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Коди Вајо-Вилд Мустанг сафари и туре

Овај сафари дивљих животиња путује по нашој пустињи у Вајомингу и пустињи Вајоминга у хладном сафари камиону на отвореном. Погледајте из птичије перспективе наша валовита брда и занимљиве формације стена док слушате фасцинантне информације о нашем екосистему МцЦуллоугх Пеакс. пронађите наше чувене борбене пастуве на њиховој одређеној површини од 123.000 хектара, такође ћете сазнати о нашим праисторијским коњима у Северној Америци и како је настало садашње крдо дивљих коња. Слушајте забавну историју Буфало Била Кодија и историјског хотела Ирма, као и други познати планински људи који су били први бели људи који су путовали кроз ове крајеве. Наши врхови Мекалоу садрже широк избор малих дивљих животиња и главни су миграторни пут и подручја за размножавање антилопа виторог, јелена, жалфије, итд. Разговарамо о лишћу са прелепим дивљим цвећем и занимљивим тереном који је формирао наш вулкан и глечери који се повлаче.<бр>
Цити: Цоди
Sun 23 Feb
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Са почетком у $99.00
Sun 23 Feb
Са почетком у $99.00
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Бебе морају да седе у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности
Шта да очекујете
На овом сафарију са дивљим животињама ићи ћете у подручје управљања дивљим Мустанг стадом МцЦуллоугх Пеакс. На овој активности ћете добити стручно вођени обилазак фокусиран на историју наших познатих борбених Мустанга са МцЦуллоугх Пеакс-а. Док путујете по пустињи Вајомингса Пејзаж и Бадландс Вајоминга чућете забавне приче о старим планинским људима о Џиму Бриџеру и Џону Култору, као и информације о староседеоцима који су некада заузимали ово подручје. Разговараћемо о историји древних коња Северне Америке и о томе како су наши крдо дивљих коња се појавило на нашим просторима. Постоји велики избор дивљих животиња о којима разговарамо о њиховим миграторним обрасцима и осетљивом еко-систему који многе животиње називају домом. Док тражите дивље мустанге, уживаћете у прелепом пејзажу од снежних планина и широког спектра дивљег цвећа и другог биљног света. Уживајте у континенталном доручку или сјајној вечери док уживате у погледу на нашу сопствену беспућу Вајоминга
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (2)
Jul 2022
A fantastic wild mustang tour! We saw over one hundred of these beauties. Right when turned into the preserve there were 30 to 40 having water at one of the watering holes. Then we saw another 30 or so headed to the water. We ended with the best sighting a group above the water getting ready to travel hanging had their fill. Our guide terrific and we learned a lot about these beautiful animals. He also took us to the gorgeous canyon nearby - a mini Grand Canyon! A great tour - we highly recommend it!
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2022
Hi Kate, I’m sorry for the late response to your great review.We really appreciate it when guests take time out of their busy lives to write in.It means so much to small businesses that guests let us know how we are doing. I hope the rest of your Yellowstone vacation went well. Safe travels, Sunny
Debbie S
Jul 2022
I went with a group and our tour guide arranged this months in advance. She was ignored at the time of the event and prior to the event when she asked what we needed for the tour. The only thing she was told was we needed closed toe shoes. When we arrived then we were told needed a hat and also they overbooked it and one of our group almost didn’t get to go, until the drivers wife got off. Didn’t see them verify tickets and no one in out group signed the waiver. Also were not told there are no restrooms when we get to the area. Also they forgot the binoculars…I get no guarantee on seeing the wild horses but buyer beware, the website very much over inflates seeing the horses. My point is very poor customer service to our tour group leader and the group. Think they are missing an opportunity to sell hats… If you go not sure if another company does this…but wear close toe shoes, hat, and be prepares lots if wind on the ride, being ok to use a sage brush restroom, ask maybe physical obtain the binoculars as you get on the truck. As far as us not signing a waiver or taking roll that is on the business. It is like riding on a motorcycle up high without goggles. I would say that they need to be more honest on the webpage. They need some real work on customer service..add the need for hat and no restroom. I had a hat I am ok with the dealing with elements and not finding any horses. I am not ok when ignored, and the people doing the service appeared irritated we didn’t know about having a hat. Since they didn’t check tickets and heard they had 4 empty seats not sure if some people got in the wrong event or just didn’t pay, but that is on them. The trip would of been much nicer, even when we didn’t see any horses. If the tone wasn’t set with such disorganization and my experience of poor customer interaction.
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2022
Hello, I’m sorry that you didn’t have a good time.I was there personally and your group was late getting there and I had to stand with you and wait for the rest of your group to show up.So it was a bit chaotic because we had to send the tour that you were originally scheduled for on ahead without you and then we had to fit your group into the Safari tour which you didn’t pay for.Your group paid for the lesser tour.But instead of canceling your tour with no refund because you were late we still took you out to do the tour in a higher price tour and myself being the owner of the business stood right beside you for about 15 minutes while waiting for the rest of your group.Then because of we had to adjust your tour for you then I couldn’t go on the tour because we were trying to accommodate your group.Before giving a bad review next time check out which tour you were booked for,what time you’re supposed to check in and on every single page it says to wear closed toed shoes,bring water,and hats are recommended because you’re out in the desert where there are no bathrooms in the middle of nowhere and you had plenty of time while I was standing there talking to you that you could have gone to the bathroom. Try to bend over backwards for people🤦🏼‍♀️

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