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Цити: Бистра вода
Fri 04 Oct
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Fri 04 Oct
Са почетком у $26.99
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Загарантовано виђење делфина
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Коментара (592)
Lisa O
Aug 2018
As a reviewer stated previously, a probably drunk woman in the bachelorette party fell due to a wave hitting the boat. Not the tour company's fault. But this is where it ends and where the tour company needs to modify the way they do business such that one person cannot ruin it for all the guests. One, the EMTs should have evaluated her in 5 minutes and either let her go or got her off the boat. Two, Tropic Tours has their tours so close together such that an event like this doesn't allow enough time to leave the dock again and start the tour over. How do they not realize this? It's not just about getting your money back and calling it even, it's the fact people planned their ENTIRE day around this event and because they pack the tours too close together, any unforeseen event will cause the entire tour to be cancelled. These are poor business practices and leaves you vulnerable to some pretty ticked off guests. Then when I told them they suck (we were pretty cheesed by this point waiting on the dock for IDK how long while the EMTs evaluated this woman), the captain said to be respectful. Okay, but you see how you just ruined the excursion for everyone -- that's you being rude to everyone who planned their entire day around this trip and arrived 45 minutes early as you request (on the incredibly sunny, hot docking area). So yeah, people will be upset bc you can't spread out the tour times by an hour or so in order to have a buffer if something stupid like this happens. Then one of the crew towered over me and told me from about 3 inches to get off the boat. Then the woman who works the ticket counter said the same thing. Listen, we don't want to stay on your boat after the tour is cancelled but you need to allow people to vent when the trip gets ruined by a stupid woman too busy drinking and yapping to pay attention to warnings to watch out for the wake. Attempting to intimidate the passengers is really not good business practice. Apologize again, say "have a nice day" and that's that. Then the woman threatened to call the police -- I said, "go ahead". I mean, we are literally leaving the boat so by the time anyone arrives, we'll be long gone. Then she puts her arm across the ramp in an attempt to detain me. I moved it and she acted as though I had assaulted her. Again, you want me to leave yet unlawfully detain me. This could have gotten ugly really fast. She should never attempt to detain a guest, she's not law enforcement. We left and contacted our credit card companies for reimbursement. The fact they had guests stay around to get reimbursed is ABSURD. The other reviewer was far too patient after getting screwed over twice by this company. Based on the way they do business and react to unhappy guests, I wouldn't recommend this tour company to anyone. It's poorly run and managed and there are too many other places offering the same thing.
Samuel R
Aug 2018
I was visiting from out of town and the thought of just sitting on the beach bored me to death. My friend and I decided to take this tour on a whim and it was a blast, we got our money's worth out of the drink special and Sam the tour guide was really great! 10/10 would do again!
Aug 2018
This was my granddaughter and my first visit to Florida. We chose Tampa because of the beautiful location. We took the Tropics Dolphin Tour and loved it. We saw the dolphins up close with their babies. The crew was also fantastic. If we ever make it back to Clearwater Beach, this will be on the list to do again.

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