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Цристал Ривер Манатее плива у националном резервату за дивље животиње Кингс Баи

Сусрети се са угроженим западноиндијским ламантијем у идиличном уточишту за дивље животиње Кингс Беј у Кристал Риверу. Ваши капетани и водичи са лиценцом обалске страже Сједињених Држава одвешће вас у воде уточишта на 600 јутара који се напајају изворима ради посматрања и роњења са овим пријатељским, радозналим, нежним дивовима који се споро крећу. Сва опрема, накнаде и пића су укључени.
Цити: Кристална река
Sat 19 Oct
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $79.81
Sat 19 Oct
Са почетком у $79.81
Шта је укључено
Стручни водич
Употреба опреме (маска, опрема за роњење и мокро одело)
Пића (флаширана вода, кафа и топла чоколада)
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Цене за одрасле важе за све путнике.<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Одела за мокре су доступна у све величине од малишана (2 године и више) до одраслих до 5Кс<ли>Препоручује се да имате купаћи костим испод одеће за бржу пријаву<ли>Молимо да понесете пешкир и пластична кеса за држање ваших ствари<ли>Деца млађа од 3 године нису дозвољена на овом обиласку. Позовите за друге опције. <ли>После ЦОВИД-19 Политика – Водимо рачуна да темељно чистимо водена возила између посетилаца.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфикујемо места са великим прометом. области<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни за редовно прање руку
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Коментара (1000)
Mar 2019
The experience was absolutely amazing! Every employee of the tour were extremely welcoming, helpful, and knowledgeable about manatees and their ecosystem. Our four kids are ages 9 yrs and above and good swimmers. You are given wet suits and a noodle for the encounter. The water is always between 72-74 F due to the fresh water springs. We were with Megan, our amazing swim guide, and Capt. Stark, who guided us throughout the Crystal River with ease. We were within inches of these gentle creatures, even mothers with their nursing babies! The Three Sisters Spring, one area we were blessed to swim in this tour, was beyond words! The absolute clarity of the water and the "screen saver" beauty of the spring is one that will never be forgotten. Megan swam the whole tour with us, guiding us to the best encounters with the animals and teaching us all about them and their home. Coffee, soda, hot chocolate, water, and little snacks were provided on board. Megan was wonderful as a guide, but she even gave us more! She photographed the entire tour, with short videos of our experience! We could be in the moment and not have to be distracted by attempting to take pictures. And the result? Professional and art quality photos! We bought the 100+ photos/videos on an USB port for less than $40.00. Our kids talk more about this tour than all the time we spent at Disney World and Universal Studios! As a mom, I would not recommend this tour for very young children. You are in the natural environment of these beautiful creatures and will have an lifetime experience if you follow the guides and the instructions given. Quiet, calm, and respectful is a small request to be a guest in the manatees' home. Our family has fallen in love with these extraordinary animals and are so grateful for the opportunity to meet them up close. Everyone at the tour truly love and care for these animals, and it is reflected in this tour. The 3 hours flew by! Best family adventure we've had!!!
Mar 2019
Our family have stopped going to zoo and Seaworld. We do not approve of keeping wild animals in "jail" for our pleasure. But we love watching animals in the wild, and so we opted for swimming with manatees I the wild. The information before going to the river was really good. We were told to respect the manatees and never force ourselves on them. The experience was amazing. Since the weather has been really warm lately, the manatees believe it is summer, and a lot of them have left the warm springs in the rivers. We were lucky enough to find a female who was feeding and moving about. We swam with her for at least half an hour. (Lost track of time, so it could easily have been more). Got lots of great pictures and video. Wayne and Trish were great guides and captains and made the trip even better.
Mar 2019
Even though many manatees had left the springs due to the warm temperatures, our crew (Mike & Rhonda) had a keen eye and found us a larger pregnant manatee quite quickly. Their knowledge and instruction was excellent, and Mike was extremely patient and helpful while in the water. Also, Mike's magic flask warmed your cockles after the swim. Highly recommended experience. We are sure to be back.

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