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Историјски обилазак острва Дауфуские из Хилтон Хеда

Ушушкано између острва Хилтон Хед и Саване и доступно само бродом, острво Дауфуски је прави драгуљ. Ово 4-сатно путовање на острво Дауфуские пружа увид у фасцинантно поглавље историје Ловцоунтри-а на неразвијеној страни острва. Упознајте локалне занатлије и научите богату историју Индијанаца, европских досељеника, трговине памуком и културе Гула. Препоручујемо вам да носите одећу која одговара временским приликама и понесете воду, грицкалице и крему за сунчање. <бр><бр>Имајте на уму: Наш обилазак је потпуно структуриран и не укључује заустављање за ручак.
Цити: Хилтон Хеад Исланд
Sat 09 Nov
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Sat 09 Nov
Са почетком у $115.00
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Коментара (458)
Mar 2021
We booked this through Coastal Discovery Museum which said it was led by a naturalist. It was not. Our captain had bad allergies and coughed—a lot. Not his fault, but it hardly made for a nice time. We docked at this decrepit little shack bathroom and closed restaurant. Nothing like the nice dock by the nice houses. This place was sketchy. As far as the guide sanitizing anything—we saw no sign of that. He could barely keep his mask on. It was interesting to see and learn about the historical sights, but the “arts” tour was to see two white guys who sell overpriced artwork that has nothing to do with Daufuski Island—it’s just where they chose to set up shop. Went by a soap makers place, but they must not give kickbacks to the tours because our guide did not stop there, nor did he mention anything about it. Boat ride was longer and colder than expected. Next time we go, we will rent our own cart and see just what we want to see and skip the white transplant artists. There must be some local artisans there who make things actually from daufuski.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2021
We greatly appreciate your feedback. Sounds like you went out with Captain Pete, he is a certified naturalist and an incredibly knowledgeable Daufuskie guide. (While he does have chronic allergies, he was also the first on our team to be fully-vaccinated!) Daufuskie is certainly a different world. There is one side of the island with multi-million dollar homes and the other, more authentic side of Daufuskie. The historical sites on Daufuskie focus mostly on the history of the Gullah community, while the artisan studios are mostly transplants, some coming from multi-generational Daufuskie families. We do not receive kickbacks or commissions from any sales on Daufuskie. At Outside, we make a huge effort to be engrained in the community there, supporting the local economy of the island. We’d love to hear more feedback from your program & find a solution. Please contact our COO Jordan Treadaway at [email protected] or by phone at 843-686-0148.
Mar 2021
A bright sunny day for learning the history of Gullah people on fascinating Daufuskie island! Captain Pete knows it all. We really enjoyed our day..bring a light waterproof jacket if it's windy.. we LOVED the boat ride and waterfront tour of some incredible houses.. I'm really happy that we took that guided golfcart tour.. compared to do it yourself style.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2021
Learning about the historic Daufuskie Island from Captain Pete is a great way to get to know the area. We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed your experience. Thank you for the review and we hope to see you back outside!
Mar 2021
We had an interesting trip with Captain Pete. Note that the crossing boat is fairly small (not a big tour type boat), which gave us the chance to see things on the water more easily. We had many dolphin encounters both on the way over and back, which was an unexpected (and not guaranteed) experience. The tour had history, literature (for fans of Pat Conroy) and visited several artists studios. Well worth a visit.
Одговор домаћина
Mar 2021
Thank you for the review. Captain Pete certainly has a great deal of knowledge about the historic Daufuskie Island. We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed the history and ecology of the area and look forward to seeing you back on the water!

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