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Цристал Ривер Манатее плива у националном резервату за дивље животиње Кингс Баи

Сусрети се са угроженим западноиндијским ламантијем у идиличном уточишту за дивље животиње Кингс Беј у Кристал Риверу. Ваши капетани и водичи са лиценцом обалске страже Сједињених Држава одвешће вас у воде уточишта на 600 јутара који се напајају изворима ради посматрања и роњења са овим пријатељским, радозналим, нежним дивовима који се споро крећу. Сва опрема, накнаде и пића су укључени.
Цити: Кристална река
Mon 21 Oct
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Са почетком у $79.81
Mon 21 Oct
Са почетком у $79.81
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Коментара (1000)
Jul 2019
First off, if you were thinking Summer is not a good time for a swim with the manatees, you would be wrong! We were very hesitant and did a ton of research before deciding to move forward with our booking. Their are lots of tour operators to choose from, however we decided on River Ventures based on their great reviews (more on that later). Our tour took place on July 6. Though the early morning tour is preferred due to less crowds and manatees being more active, we went with the 9:15am tour as it was a 2 hour drive from where we were staying in Kissimmee. This proved to be a great choice as the manatees did not disappoint. Upon arrival we were greeted at the office and welcomed in to hang out with their new dog, Grizzly. He was great with everyone. If you are not a dog person that is ok, as he will leave you be. We watched a 5 minute video on how to handle the manatees then were quickly fitted into wet suits, hopped in a shuttle for 2 minutes to the bay, and were assigned a boat with a captain and guide. We had one family of 5 with us, making it a group of 10 total with the guide. We were very fortunate as we had Wade and Trish as our captain and guide. If you are allowed to make a request when booking your tour, we highly suggest this pairing. After boarding the boat and setting off, we received some direction on how to swim (float!) with the manatees. Wade received a tip as to where we could see a mother with her calf, and as all boats went left, we went right. Within a few minutes they spotted the pair and we spent about 30 minutes watching and interacting with these amazing animals without any other groups in sight. From there we got back into the boat, went over to another area, and again were the only group in the water with another male, female, and calf. With Wade at the helm and Trish being assertive in the water, they helped create the most amazing experience we could have ever imagined. Thank you both for contributing to the highlight of our trip (this tops Disney, Universal, or any other attraction you can think of doing in Florida). Well worth the money, and is a fraction of what you would spend at the other attractions. Skip the zoo, SeaWorld, and even Animal Kingdom, and go enjoy wildlife in its natural habitat. I highly recommend having your own GoPro or similar action camera with waterproof case. We took the most spectacular videos which will help us remember this wonderful experience. However they do sell waterproof cases for your cell phone at the office as well. Thank you to the entire River Ventures team!
Jul 2019
I went with my brother, his fiancé, our dad, and myself. We had a amazing time! We’d never been on a manatee tour before and I honestly couldn’t believe the experience we had. We went on our tour on 4th of July so the waters were full of boats that day, but we still saw about 15 or so manatees! The last set of manatees we saw had a calf in the group who was extremely friendly. The calf kept grabbing onto us with his clippers for hugs and brought his face right to ours, he was so curious and sweet. I didn’t think we’d have such a interactive close up experience. It wasn’t just the manatees alone though! All of the staff were so kind and friendly, even when first walking in they offered us drinks or anything to make us more comfortable while we waited to board up for our tour. While on the water passing by other boats our captain and guide were able to give us backstory about the locals and local landmarks. It was interesting to see how close knit the local community was, and the way boating is one of the main resources in the area. I can’t remember our captains name though I believe it stated with a S, and our guide Jose, were super friendly as well. They had plenty of snacks and drinks on board for us, and were so funny to speak with. They were extremely knowledgeable and took every opportunity to make sure we had everything we needed for a great trip, they were constantly checking on us, and asking for anything we may want to see or try. They were even able to recommend some local places within the town to eat and explore. It was amazing one of the places they recommended to eat was actually a place my dad had been to as a kid with his father who recently passed. He didn’t even know it was the same place until we saw the yard in front of the restaurant. It was a great opportunity to relive some meories. I’m so happy we were able to share this experience together. I’m going to be planning another trip soon with my mom and step sister!
Jul 2019
My family of five (kids ages: 14,11, 7) went this morning and had a blast! John and JJ were our guides out on the water, but every employee we encountered was fabulous. John drove the boat expertly and our group of 10 was able to swim/float with a manatee right away. (We took the 6:15am tour) JJ was very patient with everyone in the water - especially my 7 year old when her snorkel mask wasn’t quite fitting her face right. We spent a good amount of time in the water with the manatee and still had time left before we had to go back, so John took us to another area called the Three Sisters. No manatees there, but we had the entire area to ourselves and we snorkeled to the springs. The water was crystal clear and we saw fish and birds of various sorts. JJ took a ton of pictures and we felt the price for the flash drive with all of the pictures was well worth it. He’s a great photographer, too! I would recommend this trip whole-heartedly!!

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