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Историјски обилазак острва Дауфуские из Хилтон Хеда

Ушушкано између острва Хилтон Хед и Саване и доступно само бродом, острво Дауфуски је прави драгуљ. Ово 4-сатно путовање на острво Дауфуские пружа увид у фасцинантно поглавље историје Ловцоунтри-а на неразвијеној страни острва. Упознајте локалне занатлије и научите богату историју Индијанаца, европских досељеника, трговине памуком и културе Гула. Препоручујемо вам да носите одећу која одговара временским приликама и понесете воду, грицкалице и крему за сунчање. <бр><бр>Имајте на уму: Наш обилазак је потпуно структуриран и не укључује заустављање за ручак.
Цити: Хилтон Хеад Исланд
Sun 03 Nov
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Sun 03 Nov
Са почетком у $115.00
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Коментара (458)
Elaine F
Jun 2019
I’ve been going to Hilton Head almost every year for about 15 years and this was just about my best history experience yet. The Captain and tour guide, Pete, was very knowledgeable about the area, and very warm and friendly. There was not a question he couldn’t answer. He definitely made the trip. Also, the content of the trip was interesting, and the style of the drip was designed to be fun for a diverse audience. My only critique for the whole trip was the that the description of the trip that I read said that there was a “cruise” to the island. There was a very nice boat ride in a small speed boat, but it was a little rough. I’m young, and enjoy a a little bit of pitching and bumps, but i did have back surgery a while back and the trip was jarring enough that i asked to be seated in the back on the trip back, which totally fixed the problem. So if you don’t like fast rides on an open boat, where you might get a little wet, and you don’t like being bumped around, you should probably sit in the back or else reconsider. However, it didn’t really bother me.
Одговор домаћина
Jun 2019
We're thrilled this was your best history trip to date! Captain Pete is incredibly knowledgeable about Daufuskie and the entire Lowcountry. Great bit of advice about sitting in the back if you prefer less bumping as you cruise the local waterways. We thank you for choosing Outside this year! Abby, PR Manager [email protected]
Marylou F
May 2019
This was a highlight of our vacation - started with a educational 45-minute boat ride to a private island, followed by a guided kayak tour with AnneLiza. Our guide had so much knowledge of wildlife on the island and pointed out so many things to us along the way! We learned a lot about the eco systems in the saltwater marsh areas, oysters, crabs, and even saw a mamma and baby dolphin up close! We cannot say enough about our tour guide - she made it so interesting and fun! She also gave us great tips for places to go on the island which was an added bonus! Spending the day on this nature tour was so good for all of us! We Highly recommend it and will come back again to Outside Hilton Head!
Одговор домаћина
May 2019
"Highlight of our vacation"! What a great review for Anneliza! Sounds like a truly 5-star experience. We appreciate the great review and can't wait for your next trip! Abby, PR Manager [email protected]
Kathy F
May 2019
My husband and I greatly enjoyed our afternoon tour of Daufuskie Island with J O, our guide who grew up on the island. The hour long boat ride over was fun and a little bumpy and we saw plenty of birds and even a couple of dolphins! Riding at a leisurely pace in golf carts, we explored the interior of the island stopping at historical sites, a few shops, and a winery. It was a very pleasant way to spend the afternoon. Remember your sunscreen. While the island has plenty of shade, the boat ride has plenty of sun.

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