned from a woman.
Central Park Zoo
Finally, we will end our tour at the Central Park Zoo, at the southeast corner of Central Park in New York City. Here, you can either stay and enjoy the stunning landscapes of the park, or your guide will accompany you to the nearest subway.
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Политика отказивања
For a full refund, cancel at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (26)
Jan 2025
Our day at the Met with Mark was truly unforgettable. The sheer size of the museum had always felt intimidating to my husband and me, but Mark made it approachable, intimate, and engaging. He masterfully broke down the museum’s layout and shared fascinating insights into specific pieces we might have otherwise overlooked. Mark's humor, intelligence, and passion for art made the entire day both educational and incredibly enjoyable. It was worth every penny, and we will cherish the memories of our time at the Met with him. Highly, highly recommended!
Dec 2024
Best guide ever. Just 2 of us so got the best of the best person tour. Highly recommended if you get Mark you won’t be disappointed.
Nov 2024
After another guide canceled due to rain and parade staging, we were able to rebook on Thanksgiving afternoon. Mark, an accomplished artist and NYC local, was an excellent guide. We moved the starting point from the southern end to the Met and my wife, teenage daughter and I were treated to a 2-hour 15-minute tour of some of the Park’s most treasured highlights, including Belvedere Castle, the Whispering Bench, Strawberry Fields, the Lake and the Literary Walk. Mark clearly treasures NYC and CP and provided the great insight, some inside info and just the right amount of snark. Highly recommend!

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