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Обилазак етничке хране и културе у Синсинатију преко Рајне

Путујте светом без напуштања Синсинатија! Ако тражите забавне ствари у Синсинатију, ова кулинарска тура са водичем ће вас упознати са неким од најбољих етно хране у граду. Хисториц Овер тхе Рхине је дом за десетине предузетника. То је заиста место где се различити светови сударају.<бр><бр>Етхниц Еатс Тоур почиње у прелепом парку Вашингтон, где се окупља срце изнад Рајне. Овде на северној ивици Синсинатија, уживаћемо у јелима у 5 јединствених ресторана у локалном власништву. <бр>(Имајте на уму: Нажалост, не можемо прихватити ограничења за орахе, алергије на храну, мало угљених хидрата, дијабетес, без глутена, вегана или лактозе).<бр><бр>Од вековима старих зграда до отварања нових послова сваког дана, ово обилазак ће вас упознати са неколико савремених занатлија, од дизајнера до продаваца. До краја турнеје, имаћете неколико невероватних фотографија испред култних зграда и знаменитости, као и локално знање инсајдера о сцени хране и пића.
Цити: Цинциннати
Sun 27 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $69.00
Sun 27 Oct
Са почетком у $69.00
Шта је укључено
Нека јела могу садржати свињетину. Ако избегавате свињетину, обавестите нас за вегетаријанску опцију.
Посећујемо 5 различитих продавница и ресторана за разноврсна јела. Обећавамо да нећете отићи гладни!
Локални професионални водич
Не можемо да примимо госте којима су потребна посебна јела због алергија на храну
Локални порези
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке кондиције<ли>Цијене се напојнице за вашег туристичког водича<ли>Доступна је вегетаријанска опција, ако је потребно обавестите је приликом резервације.<ли>Оперира у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно<ли>Сви гости морају да се пријаве 15 минута пре почетка обиласка.<ли>Не можемо да прихватимо орахе, алергије на храну, мало угљених хидрата, дијабетес, дијабетес. , ограничења без глутена, вегана или лактозе.
Шта да очекујете
Васхингтон Парк
Погледајте спољашњост Музичке дворане и научите историју прве немачке певачке сале у Синсинатију.
Шетамо срцем овог живописног етничког насеља, поред локалних продавница и ресторана слушајући приче о немачким имигрантима
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (104)
Feb 2021
BOOK THIS TOUR NOW! My fiancee and I needed a way to end the perfect Valentine's Day weekend and we did not know what to expect with Riverside Food Tours...but let me tell you we were not disappointed!! First off I can't say enough about Laura. From the get go, she was engaging, friendly, and personable (not to mention informational!). My fiancee and I and 2 other couples met in Washington Park. Laura made it clear that masks were of course required in the restaurants, but not outside. It was a little awkward in our group until we hit our first stop and then we became much more comfortable with each other including COVID. You will be eating and drinking with other as stated on their website. We did the ethnic food tour and stopped at Revolution Rotisserie, Bakersfield, Che, and Aladdin's. The other two stops were supposed to be Godfellas Pizza (too crowded) and the Macaron Bar (closed on V-Day). Need not to worry as Laura was prepared! We ended up eating the pizza in Aladdin's (the manager was so accommodating). We also ate the macarons there as Laura bought them on Saturday knowing they would be closed on Sunday. My favorite was Che with the empanadas. Laura is also so knowledgeable of Cincinnati and it was really cool to hear about the history of CIncy. She even brought pictures to show. To top off the day, my fiancee and I, and the other two couples went out to two bars after the tour! It was so nice to make friends with strangers and go out with them. We must've spent 6 hours with them! So make friends in your group and keep the day going after! Laura, we highly recommend this tour so thank you so much for an enjoyable day. We will try our best to book the Covington tour when we come back in October!
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2021
Wow, thank you for sharing such a complimentary and in-depth review. We were fortunate to have the perfect mix of 3 couples on Valentine's Day. It's an added bonus for everyone when they hit it off and can continue with more drinks and fun after the tour. I appreciate you being so accommodating with the last minute changes. Our restaurant partners, like Aladdin's Eatery in OTR, also want the experience to be perfect and will go to the extreme to make that happen. We look forward to seeing you again!
Jan 2021
I did this tour with friends to be 'tourists' in our own town, and it was interesting and enjoyable. Laura, our guide, fit a lot of information about local history and characters into our walk. The selection of restaurants was great - and not just for the food. It really gave you a sense of what the older buildings and architecture have to offer in the revitalized areas of OTR. We barely fit all six stops in, but the actual walking is pretty minimal, and along the way you keep passing other places you want to go back to. One small cocktail was included at the end of our tour, but you could order drinks at every place you stopped - which is probably why we ran a bit short on time. To be faster, bring cash so you can pay for drinks and tips without waiting for change or for a server to run a card. You will definitely not be hungry when you are finished, but you may just decide to stick around for music and drinks at one of the great bars in the area. Whether you live here or are looking for something to do with visitors or are a visitor yourself, this is a great way to spend an afternoon and support fantastic local eateries at the same time.
Dec 2020
My family of 6 really enjoyed this tour. Jackie knew so much about the history of the city. It was fun to learn a little along the way! All of the places we went were great. A lot of the tour was outside and when inside were able to maintain social distance. I'm looking forward to trying one of the other tours they offer. Highly recommend :)
Одговор домаћина
Dec 2020
Thanks for choosing Riverside Food Tours for your family holiday outing. I'm happy to hear you all enjoyed the tour and felt safe along the way. We appreciate your high recommendation and look forward to seeing you again.

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