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Обилазак са посматрањем делфина у Цлеарватеру

Идите у потрагу за добрим делфинима на овом двосатном крстарењу од залива Цлеарватер на Флориди до прелепих, смарагднозелених вода Мексичког залива. Уживајте у грицкалицама и пићима доступним за куповину на броду и слушајте како ваш капетан истиче занимљиве чињенице о обали Мексичког залива. Виђење делфина је загарантовано!
Цити: Бистра вода
Sat 08 Mar
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Са почетком у $26.99
Sat 08 Mar
Са почетком у $26.99
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Загарантовано виђење делфина
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Коментара (592)
Vanesa L
Aug 2015
I regret took this boat even when I got a great deal on Groupon. Did not worth the money or time invested. Is mandatory for passengers to be there 45 minutes early for no reason. Tour was boring, not only for me. After first 20 minutes everyone was sitting, waiting to comeback. None happy faces around. Dolphin watching was almost nil, only some dolphins here and there in the distance, the crew tried to get the people excited about it but we all know we can see them better from shore. Crew was just fine, not super friendly but OK. Looks like the boat has not Permits to go farther from the marine area. Trip was going around the same places again and again for almost two hours. I took many trips like this one in the past, (my family visit me from out of the country all the time and They Love dolphins). Sadly I must say this one did not fill our expectations. Definitely made to take money from tourists as a first issue. In a last attempt to get more money from passengers, at the end of the trip a guy approached us with a cheap picture printed on board and acting like it was a gift until we said we like it, oh yes! when you want it they wanna charge you 10 dollars for it. Then I said no thank you, and let's just say that I did not like their attitude at all!
Theresa S
Jun 2015

I think I was expecting more from this experience but what it really was, was a boat ride around the bay. I didn't see any dolphins but some others said that they saw a dolphin poke their head up a few times. The boat ride only lasted about an hour due to engine problems, but we could give our name and reservation number to the office and come again for another ride. I wouldn't do it again even if free for the second trip. Live and learn.

May 2015
This wasn't the best dolphin tour in town for sure. I had bought the groupon which made it somewhat easier to tolerate the lack of experience this crew seemed to have. I've done several other tours where the captain of the boat knew exactly how to attract the dolphins and have them follow the boat jumping in the wake. This boat didn't go very far from shore and sat still a good bit of time. While we did see dolphins it was just by chance and we just watched them swim by. If I'm not going to get that great dolphin experience at least give me a good cruise out on the ocean. Didn't happen. Wouldn't recommend this even with the groupon. Also let me add that parking in this area was a nightmare. We circled the area for at least 30 minutes and finally broke down and paid $20 to park in a hotel parking lot as the $6 lots were all full.

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