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Крстарење Чикагом са вечером на језеру Мичиген

Прославите ноћни излазак у Чикагу уз вечеру и разгледање на тросатном луксузном крстарењу језером Мичиген. Баците поглед на врхунске атракције Чикага као што су Нави Пиер, Солдиер Фиелд и још много тога док вечерате на раскошном шведском столу за све што можете да једете! Погледајте спектакуларан поглед на хоризонт Чикага и слушајте забавну музику!
Цити: Чикаго
Thu 24 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $122.80
Thu 24 Oct
Са почетком у $122.80
Шта је укључено
Позадинска музика коју је курирао ДЈ
Укусна вечера на бази шведског стола уз присуство сервера, са свеже припремљеним предјелима, салатама и десертима
Прекрасан поглед на обалу
2,5 сата крстарења језером Мичиген
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли> Кодекс облачења је елегантан цасуал. На крстарењу се не носе фармерке, кратке панталоне, мајице без рукава, халтере, патике за теретану или јапанке<ли>У унутрашњости брода је забрањено пушење. Гости који пуше могу то да раде само на отвореним палубама за посматрање.<ли>Седишта су загарантована само заједно за број карата потврђен на овом ваучеру. Резервације се не могу комбиновати.
Шта да очекујете
Солдиер Фиелд
Солдиер Фиелд
Нави Пиер
Нави Пиер
Буцкингхамска фонтана
Буцкингхамска фонтана
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (194)
Jun 2022
The instructions to find the cruise was awful and completely incorrect. The food was bad. The servers and crew were wonderful.
Jun 2022
Boy oh boy! Talk of the ambience, the food, the vybe!🔥🔥; very friendly staff who ensured we got excellent services. We enjoyed breathtaking views of the beautiful Chicago; this was a feel-good event; I’ll def do this again
Jun 2022
If I could leave no stars I would. AVOID AT ALL COST!!!! Let's start out with the fact that it was my husband's and I 20 year anniversary celebration. We thought we would splurge (Spent over $1,000!!!!!) and book a romantic, upscale, classy dinner with fireworks yacht around our beloved city. We paid for First Class Upgrade which was supposed to include first class service. That entailed, champagne service upon entry to the boat, first class appetizer, and platinum open bar services. Now, paying over $1,000, we expected the bare minimum of what we has selected. And GOT NONE OF THAT! The staff were mediocre at best. We had to basically beg for our inclusive champagne and even then got some sweet cheap wine. The "first class appetizer" was a tiny plate with 4 mini shrimps and some Walmart red sauce. On top of that, they only had one bartender tending to the entire ship. And our so called "waitress" paid no attention to us while she ran people at the bar (which wasn't even her job). And then she basically told us that "if we wanted to be served faster, then we can go up to the bar ourselves." EXCUSE ME? For what I thought was first class, never did I think that a waitress, who we still tipped well, would say that to us. To be quite honest, I don't understand what we even paid for. We could barley see the fireworks that we were promised. The boat legitimately went out to the middle of the lake. And didn't move... for three hours. And not to mention, there were no waves, but the boat was rocking back and forth like crazy, making all of us nauseas. Maybe it was rocking back and forth because all of the trashy twerking going on on the dance floor. I thought I paid for a First Class Signature Experience, not a trashy drag show. Not to mention that the website states: "Casual attire: khakis, nice jeans, dresses, button-up shirts, and blouses." There were people in leggings, crop tops, sneakers, sweatpants and sweatshirts, and sports bras on. Twerking on the dance floor with the music that the DJ was playing. The videos I took are horrific. I am in absolute shock that I WASTED so much money on what was supposed to be a CLASSY, FIRST CLASS, SIGNATURE night celebrating my anniversary. And instead I got a mediocre, trashy, disrespectful excuse for a party boat. I am demanding a full refund for this experience. The website is completely misleading and promotes false advertising. I have enough videos to show that this experience was one of the worst times of my life and a complete waste of money. STAY AWAY FROM THIS CRUISE AND THIS COMPANY! Not sure how it is in other cities, but being a Chicago native, I am appalled and disgusted. Hopefully I can save some people the trouble of booking here. Find another cruise line that will live up to your expectations and gives you your moneys worth. Because this pathetic boat deserves 0 stars and a visit from the health inspector. The most unsanitary boat that I have ever been on in my life. My potatoes and chicken has a long strand of brown hair mixed into it that almost made me sick. But not like the staff even cared. Who knows what was happening in that kitchen. All in all, horrible experience, 0 stars. Expect a phone call from me demanding a full refund. And maybe a call from the health inspector.

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