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Улазница у собу за бекство „Тајни агент“ Чатануге

Година је 1963. и град Лондон је захваћен добом љубави, моћи цвећа и Битлманије. Плесни подови су пуни увијања и вике и љупких људи. Међутим, др Вон Гоблер је спровео злу заверу која би једном заувек могла да оконча моћ цвећа! Ви сте будни тајни агенти МИ6, а на вама је да уђете у траг и откријете подлу заверу. Ваше вече ће почети откривањем Тхе Ред Буттон, најтоплијег лондонског плесног клуба. Шта би могло поћи по злу? Зграбите своју најбољу маску и заплешите сат времена далеко да бисте ставили коначну тачку на др. Вон Гоблера!<бр><бр>Нудимо заједничка искуства: више група може резервисати исту авантуру.<бр><бр>Потпуно се уроните у аутентично и историјско искуство које се дешава у Лондону 1963. као врхунски агент МИ6. Тестирајте своје вештине решавања проблема и брзу памет са 60 минута на сату.
Цити: Цхаттаноога
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $33.87
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $33.87
Шта је укључено
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<ул><ли>Услужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Пратимо тренутне смернице ЦДЦ-а. У овом тренутку покривање лица није потребно.
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (46)
Jul 2020
Our group had a great time. We were having trouble, and the clues given were super useful. Mr. Miles White gave us several laughs and made the whole experience super fun!
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
Thank you for being so groovy with the 5 star review! We hope to see you soon!
Jul 2020
We had a blast and escaped just in time! Christina and Miles were very helpful and very friendly! We can’t wait to come back and do a different room.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
Thank you for the review! We hope to see you soon!
Jun 2020
Time to Escape once again delivers! We've been to 2 other It's TIme to Escape locations - downtown Atlanta and Brookhaven (north of Atlanta) and have done ALL their rooms, some even multiple times. For us, this was a 2 hour trip but it was absolutely worth it. As with the other locations, I have to commend the awesome Game Masters. Today we had Christina and she was terrific. I'd also like to recognize the other Game Masters who were incredibly nice and congratulated us for getting out successfully. Sorry I didn't get your names though. This Escape Room centers around '60's London and is kind of mash up between James Bond and Austin Powers Man of Mystery. Flower Power and Groovy Baby's all around as well as some serious stuff. This was a fairly tough room but we picked the non-competitive mode (competitive mode has a max of 3 clues). We needed about 10 clues (maybe more!) to get through this because truly we suck at these rooms even though this was room 124 for us. Christina helped us out a lot and we managed to get to a successful ending. For us, the journey is the fun not necessarily finishing in a record time. It was a very fun and challenging (hah!) room. I'd like to point out that the Game Masters all wore masks and I think some of them gloves. They clean the rooms before and after each game and we felt really safe even during this time of coronavirus. Christina only took off her mask for the picture.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2020
WOW! 124 rooms! That is amazing! You guys were so much fun and are humbled that you had an excellent experience with us! We do hope to see you again soon to try out our other rooms!

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