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Дана Поинт Еко-сафари за посматрање китова и делфина

Окупите породицу, децу и пријатеље да се придружите најбоље оцењеној активности посматрања китова у округу Оринџ, са ексклузивним подводним подводима за посматрање. Више од 20 година пружали смо најјединственија и еколошки најприхватљивија путовања за посматрање делфина и китова како бисмо видели величанствене плаве китове, сиве китове, грбаве китове, китове пераје, китове минке, а повремено и орке (китове убице), китове пилоте, лажне убице Китови и још много тога. Пет врста дивљих делфина се такође виђају током целе године, укључујући мега-чауре са до 10.000 делфина! Плус морски лавови, морске птице, па чак и ајкуле. Отићи ћете из Дана Поинта, дома једног од најразноврснијих морских еко-система на свету. На нашем ненатрпаном катамарану високе технологије уживаћете изблиза у личном посматрању делфина и китова уз стручну нарацију, бесплатне колаче са троструким колачићима и још много тога.
Цити: Дана Поинт
Sun 05 Jan
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Са почетком у $100.00
Sun 05 Jan
Са почетком у $100.00
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Декларација о китовима - придружите нам се поново бесплатно у року од једне календарске године ако не видите делфине или китове
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<ул><ли>Послужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно<ли>Улазак у подводне контролне чауре захтева коришћење степеница налик мердевинама. Особе са инвалидитетом или ограниченом покретљивошћу могу имати потешкоће.<ли>Времена путовања могу да варирају у зависности од датума.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфиковано високо-дезинфиковано. саобраћајне површине<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додаци
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Фотографије путника
Коментара (376)
May 2022
The good: we saw tons of dolphins, very close to the boat. Jumping out of the water, swimming right by the boat, etc. My 7 year old son claims he counted 421. It was pretty incredible. :) The bad: we didn't see any whales. The ugly: the waves were big and the boat was so rocky, my four year old daughter was scared and crying for the first half hour of the ride (didn't help that it was super windy and loud on the boat). My two year old got motion sickness and vomited twice. I tried to walk to the front of the boat to go into the underwater viewing pods but was too queasy and had to go back to our bench on the back of the boat. My husband and son made it into the pods - said it was a cool view with dolphins right by the windows, but getting to the pods required crawling through a small space and to look under the water had to basically lie down on their bellies (because the water level was halfway up the window). The movement of the boat was felt very strong there so would not be good for anyone with motion sickness. It was not what I imagined / hoped for - a gentle boat ride, a few steps down to the viewing pods and looking out the windows at dolphins. I just wanted the entire ride to be over. Just a warning / reality check for anyone else who had visions similar to mine and might also be prone to motion sickness. The annoying: they take your photo and print it during the ride, if you want to keep it, it's $15. Then days later I got an email with a link with an option to order the digital version (for an additional $18). For such an expensive ride, it feels annoying to be nickel and dimed, to feel like a company is trying to extract every dollar. I already purchased the printed version, couldn't they just give me the digital? In conclusion: a once in a lifetime experience because I don't want to do that again. My 7 year old wants to go again but it won't be with me. A woman sitting next to me (also with daughters who were feeling nauseous) said she was glad she could check this off her list. FYI - it's very windy and cold when the boat is moving fast, I actually brought our winter jackets and was glad we had them
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Hi Sharon, thanks for taking the time to provide your detailed feedback. I’m so sorry that you felt the trip rated only 2 stars, because here at Capt. Dave’s we take pride in our 5-star experiences! It’s so unfortunate that the conditions did not agree with you. Usually in this area the ocean conditions are mild, and the twin hulls of our catamaran provide more stability overall as compared to a monohull boat. Our captains also didn’t note unusual conditions for the day of your trip. Normally for guests who may be concerned about seasickness, we recommend our early-morning safaris when the ocean is the calmest. We also sell different remedies like Dramamine at our check in area. I’m very sorry that you and your children felt unwell! I’m so glad that you enjoyed viewing the beautiful wild dolphins during your safari. We wish we could have shown you some of Dana Point’s year-round whales too, but nature is unpredictable and so the sightings on each trip varies. The Underwater Viewing Pods are special compartments built into the underside of each of the hulls on our catamaran Manute’a; about 2 adults or 3 kids can fit at a time. There is cushioned padding on the bottom, and windows on both sides – each pod with 36 square feet of bullet-proof glass from which to view the animals! Once the trip encounters wildlife, our crew opens the hatches to these pods and our guests take turns descending the ladder to enjoy the eye-to-eye perspective of the dolphins and whales. It’s even possible to hear the dolphins’ clicks and whistles! This feature is exclusive to Capt. Dave’s. Since ocean conditions and animal encounters vary, this part of the experience is different for each guest. I’m sorry you weren’t able to check them out. Regarding the photo, please rest assured that we are not trying to nickel and dime our guests. We do offer the different portrait options, but there is never any pressure to purchase either, just a notification. Once again, thank you for your review. We hope you will consider joining us in the future, perhaps on an earlier trip for a smoother ride. We would love another opportunity to show you why we have a reputation for 5-star dolphin and whale watching trips!
May 2022
Fantastic trip!! Hope to do again. Didn’t see a whale but those are hard to find. Hearing the dolphins underwater was amazing!
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Hi Brooke, thanks for the review and high rating! I’m thrilled that you enjoyed viewing and hearing the lovely wild dolphins during your recent safari with Capt. Dave’s. We hope you can come out with us for another adventure soon!
May 2022
Captain Dave's is awesome. We have been MANY times and will continue to do so. Their staff is great---friendly, knowledgeable, fun to be around, AND Mrs. Dave's brownies at the end of the trip (everybody gets one) are yummy. Whether you live in the area or here on vacation, I highly recommend you take a trip with them.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2022
Hi Dennis, thanks for the wonderful review! We always enjoy having you on board for our unforgettable dolphin and whale watching trips. We appreciate that you continue to choose us for top-notch service, up-close wildlife sightings, and of course, Mrs. Capt. Dave’s complimentary triple-fudge brownies! Thank you for the strong recommendation. We look forward to seeing you again soon!

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