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Крстарење Чикагом са вечером на језеру Мичиген

Прославите ноћни излазак у Чикагу уз вечеру и разгледање на тросатном луксузном крстарењу језером Мичиген. Баците поглед на врхунске атракције Чикага као што су Нави Пиер, Солдиер Фиелд и још много тога док вечерате на раскошном шведском столу за све што можете да једете! Погледајте спектакуларан поглед на хоризонт Чикага и слушајте забавну музику!
Цити: Чикаго
Mon 21 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $122.80
Mon 21 Oct
Са почетком у $122.80
Шта је укључено
Позадинска музика коју је курирао ДЈ
Укусна вечера на бази шведског стола уз присуство сервера, са свеже припремљеним предјелима, салатама и десертима
Прекрасан поглед на обалу
2,5 сата крстарења језером Мичиген
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли> Кодекс облачења је елегантан цасуал. На крстарењу се не носе фармерке, кратке панталоне, мајице без рукава, халтере, патике за теретану или јапанке<ли>У унутрашњости брода је забрањено пушење. Гости који пуше могу то да раде само на отвореним палубама за посматрање.<ли>Седишта су загарантована само заједно за број карата потврђен на овом ваучеру. Резервације се не могу комбиновати.
Шта да очекујете
Солдиер Фиелд
Солдиер Фиелд
Нави Пиер
Нави Пиер
Буцкингхамска фонтана
Буцкингхамска фонтана
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (194)
Apr 2018
We make reservation for a diner cruise and we got the confirmation everything was ok. After 3days we got email from Viator company explaining the date what we chooser are not available. We will never do a business with this incompetent company. I give them one point because I can not give less then one. Never do business with them they are other company better then them. SHAME SHAME VIATOR
Mar 2018
Pretty good food, just a fun adventure. Was a cool thing to do with friends. A must try for anyone in Chi-town.
Feb 2018
I will never book this cruise in advance anymore. My second experience with this ship was ridiculous. A week before the scheduled dinner cruise I got a call from a representative saying that the boat was taken out of service and that they put us on a different ship, the odyssey. I asked the lady on the phone if it was similar to the buffet, and she said it was a better cruise than the one I had already purchased and paid in full for, so I said it was alright. When I went to pick up our tickets at the stand outside of the boat, the lady asked me for an additional payment (the switch was over $100, which was supposed to be waived because THEY made the switch) and it took a while before it was straightened out. Then we get on the ship which was nicer than the other one and more upscale, but we were seated with a group of people that were having a wedding reception on the cruise.... why they would seat us with them and not at another table is beyond me, but when the food came out it wasn’t as good as the other ship and the observation deck on the odyssey was not as good as the spirit. If you sat down you couldn’t see the Chicago skyline or anything except sky over the high railings. On the spirit if you sat down you could still see everything that was going on. I was also disappointed that it wasn’t a buffet like the spirit and you could only order an option from a menu. When I called customer service to get 1/2 my money back because I wasn’t satisfied, the supervisor never called me back. I was on the phone over 2 hours trying to get it straightened out with the representative before speaking to the supervisor. She advised that she was going to call me back in a couple hours and never did. The next day I called back asking for the supervisor I was dealing with, only to be told she was now “on vacation”. Long story short, after trying to play tag with her she still never responded to any voicemails. I am just beyond baffled. Never book a Spirit of Chicago dinner cruise months in advance, oh and I forgot to mention that the ship was in service as we had to pass it on our way to the Odyssey and people were finishing boarding on that cruise. Never ever ever using this company again. I was so pleased with my first experience that this second one will be my last.

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