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Чикаго Премиер Лаке Мицхиган Рунцх Цруисе

Добродошли на највећу луксузну јахту у Чикагу на Нави Пиеру! Задовољите апетит и уживајте у прекрасним погледима на обрисе Чикага на овом двосатном крстарењу за ручак. Док сте на броду, не само да можете да уживате у свеже припремљеном оброку од три јела, већ и да уживате у музичкој забави уживо која чини заиста незаборавно искуство.
Цити: Чикаго
Sat 19 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $98.22
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $98.22
Шта је укључено
2-часовно крстарење за ручак
Оброк од 3 јела са кафом, чајем и леденим чајем
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Опције превоза су приступачне за инвалидска колица<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Све унутрашње површине на броду су непушачи. Гости који пуше могу то да раде само на отвореним палубама за посматрање.<ли>Конобар ће узети вашу индивидуалну поруџбину након што ваша забава седне. Можете затражити да вам ручак буде одмах сервиран или да ваш оброк буде сервиран у лежернијем темпу.<ли>Кодекс облачења: За жене, елегантна и лежерна одећа као што су панталоне, сарафани, лепи шортс или лепа одећа се препоручују. За мушкарце се предлаже елегантно-лежерна одећа као што су лепе панталоне или шортс и кошуља са крагном. Лепе, дизајнерске фармерке су прихватљиве. Међутим, лежерне фармерке, мајице, атлетске ципеле или јапанке се обесхрабрују.
Шта да очекујете
Адлер Планетариум
Адлер Планетариум
Нави Пиер
Крстарење и излазак из Морнаричког пристаништа
МцЦормицк Плаце
МцЦормицк Плаце
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (51)
Jul 2022
From the beginning it was an interesting experience to say the least. It all started when asked a member of the crew (white shirt) if the particular yacht was the right one we were looking for (neither of us had done this before). I showed him the picture of the yacht on my phone, and asked if that was the right one- he just stared at the picture for a while, looked back at me and gave a strange grunt in some sort of acknowledgment, or something. We then went to the back of the line of people, and when it was our turn to board we were told we had to go to a booth and have our tickets printed. Would have been nice if grunting man had told us. Once we boarded we were assigned to the Amethyst level (level 3). One of the first things I noticed was the amount of spider webs, and dead insects there were on the windows. I thought it was a cruise to see Lake Michigan and the shoreline of the city, not a spiders feast. Our server was pleasant, as was the rest of the crew we interacted with. Our food came out in three courses, including bread. I ordered the salmon, of which I found a couple bones in as I was eating. During dessert we noticed that (ordered cheesecake), neither of us received the raspberry drizzle that everyone else had on their cheesecake, nor did my partner have a wedge of lime on his plate. But what he did find was a chunk of paper in his mouth that was still connected to the slice of cheesecake. During the three course meal I noticed the same grunting crew member (a man), open the door to our level, and proceed to peer into the woman’s restroom (men’s was just on the other side of the bar which was about 10 feet opposite of him), go inside, and then come out a few minutes later. I was under the assumption he physically used the restroom during this time. I was pretty uncomfortable watching that happen. If I had been in there, or walked in while he was there, I would have freaked out. Later, after we were finished with our meal, we went up to the top deck to take in the scenery for the rest of our lunch cruise. As we were moving about the deck, the same women’s restroom-using grunting man all of a sudden wanted to clean the bird poop that was on the deck. Unbeknownst to us as we were just taking in the air of the $235 that we paid, he came up behind us out of nowhere and rather rudely said “I need to clean this”. Was this all worth the money? No, it wasn’t. I expected a lot better out of a $235 lunch cruise on a yacht. There are several others out there.
Jul 2022
Very nice experience. Food and music good. Very good choices of wine. The view absolutely excellent.
Jun 2022
I got sent to wrong boat so I missed the cruise and called to get a refund or credit for another cruise and they refused to give refund and I haven’t gotten credit

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