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Пешачки обилазак уклетих пабова ноћног пузања по историјском округу Саване

Ми смо ОРИГИНАЛНИ обилазак уклетих пабова у чувеном историјском дистрикту Саване, који ради сваке ноћи од 1996. Наша матична база је чувени Сик Пенце Пуб, познато уклети бар са енглеском темом у центру Саване. Наши професионални водичи за приповедаче имају деценијама комбиновано искуство деле убедљиве приче о језивим догађајима и предању о духовима у Савани. Наша шетња покрива око 2,5 миље од величанствено лепих (и ужасно уклетих!) тротоара и тргова у Савани. Пошто је легално пити на улици у Савани, пролазимо кроз прегршт понекад чудних, понекад историјских барова за пиће за шетњу. Напомена: пиће НИЈЕ укључено у улазницу. Само гости старији од 21 године могу да учествују, што ово чини обиласком духова САМО ЗА ОДРАСЛЕ!
Цити: Савана
Mon 18 Nov
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Са почетком у $30.00
Mon 18 Nov
Са почетком у $30.00
Шта је укључено
Посетите уклета и сабласна места у савани усред наших бујних градских тргова и живахне сцене ноћног живота
2-часовно ноћно обилажење уклетих пабова у историјској савани
Зауставите се у до 4 локална паба и бара у Савани
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Допуштене су животиње за услуживање<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све физичке способности нивои<ли>Минимална старост је 21 година<ли>Апсолутно није дозвољена деца (без беба)<ли>Савани је истекао мандат за маску од маја 2021. Невакцинисани се охрабрују да предузети мере предострожности како би осигурали њихову личну безбедност. Обиласци ће бити ограничени на око 20 људи (10 мање него што град дозвољава на пешачким турама.)
Шта да очекујете
Обилазак уклетих пабова језивих пузава
Ваш професионални водич ће вас упознати са 4+ локална бара и многим другим уклетим и сабласним локацијама у савани усред наших бујних градских тргова и сцене ноћног живота, све док пијете пиће које треба да идете! Чућете приче о активностима локалних духова на разним овим локацијама док уживате у језивој лепоти Саване након мрака.
Политика отказивања
За потпуни повраћај новца, откажите најмање 24 сата пре заказаног времена поласка.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (664)
May 2019
You know how sometimes you go into a restaurant and order something, like maybe a glass of tea, and when you get it, you just don’t care for it. It’s not what you wanted. Others may be sitting around having the same tea and seem to like it; they’re actually enjoying the tea. It’s not bad tea; it’s just not the tea you had in mind. The creepy crawly pub tour was like that for me. I’d wanted a haunt tour that gives you that slightly spooked feeling that you get walking home late at night, as you walk past the dark, wooded area, when, even though you don’t believe in ghosts, as the wind starts rustling everything around you, you’re suddenly less certain there’s not something sinister lurking out there after all. Some humor would be fine, certainly. Some history would be welcome. But to me, creepy crawly had too little creepy and too much corny. It was my Shazam of haunt tours. My sons loved Shazam when it came out this year. I hated it. Thought it was too jokey. Borderline hackneyed. But lots of people liked Shazam. And lots of people in our group - probably 10 of the 15 or so present - seemed to like creepy crawly. They were laughing. They were having a good time. They were entertained much as a crowd might be at a theme park listening to an over-the-top southern belle character deliver a light hearted tale of some historical event with a few puns, a few tongue-in-cheek scary references, and a few too many (for my liking) “why sir! Ah do declare’s.” All of the references to ghosts or spirits were followed with a wink and a nod, a joke and a pun, to verify neither the guide not any of us on the tour took such things seriously. I didn’t necessarily want to take them seriously ... But I wanted a great ghost story, a little uncertainty, an unease, that maybe, just maybe, out there in the shadows, just on the periphery of our vision - that whatever was moving may have just been the wind but also may have been something sinister, something foreboding, that caused me to walk a little faster, a little more nervously, to get back to the safety of the next pub to laugh it off and rekindle my courage. Creepy crawly wasn’t bad. Others enjoyed it. It was just unsweetened tea with a packet of artificial sweetener when what I’d wanted was real southern sweet tea.
May 2019
Had a mostly good time on this tour. Our guide went into character while telling the stories which really brought things to life. The only reason I won't give it a five is because we tended to linger at the bars a little too long. We spent nearly half an hour at one with no story to occupy all that time.
Jean W
May 2019
it was presented with a sense of humor. There were 5 stops on the tour with 3 stops being at bars, 1 stop along Factors Walk to see the caves built into the wall and the 5th stop being at Colonial Cemetery. The tour guide appeared very knowledgeable, presented the stories without trying to dispel legend or lore, and left it up to us to decide what we wanted to believe. The tour ended in Johnson Square where she talked about the mysterious lack of Spanish Moss in the trees, elaborating about the City of Savannah even using cherry pickers to place moss in the trees in an effort to get it to attach and grow just to have it completely gone by the next day - possibly because General Nathaniel Greene is buried there and hated the stuff! It was a fun tour lasting just over 2 hours. Everyone seemed to be there for the entertainment factor and nobody took the tales too seriously.

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