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Кинеска четврт и фестивал хране Мале Италије

Истражите укусе и историју два етничка њујоршка насеља, Кинеске четврти и Мале Италије. Анимирани и љубазни водичи омогућавају својим гостима да науче ове крајеве кроз фасцинантне историјске приче и кулинарске ужитке. Дегустације укусне хране крећу се од домаће моцареле до аутентичног италијанског оброка за седење. За госте од 21 године и више постоји могућност да попије чашу вина на седећој дегустацији. Човек напушта ову турнеју потпуно задовољан, заједно са новим стеченим самопоуздањем у навигацији по четвртима са датом листом препорука у руци. Ова тура је неопходна ако сте локални или посетилац који жели да се склони са утабаног пута и проба невероватну храну.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 16 Nov
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Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $125.00
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Шта да очекујете
Мала Италија
Мала Италија Манхаттан
Кинеска четврт
Кинеска четврт Менхетна
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Коментара (985)
Susan R
Apr 2014
Met a girlfriend in NYC for a long weekend. Spent several hours touring Little Italy and Chinatown. It was a fantastic experience and totally worth it! We both learned so many little tidbits of history about those areas. Loved the selection of shops and food tastings. I can't wait to go back and see another area of NYC. Fabulous time!!
Dec 2013
I was visiting my sister in NYC and she signed us up for a Saturday morning tour of Chinatown and Little Italy. This combines my two great loves - history and food... We met the guide, Liz, in front of this grocery/market, and we had maybe ten minutes to walk around in it until the other people showed up. It turned out to have been all girls: the guide, my sister and I, a girl (who turned out to be a travel blog writer - my dream job!) and two girlfriends. What can I saw? I will have to read the travel blog writer's description because I am sure she is more eloquent than I am, but I can tell you that Liz is an engaging speaker, she knows the history of this place, and is able to recount stories that bring it all together - celebs, immigrants to this country, regional flavors and traditions, and interesting tidbits of information. All with a great sense of humor and a great easy going personality. The food was great, but I do have to warn you - it will be a good 30 before your first bite... I scarfed down the mozzarella and prosciuto like there is no tomorrow, I was so hungry. My advice to you is: don't come ravenous, eat something (SMALL, really small - like a cracker or two) before coming. Wear comfortable shoes, this is not the time to show off fancy high heels. The tour is supposed to be three hours, but in our case it took a little longer. We never felt rushed or out of breath trying to make it to the next place, and I am not a good walker (coming from a state where you drive from your driveway to your mailbox) but even I didn't have a hard time keeping up with Liz. She gave us plenty of time to take pictures, and most wonderful - they have a guide (that I will cherish for the next time I am in New York!) with the names of the all the restaurants we visited. Down side: no pizza I eat will be even remotely close to the fabulous pizza we had at Grand Appetito... and those dumplings.. oh... Although you are eating small portions, by the time we got to the 5th station (out of 7) I was already full. You have to wait till your fifth station (a Thai restaurant) to get to the bathrooms, so keep that in mind (figure at least a couple of hours).
Nov 2013
We did the Little Italy and Chinatown food tour with tour guides Alanna and Liz. Great girls with a knowledge and love of New York and food. Small intimate group for three hours of walking, talking and with lots of tasting stops along the way. When the tour was finished, we had been given so much beautiful food and a sit down meal that we didn't eat again that day!!! Worth the money, great to get good recommendations for restaurants for later occasions too.

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