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Обилазак стадиона Даллас Цовбоис са превозом из центра Даласа

Уживајте у обиласку новог фудбалског стадиона Даллас Цовбоиса са водичем који укључује превоз из центра Даласа. Овај огроман нови стадион изграђен је да импресионира све који уђу. Са једним од највећих видео екрана на стадиону данас, Каубој стадион је један од најскупљих спортских објеката икада изграђених, са процењеним трошковима у милијардама.
Цити: Даллас
Sat 09 Nov
Можете одабрати датум већ на веб страници за резервације
Са почетком у $102.56
Sat 09 Nov
Са почетком у $102.56
Шта је укључено
Повратни превоз до стадиона Каубоји из центра Даласа
Приступ терену стадиона (зависно од догађаја и утакмица)
90-минутни обилазак стадиона Каубоји са водичем који води водич за обилазак стадиона
Укључени порези и накнаде
Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Дојенчад и мала деца могу да се возе у колицима или колицима.<ли>Допуштене су услужне животиње<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>ОБЕЛЕЖИТЕ ПРЕ РЕЗЕРВАЦИЈЕ: Улазнице за обилазак стадиона Цовбоис су веће када се купују унапред, а не на датум путовања директно на стадион. Ова цена је оно што је укључено у ваш пакет за обилазак стадиона и превоз.<ли>Укупно време са обиласком стадиона и повратним превозом је приближно 3 сата (време путовања зависи од саобраћајних услова).<ли>Обилазак стадиона траје приближно 90 минута.<ли>Приступ овом терену стадиона није загарантован. Приступ зависи од догађаја и утакмица на стадиону.<ли>Маске за лице потребне су водичима на јавним местима<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Превозна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли> ли>
Шта да очекујете
АТ&Т стадион
Упознајте свог водича у ЈФК Мемориал Плаза пре поласка у Арлингтон, ТКС где се стадион налази. Када стигнете, обиђите овај велики стадион, радио кутију, ложе за штампу, приватне апартмане, канцеларије Цоттон Бовл, Др. Пеппер Стар Бар и Фонтану Форд Мотор Цомпани. Свака од ових области ће сигурно импресионирати, али права забава може почети када уђете на терен. Док стојите на терену и бацате лопту, осећаћете се као звезда. Затим, баш као што то чине играчи после утакмице, одлазе у свлачионицу, собу за интервјуе после утакмице, па чак и виде злогласну свлачионицу Далас Каубојса навијачица. Уживајте у невероватној 2-сатној турнеји у којој ћете се осећати као звезда!
Политика отказивања
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (43)
May 2019
The tour didn’t totally suck but there were many aspects of this that were misleading and totally inadequate for the price. This isn’t a tour by “Fun Dallas Tours”. They pick you up along with other tours, drop you at the stadium for a tour run by a guide there and pick you up a few hours later. Issues specific to “Fun Dallas Tours” are: 1. You are paying $100 / person. Face value of the actual tour was $27 (maybe some tax on top but the tour company is probably also getting a discount). So you are paying $70+ for a 15 minute drive each way. Pricey even for 1 person but there were 4 of us. 2. Pickup was at 10am. We arrived at the stadium at 10:15AM. Our tour was not until 11:30AM. Pro shop didn’t even open until 11am. So there was lots of hanging around with nothing to do. The driver tried to kill a bit of time with a ‘bathroom break’ at a local fast food place but had to leave us at 10:30am to continue with his other tour. 3. Tour itself is 1 ½ hours and finished at 1pm. Pickup time was 1:30PM. The tour was running late from Fort Worth so we were picked up at 2PM and back in Dallas at 2:15PM. EVEN IF IT RAN ON TIME THIS IS NOT A 3 HOUR TOUR AS PER THE TITLE. We had somewhere else to be and had expected to be back in Dallas at 1PM. Good point: 1. Johnny our driver was very interesting and informative on that 15 minute drive on his knowledge of Fort Worth. We had done the Dallas/Fort Worth tour with this company (but a different guide) the previous day. That guide was OK but 15 minutes with Johnny was much better. Wish we’d had him for the full day tour! The actual tour (run by stadium staff) is just ok. The guide was passionate and interesting. The stadium is the same size at the main stadium in Sydney (where we live) so the size didn’t have that ‘man this is huge’ factor for me but being indoors and still fairly new it is definitely very impressive. The biggest issue was being April it’s not Football season so the turf had been removed. You couldn’t even go onto the field (it was concrete anyway), we could only look from the side. So whilst this is obvious in hindsight the tour is advertised as: “the real fun begins when you walk onto the field. As you stand on the field and throw a ball, you’ll feel like a star”. It really should be clear that this is only at very limited times during the year. I think the tour fee (by the stadium) should be much less when you can’t go on the field as that is why everyone is there. The guide felt embarrassed that everyone came to stand on the iconic Cowboy star on the field and it’s not an option. I felt a bit bad because no one tipped him because of this (there were around 40 in the group) but we’d already paid $400 for this (which in Aussie dollars is almost $600 so a huge amount for us). Overall the tour description her needs to be corrected and the tour needs to cost less.
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
Dear Guest,First and foremost we would like to thank you for your review regarding your At&t /Cowboys Stadium tour.And ofcourse offer our apologies if this tour misled/did not meet your expectations in anyway' in comparison to your stadium in Sydney,Australia,it has never been our goal to rival or compare the two stadiums against each other,or to ever mislead or inconvenience you or our guest financially or of what the tour consists of-..#1.Our At&t stadium tour we offer for the past 10+ years that its been open to the public is offered as a convenience to visitors that do not want to bother with searching for the location ,not staying in or near Arlington.#2(Cost/transportation/time-Being that interstate I-30 is the main highway traveled from down town Dallas to Grandprarie(Horse raising/Lone Star Park/Arlington /6 Flags Amusement Park/Texas Rangers Baseball Park/Hurricane Harbor Water Park /At&t stadium Dallas Cowboys Football and our main bloodline from DT Dallas To our sister city Ftworth We never know for sure about time allowed dew to sporting event traffic/construction/auto accidents/Amusement/Water park traffic /and being we have around one thousand ppl a month relocating to the metroplex this highway is known to become a PARKING LOT AT TIMES. traffic commuting to Ftworth.Depending on the day/accidents/weather/contruction etc.it could take 30min.to an hour to commute to stadium.You also booked threw a 3rd party and a small fee is added.When ppl.call our company directly from Arlington ,or near the stadium we always make it a point to bring it the ATTENTION they are near stadium and might want to do it on there own/the mass majority decide to go with our company dew to convenience/on Holiday/vacation and its not an issue.The fact of the matter is an uber/Lyft from Downtown Dallas to Stadium will be 50.00 +round trip depending on events at the time could be double that.#3-At&t Stadium private tours/Stadium guide's/Tickets. Our company also pre-orders ticks via email and pay a fee for that as well being depending on day/time of the year/booked tours visitors tickes/times when purchased at front gate/window are NEVER guaranteed.We also apologize for any inconsistency with the stadium opening later on Sundays,our guests not being able to go on the playing field (at certain times)that has ABSOULETY nothing to do with our company.Last but not least our 1#goal and commitments at Fun Dallas Tours over the past 20 years is to go above and beyond,give our guests the best possible kind,welcoming,genuine service and to never ,ever mislead anyone on the convenience,service and prices on our tours, what we offer our amazing,wonderful guests .Thank you again for this review ,good ,indifferent,or bad these reviews help us to grow and become better everyday.I hope this reply was as clear,honest as possible on every issue/complaint you may have had about your At&t Stadium tour.Thanks and Best regards
Apr 2019
This one is the most spectacular Stadium over the USA, Dallas Cowboys, air conditioning, the places of seat, the ambient and the parking are really funny for stay all day since morning until end of game. The beer and food are some Expensive, same like parking. Expensive the beer and food, but good size for the price.
Apr 2019
My wife and I visiting from New Zealand weren’t quite sure when we booked this tour but it was a great surprise.The lady who showed around was very informative and the stadium itself is mind boggling.All the nooks and crannies we were able to go and see and what a pleasure being allowed down onto the pitch
Одговор домаћина
Apr 2019
Thank you very much for the positive review on your tour with us. We are glad you got the chance visit the home of our Cowboys and enjoyed the VIP experience at the stadium. Once again, thank you for choosing Fun Dallas Tours and we hope to have you back in Dallas soon.

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