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Обилазак кајака на Конгресној авенији Бат Бридге у ​​Остину

Доживите највећу светску урбану колонију слепих мишева која излази испод моста на Конгресној авенији! Ова колонија која се састоји од 1,5 милиона мексичких слободних слепих мишева је невероватан призор за видети и чути. Са места састанка, придружите се свом професионалном водичу у 18 часова, где ћете после веслати и посматрати једно од чуда природе и сазнати како ова ноћна створења помажу у стварању бољег екосистема за све. Обилазак траје 2 сата, а храна и пиће нису укључени.
Цити: Аустин
Mon 23 Dec
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Са почетком у $69.00
Mon 23 Dec
Са почетком у $69.00
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<ул><ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Путници би требало да имате барем умерен ниво физичке кондиције<ли>Ради у већини временских услова, молимо вас да се обуците на одговарајући начин<ли>Препоручујемо вам да носите купаћи костим, јакну од ветровке или лагано слојевиту синтетичку одећу<ли> ли>Понесите наочаре за сунце, шешир, крему за сунчање, водоотпорну камеру, флашу воде, средство против буба, пешкир и додатну одећу за пресвлачење
Шта да очекујете
Посматрање слепих мишева на мосту на Конгресној авенији
Видећете највећу светску урбану колонију слепих мишева која достиже врхунац од око 2 милиона слепих мишева током врхунца сезоне. Слепи мишеви полећу око заласка сунца и увек се крећу ка источном делу центра града.
Видећете бројне зграде на хоризонту Аустина, укључујући Хотел Ван Зандт, Аустониан Товер, и мноштво стамбених и пословних зграда.
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За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (98)
Sep 2022
The bats themselves and the way the city looks from the water is amazing! The tour guide was informative not only about bats but also recommendations on things to do. There were a few things I think are issues, we were originally told a location to meet at that I arrived to early only to then be told the location changed. I had already paid to get into the first location to hang out and wait. When I asked to please confirm the location as we were only told to meet under an overpass in a park, I had already arrived and paid for the first location. I was told it was only a 15 min walk from where I currently was and I had over an hour to get there so I had plenty of time. It was a really odd response like they didn't care at all. Now when I did find them and take the tour the trip there was great, informative and beautiful, there were a few breaks were the guides gave information and made sure everyone was accounted for. The way back is when it became concerning. We were simply told to turn around and kayak back. The guide in the front took off so fast I couldn't keep up even as a strong kayaker. Everyone at that point was on their own in the dark to get back. There was another guide in the very back but you couldn't find them. For a while I was alone and finally found a few people from our group who tried to stay together, there was a father who was concerned he wasnt sure exactly where his two teens were. Then I was left under a pitch black overpass to find my Uber ride back, the end of the trip was very disorganized and didn't come across very safe at the end. Another tour group had glow necklaces on at least that would have helped a little to keep people accounted for. All in all seeing the bats was fantastic but I would recommend doing it from a boat unless other measures are put in for the trip back.
Одговор домаћина
Sep 2022
Hi there we only have 2 bridges on our trip. It's actually almost impossible to get lost since it's point A to B and we aim you in the right direction. Many of our kayaks have blue lights on the side handles, but it is dark when we return so they are difficult to see at a distance. We put a guide in the very back in case you want to be next to someone and a guide in front to stay with the stronger paddlers or those who need to get back quickly. We will also always walk with you to get an uber if asked once everyone is on shore. We'll also typically offer once everyone is back on shore. Lastly, we've never had anyone get lost coming back in the 7 years we've been doing this. As for the wrong location we just changed spots and the guides are supposed to reach out 3 hours prior to launch to confirm. I believe Christel only reached out an hour and a half prior so for that I'm truly sorry.
Barbara A
Sep 2022
Really fun! Great for any age! Conner was funny knowledgeable the crew were kind and helpful would highly recommend
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
Thanks so much for joining us out on the water!
Sep 2022
Carlo(with no s) was an awesome tour guide and took great care of us. There were just 3 in our group so felt very personalized. We had a great night seeing the bats and learning about downtown Austin. The water did have quite a bit of runoff and was sometimes difficult to maneuver.
Одговор домаћина
Oct 2022
We'd love to tidy up the lake, but there is a lot of natural growth that definitely makes it harder to paddle! Thanks for coming out with us!

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