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Историјски обилазак острва Дауфуские из Хилтон Хеда

Ушушкано између острва Хилтон Хед и Саване и доступно само бродом, острво Дауфуски је прави драгуљ. Ово 4-сатно путовање на острво Дауфуские пружа увид у фасцинантно поглавље историје Ловцоунтри-а на неразвијеној страни острва. Упознајте локалне занатлије и научите богату историју Индијанаца, европских досељеника, трговине памуком и културе Гула. Препоручујемо вам да носите одећу која одговара временским приликама и понесете воду, грицкалице и крему за сунчање. <бр><бр>Имајте на уму: Наш обилазак је потпуно структуриран и не укључује заустављање за ручак.
Цити: Хилтон Хеад Исланд
Thu 07 Nov
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Thu 07 Nov
Са почетком у $115.00
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Коментара (458)
Feb 2020
My husband, brother and his wife and three other people were on the boat with Captain Peter, Monday, Feb 3rd. Captain Peter, explained that you should use the restroom, since you would not find one for another hour and a half. He was extremely knowledgeable. He explained his credentials and assured us that we would be well taken care of. He did not disappoint. he spotted dolphins and stopped as one came right up to the boat. What a photo op. The weather was perfect on Monday. The boat could accomodate up to 12 passengers. When we reached the island, he got the golf cart and had Chris, the other passenger go with him to get an additional golf cart. There were four in our Cart with Peter driving. Chris, had the other group in his cart. Peter, would stop and explain the various sites. He provided water , apple and a granola bar. We stopped at the setting of Pat Conroys novel The Water is Wide. It was the school where Pat taught. Monday, the coffee shop in the building was not open. We did see two women making beautiful indigo creations. Cannot explain how wonderful the experience was. Peter, did a great job. He truly loves giving the history of the island. He even stopped and introduced us to Brownie, the horse. He asked if we wanted to feed Brownie. Be sure and make your reservations early. The tour goes rain or shine. I was thankful we had good weather. He also explained how a clubhouse is now empty and the homes that were going to be built flopped. A definite must if you want to see gullah area. Will suggest this to clients coming to Hilton Head. You would not want to rent a boat and try and do the island on your own. Outside Hilton Head tours is the group to use and hopefully, Captain Peter will be giving the tour. Forgot, he also stopped at a potters studio and another craftsman that made metal sculptures. The first Union African Baptist Church was also on the tour. It is still open on Sunday for services. You will love the history and will want to return the next time you are in Hilton Head.
Feb 2020
Wonderful tour, A great value. Captain Peter B. was extremely knowledgeable and passionate about the history of the island. You will not be disappointed with this tour.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
"You will not be disappointed with this tour." Love hearing that review. So glad you had a 5-star experience with Captain Pete. He truly loves the Daufuskie way of life and enjoys sharing it with others. We hope to get you on another tour soon! Abby, PR Manager [email protected]
Jan 2020
Our tour guide was Captain Pete. He was great! He was very knowledgeable about the island, he has a passion for the history, and a great respect for the residents. This wasn’t a hokey tour; we learned more about HiltonHead and the history here. Before we left the dock, Captain Pete made sure we had time to use restrooms, as the first one would be 2 1/2 hours away. He asked each of our names and shook our hands. He was very personable. He gave us his bio and we were pleased to hear he had been doing this for a long time. He also let us know where safety equipment was on the boat. I felt comfortable being on his boat. Once underway, He stopped along the way when we spotted dolphins. That was neat. Pete knew the island so well, And the people. We very much enjoyed this and would recommend it. Get Captain Pete if you can.
Одговор домаћина
Feb 2020
Captain Pete sure does know his stuff. Love that you enjoyed your time with him and got to experience real Daufuskie. We hope to see you on another tour again soon. Abby, PR Manager [email protected]

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