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Цристал Ривер Манатее плива у националном резервату за дивље животиње Кингс Баи

Сусрети се са угроженим западноиндијским ламантијем у идиличном уточишту за дивље животиње Кингс Беј у Кристал Риверу. Ваши капетани и водичи са лиценцом обалске страже Сједињених Држава одвешће вас у воде уточишта на 600 јутара који се напајају изворима ради посматрања и роњења са овим пријатељским, радозналим, нежним дивовима који се споро крећу. Сва опрема, накнаде и пића су укључени.
Цити: Кристална река
Tue 22 Oct
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Са почетком у $79.81
Tue 22 Oct
Са почетком у $79.81
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<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све путнике.<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Одела за мокре су доступна у све величине од малишана (2 године и више) до одраслих до 5Кс<ли>Препоручује се да имате купаћи костим испод одеће за бржу пријаву<ли>Молимо да понесете пешкир и пластична кеса за држање ваших ствари<ли>Деца млађа од 3 године нису дозвољена на овом обиласку. Позовите за друге опције. <ли>После ЦОВИД-19 Политика – Водимо рачуна да темељно чистимо водена возила између посетилаца.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфикујемо места са великим прометом. области<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
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Коментара (1000)
Aug 2019
My husband, teenage daughter and I joined a Manatee Swim in July. Despite an extremely early start to our day this was probably the high point of our vacation. From our welcome at River Venture's offices to the swim itself everyone was friendly, professional and fun. This was our first time snorkelling but it proved easy to get the hang of. I came with low expectations as summer is not "manatee season" but our experienced captain (John B) quickly found a group of these lovely animals and we were in the water and floating above them in no time. Despite their size manatees glide through the water and I believe that if you are not looking down you could easily be unaware of their presence beneath you. The manatees were voraciously grazing which allowed us to not only see them, but to hear them too. They sound similar to a cow chewing on grass - just underwater. There was also a baby manatee looking for its mother and checking out the other manatees and swimmers. It was a privelege to share the water with the manatees - although on the whole they seemed oblivious to us. Swimmers are not allowed to touch them, but the reverse is not true so some in our group were fortunate enough to be "kissed" by a curious manatee. River Ventures is a fantastic company. The tour was good value for money and we were able to purchase a USB with photos taken by our guide (Crystal). This meant we could spend our time in the water simply enjoying the moment and not have to take our own photos. It was the perfect start to our day.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2019
Thank you so much for this awesome feedback! John and Crystal are two of the best, and we are so glad they were able to make the trip so memorable!! We make such an effort to not only be respectful of the animals, but to act as a role model and positive example for others. It makes us happy that you noticed!! Please come see us again, you can always ask for the same crew.....they truly appreciate visitors like you!! Make sure to call when you return, so you can get our repeat customer discount!! Thanks so much for your support, peace and blessings to your family!
Aug 2019
My second day in a row of swimming with the manatees, I would love to do this everyday! Captain Ross and captain John went beyond their responsibility to help us experience manatees in their natural habitat. My husband does not swim and has a fear of water but with the help of captain John he got in the water and snorkeled with the manatees! Their love for the manatees and crystal rivers is seen in all they do!!! Manatees have been my favorite animal as a child but I never had the experience of looking one in the eyes till today!!!! Something I will never forget!!!They are such a majestic animal...we must share this so everyone can learn to protect theses amazing animals! A must do for ALL!!! This is the best place!!!
Buffy G
Aug 2019
This was absolutely amazing! Wade and Trisha were great. We all had an amazing time. Saw 4 manatees up close for nearly an hour. The photos they take are breathtaking. I highly recommend this. Best thing we did on our week long vacation hands down

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