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Цолониал Виллиамсбург Адмиссион

Сваки корак је прича! Уроните у револуционарне приче америчке историје. Са преко 300 хектара култних места, историјских таверни и музеја уметности светске класе, историја заиста оживљава у највећем светском музеју живе историје. Упознајте наше стручњаке који откривају прошлост да бисте боље информисали нашу будућност, уживајте у наступима уживо, упознајте талентоване трговце који се баве занатима специфичним за тај период и истражите наш град из 18. века на ивици револуције. Свака посета колонијалном Вилијамсбургу помаже да наставимо нашу мисију — да осигурамо да будућност може учити из прошлости.
Цити: Виллиамсбург
Sun 20 Oct
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Sun 20 Oct
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Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Виллиамсбург<бр>101 Виситор Центер Дриве
ШТАМПАЈТЕ ваучер и замените га у Центру за посетиоце Цолониал Виллиамсбург, 101 Виситор Центер Др., Виллиамсбург, ВА 23185.

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Број градске књиге: 34290
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<ул><ли>Доступно за инвалидска колица<ли>Бебе и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима<ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>У близини су доступне опције јавног превоза<ли>Одојчад мора да седи у крилу одрасле особе<ли>Опције превоза су доступне у инвалидским колицима<ли>Путници треба да имају барем умерен ниво физичке спремности<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, обуците се прикладно<ли>Вечерњи програми обухватају обиласке, представе, плесове, концерте и реконструкције<ли>Вечерњи оброци у колонијалним тавернама укључују шетње музичара и 18. века фаре<ли>Редовно дезинфициране области са великим прометом<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку<ли>Потребна вакцинација против ЦОВИД-19 за водиче
Шта да очекујете
Цолониал Виллиамсбург
Обиласци Гувернерове палате, Капитола и зграде суда са водичем за костиме Улаз на трговачка места, да видите и разговарате са стручним мајсторима, калфама и шегртима који се баве занатом из 18. века Улаз за свакодневне представе на позорници Цхарлтон и у дворани Хенаге Улазница у наша два музеја уметности светске класе Бесплатан паркинг у Центру за посетиоце Бесплатна услуга превоза
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Коментара (237)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Nov 2021
I met a college friend at CW not knowing what to expect and was delighted. It was the the day after Memorial Day so it wasn't very crowded and not everything was open because of COVID. Because of the relatively small crowds, it was calm and peaceful. We had a very relaxed, peaceful visit with lots of opportunity to interact with the costumed interpreters, particularly the crafts people, which was fascinating. I particularly liked that you could walk the grounds without having to pay admission, which allowed us to get our bearings the evening we arrived before spending a the day visiting the shops and exhibits. There are always criticisms that can be made of the presentation and interpretations at historical sights, but CW is very well presented and a quality experience. It was also a truly pleasant girls' getaway.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2022
Hi Jackie, thank you for your review of Colonial Williamsburg. Be sure to check out our special offers and promotions for future visits to Colonial Williamsburg. https://www.colonialwilliamsburg.org/visit/special-offers/
Nov 2021
I love CW and have been going for nearly 40 years. But it is different. It started to offer less pre-Covid and it’s even less so now. I think the programs with Nation Builders that are on the Charleton Stage are really well done. As was a play at the Museum with a young George Washington acting out a period during the earlier French/Indian wars. And the inclusion of less famous and common people’s voices and enslaved people’s. voices are important additions. But, it is definitely a much more subdued, quiet experience. Much less costumed actors waking around. Very few animals. Much fewer sights opened daily. You have to check the schedule to make sure you get to see favorites or things you’re interested in. The Mental Hospital part of the old museum entrance and Bassett Hall are not opened yet. Though the newly remodeled and rebuilt museum is very nice. My feelings this most recent visit was that there was much less attention to the details of running CW. Things didn’t seem as clean. There were areas behind houses and buildings that were untidy. There was more abruptness from employees in the historic area, though I’m sure they’re all tired from navigating all this past year plus. On the schedule for a Monday was a Foodways program to be going on in the palace kitchen. When I got to the kitchen it was shut up. I asked the person letting people in for the Palace tour. She just said ,”Oh yea there supposed to be open, guess they’re not. “ Later I found at another kitchen program , on another day, at the Armory that the employees had a conference they needed to attend. A simple sign would’ve been helpful and the employee in that area at the Palace that day should’ve been informed. Also the app was incorrect. It showed Chownings Tavern as opened throughout the week. It was never open that week. It did have a sign out front. But the App should have been updated. Raleigh Tavern bakery isn’t open everyday. Nor was the wagon snack area open every day. And when we went only Kings Arms was open a few days, limited times and reservations only. So really no where to get food or even a snack. I’d suggest carrying snacks and drinks with you. Yes there are places at Merchant Square but they got very crowded. There is a cafe at the Museum that was open daily. Overall I’d say, the programs still have quality. I believe that CW is still trying to navigate Covid. And doing their best, requiring masks indoors. But they do need to pay attention to details and if they’re going to be cancelling or not opening programs which are scheduled then they need to inform visitors. Same with the app, if they’re offering it, then it needs to be kept updated. And if they’re going to continue to charge the same entry amounts for reduced programming and activities then they need to make sure the colonial area is kept up, is clean and that what programs they do offer is top notch. I feel it’s still worth a stop, but not the only one. In that area are so many other wonderful historical places to explore, Jamestowne, Yorktown ( the museum there is great), across the James River on the free ferry there’s much history to explore. It’s an area worth exploring.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2022
Hello, thanks for visiting and taking the time to leave a review. We value customer feedback and are committed to the continuous improvement of our guest experience. We appreciate the detail provided to share within our organization.
Joseph P
Nov 2021
Third visit for me. First for my gal. The governor's mansion and the Capitol are excellent tours, for time porting to 1770's. The shuttle is very handy in getting around the spread out town. COVID has impacted the site.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2022
Thank you for your review of Colonial Williamsburg. We are delighted that you enjoyed your 5 star experience with a visit to the historic triangle. Our mission is "That the future may learn from the past." We do this through sharing our colonial history. Thank you for being a guest of Colonial Williamsburg.

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