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Падобранско искуство Цхарлотте у затвореном са 2 лета и персонализованим сертификатом

Осетите узбуђење скакања падобраном без искакања из авиона. Истина је! Идите у иФЛИ Цхарлотте, врхунски објекат за падобранство у затвореном који покреће најсавременији вертикални аеротунел. Након тренинга, искусићете услове слободног пада уз помоћ инструктора. Није потребно искуство, а након тога можете понети кући персонализовану потврду о лету.
Цити: Цхарлотте
Mon 23 Dec
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $84.99
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $84.99
Шта је укључено
Индивидуално вођење од сертификованог инструктора летења
Обука и употреба све опреме
Два (2) лета за 1 особу
Потврда о успешности летења
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дозвољене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Ако сте раније имали повреде врата, леђа, срца, повреде или ишчашења рамена, трудна или носите гипс - нећете моћи да летите.<ли>Да би својим клијентима и инструкторима пружио безбедно искуство, иФЛИ можда неће моћи да прими летаче који теже између 260-300 лбс и неће моћи да прими летаче чија тежина прелази 300 фунти. Приликом пријаве за резервације летова, биће потребна додатна процена локалног особља како би се утврдило да ли се могу сместити летачи између 260-300 фунти и да ли могу да важе додатна ограничења.<ли>Минимална старост је 3 године<ли>Дјеца млађа од 18 година морају имати родитељ или старатељ да потпише своје одрицање.<ли>Препоручује се да носите добро припијене патике на пертле или патике за трчање и удобну одјећу<ли>Ако морате да промените термин након што је ваша резервација направљена, позовите локацију директно. Промене датума и времена резервације се не могу извршити на други начин.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Опрема/опрема се дезинфикује између употребе
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (23)
Dec 2019
This was given to me as a gift for my birthday. It was a little different than I was expecting but still a lot of fun. First time flyers will not fly up and down the flight tunnel on their own. Instead, you will hover only about 3 to 4 feet off of the ground and be assisted by one of the employees who may hold onto you the entire time. If you want to go up higher an employee will take you for a short trip around the midpoint of the tunnel for an additional $15.00 per person. Upselling and selling additional trips are big here. Expect to pay extra for helmets with full facial shields (which greatly improve your experience) and to go higher in the tunnel. Each "flight" lasts one minute so any pricing based on the number of flights can be converted into the number of minutes for example 2 flights equals two minutes. The minutes do go by fast but depending on what package you purchased you still feel as though you received some value for your money. Children as young as three years old can participate. You must be somewhat flexible to comfortably enjoy the experience. In order to get the best wind resistance and stay afloat, you will need to extend your body into a U position while stretching out your arms and legs. I have no medical issues and I was still sore after my 2 flights. This is not an experience for people with limited mobility. Expect to arrive at least 30 minutes ahead of your flight time so that you can sign the appropriate paperwork and watch an instructional video. The staff were great and very knowledgeable and clearly love what they do. Fun time.
Oct 2019
I visited this location for my Autistic son’s birthday celebration. We chose this activity because the website said it was suitable for people of ALL ABILITIES. It even specifically noted Autism and other cognitive and intellectual disabilities. The facility was top-notched, the customer service good and the instructor was excellent. However, for my Autistic son, this was NOT an appropriate activity. The wind tunnel is extremely loud and the force of the wind in your face literally takes your breath away. Both these conditions created a sensory overload for a child who has sensory challenges, as most Autistics do. The instructor spent about 20 minutes giving very detailed instructions on what to expect: how to position your body, how to straighten your legs, how to keep your chin up and most importantly, to relax. But all this fell on deaf ears to a person who is non-verbal and has challenges with receptive language (understanding what is said to him). So of course, his time in the tunnel was a disaster! He had no concept of what to expect and no idea what was happening to him or what to do. It was like pushing a blind person in a pool without telling them first that you were going to do it. I can’t imagine how harrowing it must have been for him. I was utterly heartsick watching him. The instructor was wonderful. He tried. I give him an A for effort, but I’m not sure he truly understood what Autism is or how to accommodate my son’s special needs, although I discussed all this with him at the start of the session. Autism is a spectrum disorder, so another Autistic person’s experience may be different from ours, but when you profess to be suitable for ALL ABILITIES, its important that you understand what that means and are able to deliver on that promise. My son did not have a terrible experience, but for $239, we did not receive the experience we expected. So if you or someone in your party has physical or cognitive challenges, BE WARY!

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