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Обилазак са посматрањем делфина у Цлеарватеру

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Цити: Бистра вода
Thu 16 Jan
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Са почетком у $26.99
Thu 16 Jan
Са почетком у $26.99
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Загарантовано виђење делфина
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Коментара (592)
Judith S
Mar 2014

Was nice but would have liked to have seen dolphins up close, although I know can't control that. Wine on board which I paid for was horrible.

Jan 2014
I found a deal online for Tropics Boat Tours. I had purchased a Groupon to use at a great price. Me and my whole family were really excited to go! We found the Tropics Tour location and checked in right away. Once we were waiting for the tour, we saw a GIANT pirate ship right next door. Right away, I wished that we had scheduled the pirate ship rather than this little tour. There were so many places to choose from, but being from MInnesota, I had no idea that all these fun boats were all right next to each other. My kids started looking around, and all the other boats appeared to be MUCH more exciting than ours. Having said that, once we were on the water, we had a BLAST!!!!! I was so glad we chose this tour!!!!! The staff on the boat were incredibly friendly and very outgoing! They made you feel like you were a part of the tour, not just on the tour. Also, they were GREAT with getting the energy level up there! My kids just loved it! There was another family sitting in the front of the boat where we were, and their children were running, and climbing, and jumping all over the place. The captain had to tell them repeatedly not to stand where they were standing, and that was the only complaint I had. . .which had NOTHING to do with the tour, just the lack of parenting from this family! We saw many dolphins, and every sighting was a thrill! Not because it was a rare sight, but because the staff on board the boat just made you feel pumped up! They did a great job! Another thing I LOVED was that I expected to just get on a boat and see some dolphins, but they gave you INFORMATION about dolphins, the location, buildings, history, etc. Right up my alley! They even pointed out a restaurant and mentioned it was a great place to eat. . .so we went there for dinner that night! I can tell you that there are many boats, and many tours in the Clearwater area, and some of those boats look like a WHOLE LOT OF FUN, but this little boat was the ticket! As far as I'm concerned, good customer service plays a way bigger role than the bells and whistles of a fancy looking boat. SO GLAD we chose this tour and this company! They were awesome!
Carole S
Jan 2014

This tour was the worst tour we have ever been on. It should be advertised as a party boat, not a sightseeing boat. Their way of everyone having a good time on the tour was to push the alcohol. We like seeing nature and take these tours to learn more about the environment and see different things. We did see dolphins, however, the captain did not. Which was odd because the dolphins were practically beside our boat. Captain and crew too busy pushing alcohol. He stated that we did not see any dolphins and if we have our name, date, and time of the tour we could do another tour for free. Even for free, we would never do this tour again!

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