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Кинеска четврт и фестивал хране Мале Италије

Истражите укусе и историју два етничка њујоршка насеља, Кинеске четврти и Мале Италије. Анимирани и љубазни водичи омогућавају својим гостима да науче ове крајеве кроз фасцинантне историјске приче и кулинарске ужитке. Дегустације укусне хране крећу се од домаће моцареле до аутентичног италијанског оброка за седење. За госте од 21 године и више постоји могућност да попије чашу вина на седећој дегустацији. Човек напушта ову турнеју потпуно задовољан, заједно са новим стеченим самопоуздањем у навигацији по четвртима са датом листом препорука у руци. Ова тура је неопходна ако сте локални или посетилац који жели да се склони са утабаног пута и проба невероватну храну.
Цити: Нев Иорк Цити
Sat 21 Sep
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Са почетком у $125.00
Sat 21 Sep
Са почетком у $125.00
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Шта да очекујете
Мала Италија
Мала Италија Манхаттан
Кинеска четврт
Кинеска четврт Менхетна
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Коментара (985)
Feb 2011
My boyfriend and I visited NYC and took this tour on a Sunday, in about 20 degree weather. Our guide Alana showed up right on time, was courteous and polite, and took us on a nice adventure through Chinatown and Little Italy. Both my boyfriend and I had spent some time in NYC before (as students) but all of the places Alana took us were places we had never been to before. We visited an Italian dairy market (awesome mozzarella), an Italian bakery (TO DIE FOR cannolis), a fried dumpling shop, a Japanese snack store, and a few other places in between. You get to sample small portions of each location's food. Our final stop was for lunch at a Thai restaurant (decent Thai, but we've had better). Overall, I would highly recommend this tour. Alana shared great facts and insight about this area, and it was long enough to learn some very interesting things, but not too long that it felt dragged out. After the tour, we re-visited the Italian bakery and Fried Dumpling spots to get more goodies! We booked this tour from a special on the NYC tourism site and we felt it was worth the amount we paid. This is a great way to experience NYC through your culinary senses!
Feb 2011
During the first week of the very cold month of February 2011, I coordinated a group trip to NYC for 22 people of various ages. Our trip included broadway shows, cabaret events, television tapings, sightseeing, shopping . . . and an excellent walking / food tour of Little Italy and Chinatown led by Alana Hoye of Ahoy New York Tours & Tasting! I initially chose Alana after reading about Ahoy NY Tours on NYCGO.com and reading the large number of positive reviews on TripAdvisor. The tour fees were very reasonable . . . and I must say, I agree with all the positive reviews! Alana was a pleasure to work with in advance of our trip - with just the right amount of flexibility to allow me to schedule 22 travelers for tours on two separate days. Upon confirming the tours, Alana provided detailed written instructions that allowed us to easily find her on the day of the tours. In addition, Alana maintained contact prior to the trip and was always accessible by email to answer any questions that arose prior to the tour date. Alana was the perfect tour guide providing interesting facts about the area as we walked the neighborhoods. The tastings offered a nice sampling of local foods and provided insight into the cultures of the area. The sitdown Thai lunch was excellent . . . allowing our group generous helpings of three Thai dishes and an excellent opportunity to quiz our guide about other interesting things to see in NYC. Although we toured on VERY cold days in February, there were ample opportunities to take shelter inside of tasting locations from time to time along the way . . . and Alana carefully chose her stops to allow us to remain comfortable. With group events, it is normal that someone will complain or find a an event less than satisfactory . . . this was not the case with our Ahoy NY Tours & Tastings food tour. After the tour, I received only positive responses from our group members and all reported having a wonderful time . . . and full stomachs! I wholeheartedly recommend Ahoy New York Tours & Tasting . . . and wonderful tour guide Alana Hoye!
Jan 2011
If you like learning while eating, you will love this tour! My partner and I took the Chinatown and Little Italy Food Fest walking tour on December 31, 2010, after a major snowstorm. Our gracious guide and host, Alana Hoye, took good care of our tour group. We felt welcomed, well fed and delighted with food shops and restaurants we visited in both neighborhoods. Alana has a wonderful way of sharing New York City food and history (ethnic groups, architecture and specialized food shops and dining spots) as she leads the tour at an easy pace. We both live in Manhattan, and one of us is a born and bred New Yorker, who gained new insights into our city’s history and cuisine. Favorite memories: Eating at the oldest American cheese store in America on our Little Italy visit and devouring delicious Chinese dumplings in Chinatown. We also enjoyed learning about Chinese fruits and vegetables at local fruit stands – felt like we were in another country! I have a slight hearing loss, but had no trouble hearing Alana speak on noisy streets. Her voice is warm, loud and clear. This tour is a fun way to experience authentic New York City neighborhoods with family and friends.

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