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Ваш пиратски водич ће водити групу на 2,5-сатну пешачку туру кроз историјски центар Чарлстона. Почећете и завршити у бару, сваки смештен у историјским зградама са својим јединственим духовима и причама. Гости ће имати времена да уживају у укусном напитку док им водич прича све о фасцинантној историји Чарлстона и неким од његових најпознатијих и језивих уклетих прича!
Цити: Цхарлестон
Sun 06 Oct
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Sun 06 Oct
Са почетком у $35.18
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Коментара (578)
Oct 2020
Our tour guide Gia was so fun and very knowledgeable. Highly recommend the experience! She answered all our questions and gave us lots of extra fun facts.
Oct 2020
We loved this tour. My husband, our 22 year old son and I took this tour on our first night in Charleston with Gia. We had a wonderful time. While the pub aspect is obviously a plus 😉, the tour itself was so interesting and informative. We love ghost tours of new cities as it's a fun way to learn about the history and sights in a more interesting way than a normal walking tour. Gia did not disappoint. She is a natural storyteller and the evening just flew by. We even had our share of spooky experiences (for real - not making that part up). My son had a strange sensation of tingling and pain in his arm as we walked down Philadelphia Alley (aka Dueller's alley) that ended about five minutes after we left. We walked down that alley the next day during a food tour and the exact same thing happened (no it wasn't a heart attack 😂). Was it his imagination? Was something reaching out to him? Who knows? He's not exactly one to call attention to himself or get spooked easily, so I do wonder .... I am going to include four pictures that I took. Two were of the same spot in a graveyard. On one you can see the light in the background is vastly extended from the "normal" shot. At first look I just thought the picture was terribly out of focus, but looking at the headstones in the foreground, you can see that's not the case. What was it? No clue, but it sure was spooky! Included in the second pair of photos is the one that still makes my skin crawl when I look at it. We were at the last pub, enjoying a drink on the back patio. Gia hadn't mentioned anything about any of the buildings in front of us (behind the pub) being haunted. But for some reason sitting there, I was drawn to one of the buildings - and not in a good way. My skin was tingling and I felt compelled to take a picture of what was not a photogenic site, at all. What I got was the blurred picture you see. I know I didn't move the phone enough to blur that. I took several other pictures of the area (one is shown) and you see what should have been on that first picture. Quite a bit later, as we were got up to leave, my son suddenly ran over to the wall and started peering around the corner. Earlier in the night, he had expressed to me that he got the creepiest feeling when we passed a certain building (one not mentioned by Gia in the tour - just a random building we walked by). What we didn't realize until that moment was that I had photographed the back of that building without even realizing it was the same one. We'd been winding through the French Quarter for several hours and he only just realized it was the same one. Some of you will read this and chalk it up to a few cocktails and over imaginative minds and maybe it is. Or maybe it isn't????????? Either way, you will love this tour. Ask for Gia!!
Oct 2020
My husband and I decided to take the haunted pub tour last minute! We are so happy we did! We only had two nights in Charleston and learned so much with our tour with Gia. She told us amazing personal haunted stories at the 3 pubs we visited. Her personality was passionate and enduring! We visited places that weren’t normal to the “normal” tourist route. Highly recommend!

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