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Цлеар Цреек Интермедиате Вхитеватер Рафтинг у близини Денвера

Кањон Цлеар Цреек је јединствен по количини и квалитету својих брзака. Има више брзака од скоро било ког другог комерцијално вођеног дела беле воде у земљи. Такође је слободан, што значи да се нивои воде мењају током сезоне, нудећи разна искуства. Поред рафтинга светске класе, он је такође дом златне грознице из 1859. године. Злато још увек проналазе у потоку неустрашиви рудари који користе тепсије и багере. Гости ће проћи поред многих локација од историјског значаја у вези са златном грозницом док се сплаваре на Цлеар Црееку. Цлеар Цреек је такође на погодној локацији у близини Денвера и других околних одмаралишта, што га чини савршеним излетом за једнодневни излет.
Цити: Идахо Спрингс
Sun 29 Dec
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Са почетком у $78.00
Sun 29 Dec
Са почетком у $78.00
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се трудницама<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имају најмање умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Учесници морају да имају 13 и више година<ли>Путницима би требало бити пријатно да се баве физичким активностима, укључујући умерено веслање и ходање
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Коментара (169)
Jul 2020
Man what an experience if you ever wanted to do this, we had people that were afraid to go and could not swim and still had a blast, Our guide Mark was awesome and patient as we messed up a few times, thanks again Mark. This was for sure the highlight of our visit to Colorado we are going back for sure.
Jul 2020
Aaron was the best guide... experience knowledge and cool under pressure. He made my first time experience memorable and wanting to go again. Bucket list item ✅
Jul 2020
These guys love what they do!! We took our family of 4 - Mom, Dad, 17 & 14 yo - to Downstream for some rafting. They hooked us up! All the necessary equipment, all the necessary (and less fun) safety (helmets, wet suits, paddle tutelage, etc.) and lots of enthusiasm. Okay, so riding a school bus (or any other bus/shuttle) to and from the put in and pull out isn't a total blast, but we were reasonably entertained by the crew/staff each way. Once on the river, KEVIN was our "Master Rafter" for the trip and he made it so easy for us!! Only afterward, when we leafed through the 40+ photos of our trip, did we realize how much he worked to assure we had a good time! Here I thought he was just way chill, which he was, but OBVIOUSLY he knew the river and knew how to handle our raft. Way props!! We paddled, we got wet, we dodged, we weaved, we LOVED the canyon. We earned our White Water merit badge!! Gimme some more!! Okay, this trip was definitely for novices, which, of course, the vast majority of us are. If you're looking to go all out on a white water death teaser then this ain't your jam. We were one of 4 boats in our group, plus a couple of other companies. It wasn't crowded but there is a certain amount of safety in numbers should you or anybody else fall out of your boat in the midst of rapids. This was greatly appreciated given my aforementioned city-slicker family of 4!!! It was, to be honest, perfect! Be safe, hop in, have a blast, hop out. KEVIN did all the heavy lifting and let us just enjoy the experience. I'd LOVE to try it again earlier in the season when the river is full with snowmelt - said the guy who almost fell out...TWICE!! And, when they ask you if you want to jump in the river off a rock, JUST DO IT!! It was July. Was it cold? HELL YES! but it was exhilarating, refreshing, fantastic and fun! DO. NOT. MISS. OUT! Highly recommend you hang in Idaho Springs after your white water surf! Beau Jo's has great pizza (honey dippin' for the crust!! CRIPES!!) and Tommyknocker Brewery is top-shelf if you're into craft brews and mac 'n' cheese!! There is a plethora of shops in and around Idaho Springs to peak the interest of the remainder of your party whilst you imbibe!!

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