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Цити: Национални парк Денали
Wed 06 Nov
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Wed 06 Nov
Са почетком у $185.99
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Коментара (229)
Отворите у Гоогле мапама
Sonia C
Jun 2015
This trip was a great way to see Denali. No big 40 person bus where you can't get out. We had 3 jeeps with 4 people in each. Jeff did an outstanding job as tour guide. His passion for Denali was so evident that you could not help get excited. He took us to the best spots for photographs, spotted a moose in the water for us (we would have missed it I am sure) and gave us so much history and information about Denali. Next time we will do the 8 hour tour as we could have gone on forever except for having to leave for next city. Fantastic job and kudos to the company for having excellent jeeps in great condition. You can tell there is real pride in this operation.
Laurie A
Sep 2014
We had a great time on our tour with Denali Jeep Excursions and though the weather didn't cooperate with seeing some of the spectacular views that were there, it was still a great time. The jeeps are comfortable, the ride into the back country is spectacular and our guide Jeff was very accommodating, knowledgeable and passionate about showing us the best time he could. The roads were also fairly decent considering where we went and the trip was perfectly fine for my 84 year-old father to go on! We would definitely do this tour again, however this time we will wait until we get to Denali so that we could pick a day to go that has good weather forecast. Thanks for a great time!!
Aug 2014
My girlfriend and I took this excursion and thoroughly enjoyed it! We weren't expecting a rough and tumble Jeep experience (we got that on the ATV tour...see other review) but still wanted to get off the beaten path. Our guide, Jeff, really made the tour fantastic! The Denali highway is a minimum maintenance road that's off limits to rental cars and RVs due to its condition and remoteness. Therefore, this is the only way to see it unless you go against your rental contract. The wildlife can be sporadic. We had just missed the Caribou, which stick around through most of June. We did see lots of Moose. There is the possibility of Bears, which we did not see. Jeff was a great guide! Very informative and throughout the entire tour he didn't repeat one fact or topic. I am not exactly sure how he kept moving from topic to topic without repeating anything! He also stops at various vantage points for amazing photos opportunities. Jeff will also take lots of photos with his camera so make sure to give him your email to get copies of them if you wish. They turn out great! We tipped him a extra because of all the photos he took! This is a great trip if you want to get behind the wheel of Jeep and see some amazing scenery!

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