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Цити: Национални парк Денали
Fri 08 Nov
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Fri 08 Nov
Са почетком у $185.99
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Коментара (229)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Poonam S
Jul 2017
You get to drive a Jeep along with 8-10 other Jeep following or leading you on Denali Highway adjacent to the park for about 100 miles. All that we saw was a porcupine in the name of wild life. The guide kept saying she saw multiple animals just last week however I guess we were not very lucky. The only worth scenic place was the gas lake stop. The guide went on talking about things which do not matter to the tourists (eg. Her personal encounters with animals which sounded straight out from story book). The roads are gravel so expect a bumpy ride. Though the guide wanted to drive at a speed limit of 50, she was driving at around 60-80.
Jul 2017
Great time with Jensen and Adam! Learned a lot about the area and saw moose! Highly recommend the Denali Jeep tour. I think the kids enjoyed that much more than a bus tour.
Kelli R
Jul 2017
Anticipating an "Alaskan wildlife safari," I was extremely disappointed when the only wildlife we saw was on the Parks Hwy near the Denali National Park. It was a cow moose and her twin calves. It was very exciting to see them so early in the excursion, which added to the anticipation. However, anyone driving by in their private cars could see the same moose family. All of the tour was on a publicly accessible roads: Parks Hwy and Denali Hwy, a gravel road that any car could easily traverse (the speed limit was 50 MPH). Nothing about the trip was off road or required a Jeep to access. The tour guides did a great job keeping the group of Jeeps together, and during the tour, our lead guide shared facts about the park, geology, flora and fauna, as well as local wildlife. There were several stops along the way for bathroom and snack breaks, and photo ops with the mountains in e background. However, every time we got out of the vehicles, we were assaulted by mosquitoes -- bug spray apparently was not included in the $169 per person excursion fee. After spending the previous day on the Tundra Wildlife bus tour in Denali National Park, all the information was a repeat and the lack of wildlife in comparison to the bus tour where we saw caribou, Dall sheep, and Grizzly bears, compounded by the striking cost differential ($260 for two adults on the 8-HR bus tour versus $338 for a 4-HR Jeep excursion) had me suffering from buyers remorse. Do the bus tour instead of the Jeep tour. In short, save your money, folks. If you can't do the bus tour in the park but want a narrated tour on publicly accessible roads, print off a bunch of Wikipedia articles about moose, caribou, bears, Lynx, etc., and have the person beside you read them as you drive. Every once in a while, claim that a log floating in a pond is a river otter or a duck swimming is a beaver, and you'll have just about the same experience while not spending so much money. If you want a true Jeep adventure, go to Moab, Utah and rent one for the day ($200). Go off-roading in the canyons.

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