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Ципресс Спрингс Ецо Адвентуре

На само малој удаљености од плаже Панама Цити налазе се неки од најлепших хладних извора северозападне Флориде. Постоји обиље ствари које можете видети и радити изнад и испод кристално чисте воде док возите кајак, роните на дах и истражујете овај јединствени екосистем уз наше информативне и забавне водиче. Извори су природни, храњени пећином и остају хладни од 70 степени током целе године са видљивошћу преко 100 стопа. Удаљите се од плаже и откријте одличан начин да побегнете од летње врућине уз Цолдватер Екцурсионс.
Цити: Панама Цити Беацх
Wed 23 Oct
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Wed 23 Oct
Са почетком у $100.00
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<ул><ли>Не препоручује се путницима са повредама кичме<ли>Не препоручује се путницима са лошим кардиоваскуларним здрављем<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Ова тура мора имати најмање 6 гостију да би се одржао.<ли>Постоји мало веслања узводно тако да деца млађа од 10 година треба да буду у пару са одраслом особом.<ли>Кану, кајак или СУП преферирају МОРАЈУ бити обавештени у тренутку резервације<ли>Молимо вас да у тренутку резервације обавестите шта желите за сендвич (месо, сир, зачини и хлеб)<ли>Обавестите нас о било каквим алергијама<ли>Обилазак у 8:00 је 6 сати, у 11:15 обилазак је 5 сати.<ли>Маске за лице су потребне за водиче на јавним местима<ли>Друштвено дистанцирање се примењује током искуства<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе
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Цолдватер Екцурсионс
Погледајте знаменитости док вас воде низ Холмс Цреек до прелепог извора слатке воде, Ципресс Спрингса, у кануу, кајаку или на дасци за веслање (СУП), у зависности од ваших жеља. Ваш водич ће бити са вама током целог путовања да би подесио и демонстрирао сву опрему и да вам помогне да максимално искористите своје искуство на Ципресс Спринг-у. Откријте најбољи начин за роњење са подводним скутером; обавља сав посао пливања за вас тако да можете да уживате у лепоти испод површине и да роните без напора. Документујте своје искуство са ГоПро-ом, са носачима за сваки посао који нећете пропустити ни тренутка. Опустите се у луксузу и дозволите нам да за вас обавимо сав тежак терет, паковање и постављање. Уђите у авантуру уз Цолдватер Екцурсионс
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (291)
Jun 2020
We have been coming to PCB annually for over 20 years. With so much happening and limiting our “getting out” with coronavirus concerns, I started looking for other options for things to do during our week stay. I found reviews for Coldwater Excursions and the more I read, the more I knew this was something I wanted to do with my family. Our ages are adults to 16, with three college students, one recent high school graduate and an upcoming high school senior. I kept the excursion a secret until the night before because I knew we were doing it for sure, and I didn’t want anyone complaining about “missing beach time” and hurting my feelings! Lol We met at Publix and had about a 30 to 40 minute drive to the river with Josh, who was such fun to talk to and super conscientious of his job and making sure we were comfortably seated (asked if anyone got car sick and offered the front passenger seat) He answered all our questions, and we had a ton! Once we got to the river, we got into our kayaks and the real fun began! Our guide Jason was just as wonderful as Josh ... super helpful, super informative ... and also super kind. We kayaked for about twenty (more or less) minutes and arrived at Cypress Springs. Do not think that the pictures have been remotely “doctored” or “filtered” in any way... the water is just as pretty as the pictures... the only thing you can’t capture is how cold it is!! But even I was able to adapt to it and enjoy swimming, snorkeling, using the GoPro and I even got to try out paddle boarding with my daughter, thanks to Jason who gave us the 101 on how to do it correctly! My kids and their friends all agreed that this was the best idea and hope to make it a tradition... Everything really is wonderful and thought of before you even get there... from protective pouches for your phone to sun screen to goggles and snorkel tubes... lunch was yummy and made to order... The ONLY thing I regret about the reviews I had read that left me feeling unprepared was making sure I allowed extra cash for tips. Fortunately we had others in the group who could help make sure we tipped well, but if I had read it ahead of time, I definitely would have made sure to have extra myself. So be sure to allow extra for TIPS! They deserve it!! Y’all need to do this. The water is beautiful and refreshing and as Jason said, it’s so nice to have a break from the sticky sand and salt water but still swim in absolutely beautiful water while on vacation! Thank you guys for the most fun day... This Mississippi crew had a blast. ☀️☀️☀️☀️☀️
Michelle D
Jun 2020
Gabriel was a great guide - the spring and creeks were absolutely beautiful as well. It was our family’s first time kayaking and paddle boarding - no problems! The water is crystal clear and shallow throughout. The tour provides everything needed from sandwiches to towels and chairs. This was the unexpected highlight of our family vacation!
Mynette Vanacor M
Jun 2020
Family of 11 ( ages 6 to 52) had the best time at Cypress Springs with Cold water Excursions The paddle to the springs was so nice, slightly challenging due to down trees but that made it more fun in my opinion. The springs were beautiful! We got to the springs early on a Monday morning and had the place to our selves for good while. Cold Water Excursions supplied EVERYTHING for us. Towels, Chairs, underwater scooters (which my son and grandson used the entire time), Go Pro, Lunch and even sunscreen. I was impressed! Our guides Jason and Travis were super nice. Even the van ride from and to PCB to the springs was fun as the driver made jokes and let us take over the radio. Book this tour! You will not be disappointed. .

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