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Дана Поинт Еко-сафари за посматрање китова и делфина

Окупите породицу, децу и пријатеље да се придружите најбоље оцењеној активности посматрања китова у округу Оринџ, са ексклузивним подводним подводима за посматрање. Више од 20 година пружали смо најјединственија и еколошки најприхватљивија путовања за посматрање делфина и китова како бисмо видели величанствене плаве китове, сиве китове, грбаве китове, китове пераје, китове минке, а повремено и орке (китове убице), китове пилоте, лажне убице Китови и још много тога. Пет врста дивљих делфина се такође виђају током целе године, укључујући мега-чауре са до 10.000 делфина! Плус морски лавови, морске птице, па чак и ајкуле. Отићи ћете из Дана Поинта, дома једног од најразноврснијих морских еко-система на свету. На нашем ненатрпаном катамарану високе технологије уживаћете изблиза у личном посматрању делфина и китова уз стручну нарацију, бесплатне колаче са троструким колачићима и још много тога.
Цити: Дана Поинт
Sat 16 Nov
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Са почетком у $100.00
Sat 16 Nov
Са почетком у $100.00
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Лиценцирани капетан и професионална посада
Америчка обалска стража прегледала и цертифицирала пловило
Декларација о китовима - придружите нам се поново бесплатно у року од једне календарске године ако не видите делфине или китове
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Додатне информације
<ул><ли>Послужне животиње су дозвољене<ли>Опције јавног превоза су доступне у близини<ли>Погодно за све нивое физичке спремности<ли>Деца морају да буду у пратњи одрасле особе<ли>Ради у свим временским условима, молимо вас да се обуците прикладно<ли>Улазак у подводне контролне чауре захтева коришћење степеница налик мердевинама. Особе са инвалидитетом или ограниченом покретљивошћу могу имати потешкоће.<ли>Времена путовања могу да варирају у зависности од датума.<ли>Средство за дезинфекцију руку доступно путницима и особљу<ли>Редовно дезинфиковано високо-дезинфиковано. саобраћајне површине<ли>Опрема/опрема дезинфицирана између употребе<ли>Транспортна возила се редовно дезинфикују<ли>Водичи обавезни да редовно перу руке<ли>Бесконтактно плаћање напојница и додаци
Политика отказивања
Све продаје су коначне. Није могуће поврат новца за отказивање.
Фотографије путника
Коментара (376)
Jul 2021
The cruise was fun, saw no whales but lots of dolphins. The captain and the guides were very nice. The brownies are amazing. Only thing I was disappointed in, and this is a big deal with Covid being rampant again, is that I booked the cruise because the website said all Covid precautions in place including “ small groups, hand sanitizer and mask required for unvaccinated”. The group on the cruise we took was HUGE no seats left on the boat at all, no hand sanitizer anywhere and there were at least 15 kids under the age of 12 on the boat (meaning too young to be vaccinated) and not a single one with a mask. Since my daughter is immune compromised We need to be very careful which is why I booked with this company and I saw NO Covid precautions at all. Very disappointing since they advertised them on their site. We almost left and asked for a refund but we had driven 2 hours so we wore masks and tried to avoid the kids running all over.
Одговор домаћина
Aug 2021
Hi Ms. Nordman, thank you very much for sharing your concerns with us. It’s great to read that you had fun and liked our Captain and crew. However I’m so sorry that you were disappointed with our Covid precautions. Due to California lifting all capacity limits and physical distancing requirements for businesses, we no longer have Covid-related capacity restrictions on our vessels. But all of our safaris have always been uncrowded and each trip aboard Manute’a, the catamaran that you were on, is and always has been limited to 49 passengers. Compared to some other companies and their “cattle boats” with standing room only, this is a small group tour. We also have other vessels that are limited to even fewer passengers. No trip is overcrowded and there is seating for everyone, with opportunities to comfortably view the wildlife from anywhere on the boat. We have aligned with current CDC and CDPH guidelines regarding distancing and masks. We ask our guests to agree that they are either vaccinated or will wear a mask during the trip. We recognize that each individual and family’s situation is unique and there are widely varying viewpoints regarding Covid and masks. It can be a difficult situation for a company to navigate, especially regarding parental rights over what their children are required to do. I am extremely sorry that you felt uncomfortable and that our health and safety measures did not meet your expectations as you were trying to protect your daughter. We have addressed the lack of hand sanitizer with our crew, as there should have been some readily available for you. We do have hand sanitizer gel stations on board, and we have instructed our crew to point those out during the safety speech. There are also hand sanitizer stations available at check-in. In addition, we have clarified our mask policy as it relates to children who cannot yet be vaccinated. We really appreciate your valuable feedback which gives us the opportunity to improve. And we would definitely love to see you and your family again for more amazing marine wildlife sightings!
Jul 2021
Great staff! Very informative! We didn't get to see any whales, but we got to see some dolphins, sea lions, seagulls and some tuna! Unfortunately, sea conditions didn't allow us to go underneath to view the dolphins, but it was still a great experience!
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Hi Crystal, thanks for the positive feedback! I’m thrilled that you had a great experience with Capt. Dave’s recently, viewing the beautiful wild dolphins and more in their natural habitat. I’m also glad you enjoyed our crew’s informative narration. I hope you can join us again soon – we’d love for you to be able to check out the Pods and see some of Dana Point’s year-round whales too!
Jul 2021
Excellent entertaining and extremely knowledgeable staff. We’d recommend this trip highly to anyone .
Одговор домаћина
Jul 2021
Hi Kathie, thanks very much for the review and recommendation! It’s fantastic that you were entertained by our staff during your recent dolphin and whale watching excursion. We appreciate the high rating and hope you can join us for another unforgettable adventure soon!

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