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Цити: Национални парк Денали
Fri 08 Nov
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Fri 08 Nov
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Коментара (229)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Elizabeth M
Aug 2017

So fun driving a jeep through Denali National Park. We saw some moose but due to the weather were unable to see Denali Mt. McKinley. My husband and I shared a jeep with a nice couple from the UK who were a little nervous to drive on the right side of the road. Also a bonus was being picked up from our hotel McKinley Chalet and returned there afterwards. Great guides!

Bryan S
Jul 2017

Great time, wish the weather had complied and made for a more scenic journey but the guides were a wealth of knowledge and made the best of the weather!

Jul 2017
I'll first say that we were very much looking forward to this excursion and thought it was going to be one of our favorites, but disappointingly it was not a favorite but the worst. There were 4 of us in our party and I am a previous jeep owner, we love jeeps and off roading. All four of us from 18-55 yrs old rated this as our least favorite excursion of the 9 excursions that we did. We chose the jeeps to avoid the crowds on the buses into Denali, but looking back, we'd much rather have done that and that's saying a lot as we booked private tours most of our whole trip to avoid the crowds. Our first complaint is that the road you travel is almost exactly the same scenery as the car, bus or train trip up from Whittier! We drove up from Whittier and took the train back and it's really deja vu. Trees close up to the road, a lake and not a whole lot of difference. Then, once you turn around, you get to see the exact same scenery a second time. Our guide told us it would look different going back....Nope, looked the same. Our second complaint is how one guide wasted an incredible amount of what could have been drive time talking about himself and where he was from...blah, blah, blah, at each of the pull offs we stopped at. Oh my goodness, we are not paying over $40 an hour per person to hear about him! Some folks might like that but I'm paying to SEE and DRIVE a scenic route not to hear our guides autobiography. Also, there would be 3 or 4 groups sitting in or at their jeeps waiting to go to the next place while he was still chatting to the ones that would listen wasting our precious jeep and driving time- please stay attended to all the people in your tour! Another waste of time was the "snack" stop which was a LONG stop of again, listening to him going on and on... only to be followed by a restroom stop a few minutes after. Why not give out the snacks at the restroom stop so we don't have to stop so often to hear people talk about themselves when we can accomplish that over the CB radio's? Get a hint when 1/2 your people are standing at the jeeps ready to go and your still yapping on to the few others that are listening. We felt like since there was no wildlife to be seen, they were just trying to fill our time with fluff vs more driving. No one can fault them for no wildlife viewing, but come on, we aren't paying to hear your life story. Now onto the wildlife, since most of the trees are right up against the road it's very hard to see past them to even try and see wildlife. However, our friends went on the Denali buses and said you see way more meadows and fields and they saw tons of wildlife from the buses. I asked our second guide about that and she said the animals in Denali are used to seeing buses and people and don't hide as much. Boy, I wish we knew that before hand. Our friends got to see a bear and her cubs, moose, and caribou and even though some were farther away, being that the trees by the road are more cleared, they are easier to spot. We only got to see a ground squirrel on our tour. Actually, we saw more wildlife on the road up to Denali than on this tour. We saw a bull moose, a female moose and a black bear all on our way up. So, our advice would be to save yourself time and money by seeing the same scenery on your way up via car, bus, train, then save the money and put it toward a helicopter tour, a longer bus ride into Denali which are less crowded, the husky homestead.... actually anything else would be a better use of your time and money.

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