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Цреам Цити Цаннибал: Јеффреи Дахмер Валкинг Тоур

Као што се види на Би-Би-Сију, да, тај ББЦ. ова турнеја је толико језива, да ју је НБЦ назвао "Турнеја терора", а НЕТФЛИКС је ову турнеју изабрао као једну од осам најјединственијих авантуристичких турнеја на свету за нову серију: "Дарк Тоурист". Није за оне са слабим срцем! Тхе Цреам Цити Цаннибал Тоур је представљен у филму Џона Боровског; Култура серијских убица и користе га регионална универзитетска одељења за психологију и кривично правосуђе. Идите тачним стопама канибалистичког серијског убице Џефрија Дамера, где је криволовио 7 од својих 17 жртава. Препун прича о опрезу, психолошкој дисекцији и застрашујућим детаљима, Цреам Цити Цаннибал није за финту срца. На отвореном, киша или сјај.
Цити: Милваукее
Mon 23 Dec
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Mon 23 Dec
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Коментара (16)
Jun 2022
This was the worst tour I've ever been on! We started inside a cigar bar that was so thick with smoke our eyes were burning and it was too difficult to breathe. Five minutes in that bar and we reeked like cigar smoke for the rest of the night. Despite looking a lot like Jeffery Dahmer, our tour guide had little knowledge of the actual man. I knew so much more after watching one documentary on Netflix. Our guide was so bad! He knew so little about Jeffery Dahmer! Most of the places Dahmer frequented are boarded up and gone. Halfway through the tour we were encouraged to go back into the smelly cigar bar and buy stuff. Ugh! At the end of the tour the guide encouraged us to tip him! It was such a rip off and a huge waste of time. Afterwards I learned that the victims families were not happy about the tour. I wish I never went on it.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Hi there - We're so sorry to hear that you did not enjoy your experience on our CCC Tour. Shaker's Cigar Bar is, in fact, a cigar bar, and where the tour meets to begin. As the only historical cigar bar in Milwaukee, it is one of the many things that we are nationally and internationally known for. We understand that it is not everyone's taste, and I'm so sorry that it was so bothersome for you and your party. However, that is part of the business that we run. Perhaps our Whoring 20's walking tour would be of better interest to you, as it does not meet at our establishment and is entirely outdoors. Unfortunately, as a historical tour, yes - most of the places that were once standing are no more. Time does pass, and buildings do change, especially ones that had certain reputations. However you should have still been taken down the blocks that were Dahmer's actual hunting-grounds, been told about the places where he found victims, and seen the few establishments he frequented that are still around to this day. The guide that you had, seeing as you said he was male, is one of our newest guides. We regret that he fell short of your expectations, and can assure you that his knowledge and expertise will improve as our other guides' have. Learning our very many tours is a lot of information to retain as a newbie. Mention of our merchandise is a part of his job, and just like any service industry worker, our guides do heavily rely on tips (although it's not expected - many do remind). Some loved ones of the victims, and Milwaukee in general, weren't pleased to hear about the tour as much as I'm sure they're displeased with any show special, movie, and serial killer infamy. Their reservations about the tour have since been quelled after learning of how we discuss Dahmer's victims and their stories, and bring light to the huge failure of the system at the time. In no way do we glamorize a person as heinous as Dahmer in our tour. I hope my explanations can provide you some different perspective on your upset. Perhaps next time you can reach out to us directly, instead of writing such a defaming review, and we can do more to help rectify your negative experience.

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