This was used by 1 adult female (me) and my 2 pre-teen children (10 and 12). This was done as an extra on a whim and we chose to drive as we had already done a few walking tours and our feet were tired. I do recommend that if you do this - walk. There were a few places that we needed to turn (on foot) and it was a one way street, so we circled around a few times, which caused lots of laughs. Overall, we recommend walking it to get the most out of it. It was worth the few $s I spent and we got to see a bit more of the city than we would have otherwise.
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2021
Thanks for the great review! And I love you drove the tour, great testing :) We also suggest walking the tour, but you have proven it's possible, with a few laughs, to drive it :)